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Your Sigil Results, this stuff works!

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posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by MastaG

MastaG, wonderful you want to try! The two things that got us started were this talk:

and the longer explanation of sigil specifics from Grant Morrison's site:

From what our little group has experienced, sometimes the ones done with an attitude of utter disbelief and lack of "magickal discipline" work the best! Good luck and try to make sure what you ask for could never do anyone else harm or disfavor. Do come back and post your results. They can take time but they DEFINITELY WORK!

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:05 AM

And last (but by no means least!) you Keep Silent about what you've been up to. Let us digress here just long enough to say that Keeping Silent means much more than just not chattering to other people about your workings. It means you do not allow your Conscious Mind to chatter away to Itself about them either.You keep your Self silent and wait without worrying or monitoring or measuring or counting, utterly confident that eventually, usually in the most unexpected way, your Will shall be done.

I looked up Sigil Magick via a few other threads and upon all it says that you must not speak about your workings. OP can speaking about them bring you bad karma or the opposite of what you wished.

Just trying to cover your back dude. Dont want you telling us lot what you been up to then your luck gets bad

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by thesaint

Gosh! Thank you thesaint! Personally I'm not going to go into much detail for just that reason. On the other hand, I am interested in this kind of thing more as a means of popular empowerment and education rather than personal use.

While I am sure that keeping silent about it makes it far more efficient, the fact is I would like to hear other people's opinions and experiences first before going away and doing it silently again. As such, if even one person goes away after reading this thread and has a positive experience with sigil magick then I'll be happy.

Anyone who doesn't want to talk about doesn't have to and I suppose this thread will therefore not be seeing many posts from uber sigil workers but its still fun to exchange stories and encourage experimentation.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Kupios
Of course!

This link above is EXCELLENT! What an amazing guy. This is all you need to get started. If you want more detail got to his site:

This links to Jim Morrison video...what does this have to do with magic?



posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Ok, LOL! Having trouble with the link.

Just look for Grant Morrison talking at a lecture. The talk is 45min and well worth the watch!

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by dAlen

It's the 4th video on that page.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Kupios

It's the 4th video on that page.

No problem...your other link to it goes directly, so all is cool.

Bit tired now, but Im sure Ill take a look at it later - irish accent, fun to listen to.
(I know he says Scottish...anyway.)



posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:35 AM

...I have charged sigils while bungee-jumping, lying dying in a hospital bed, experiencing a total solar eclipse and dancing to Techno. All of these methods proved to be highly effective but for the eager beginner nothing beats the wank technique.

Kupios, how do you charge your Sigils?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:36 AM
So...what have some of your results been?

And: Do you notice any difference between sigil-magick and sigil-sex-magick?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by MastaG

Kupios, how do you charge your Sigils?

Now wouldn't you like to know?!? In fact, from group experience it would seem that whatever is most meaningful to the person doing it tends to be most effective. i.e. what makes the biggest impression. The idea behind the charging is to imprint the sigil on your subconscious in a hightened emotional state, however you wish to do it.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
So...what have some of your results been?

And: Do you notice any difference between sigil-magick and sigil-sex-magick?

Well, results wise, I mention the main ones in my first post: the 1000 GBP, the owl/badger appearances, impossible emails that did actually arrive, pay rises for two different people and most intriguing statistical results on lottery numbers. There have been many smaller things, making tennis balls appear in the garden and so on, but only I can vouch for their significance so its best to not get bogged down in that.

sigil-sex-magick is no different to sigil-magick, as you put it, only in that in one you use sex (specifically the moment of orgasm) to charge the sigils. I'm by no means an expert in this in any way but this is how I understand it.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Kupios

sigil-sex-magick is no different to sigil-magick, as you put it, only in that in one you use sex (specifically the moment of orgasm) to charge the sigils. I'm by no means an expert in this in any way but this is how I understand it.

I know how they work. Charging a sigil with sex involves staring at the signal in the moment of orgasm, etc.

I was wondering about differences in result as I havent actually applied any of these techniques before.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

As I have seen from personal experience the sex charging is not more effctive. It might haave been a while back, say Victorian era in UK, when sex was so taboo it would have meant more. With sex being so normalized today I think it loses a lot of its strength of significance.

Many of the sigils that have worked for the group have not even been charged in the true sense. I personally think that doing the sigil in a state of what Grant Morrison calls magical consciousness is the most important ingredient. In essence you must be in a hightened frame of mind while doing the sigil, I see this as being in a frame of mind where even most strange synchronistic experiences appear perfectly normal.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:03 PM
I've finished reading the stuff at, pretty interesting, as I've understood (correct me if I'm wrong) this is not occult, it's simply controlled materialization. If a tennis ball appears in your backyard, then it disappeared from somewhere else, right?

If so, what would one wish to wish for? I'm really puzzled. And how can't you do any harm? For example, if I wish to meet a particular person, then some one else will not meet him; if I wish for complete peace in my city, then some other city will lack peace; if I wish for a lottery win, then someone else will simply lose; if I wish for happiness for a close friend of mine, someone else will simply be void of that happiness; I can go on forever.

My point is: what can one wish for and get no negative reaction?

Where does this magic come from anyway? A little insight on the history, philosophy would be much appreciated. Thank you.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by MastaG

Ok, those are all good questions, ones that in fact everyone should ask.
To see it as controlled materialization only partly explains things. Reality is based on what you expect, the manifest reality can only show you what you understand and what fits with the particular reality you perceive. This is the gnostic/essene way of seeing things. There is a load of literature from physics experiments and psychology and all sorts. I am no expert at all, all I offer is my understanding.
So, back to your question, the tennis ball will have been thrown by someone or at least will have an explanation as to its appearance but it is, in theory, the sigil that invited it. There is no way of knowing whether or not I somehow knew the ball would come and THEREFORE did a sigil. It is only because I have a hard time seeing beyond my ingrained concepts of physics that there will be a normal explanation. Does this make sense?

As to the negative, well, we are, as I see it, navigating a realm of possibilities where in one you win the lottery and in another you don't: you navigate through these based on your expectations but ALL possibilities exist in tandem. This is based the idea, again, that your reality is a construct based on your understanding/beliefs etc. So there is no negative effect. To put it another way, everyone should have far more control over their reality and everyone should be able to create anything.

Now for the interesting part, where does magick come from? Well of course classical history rather neatly doesn't really address the issue, with a general consensus that it doesn't exist. In my opinion though, we have always been able to influence reality, there are thousands and thousands of accounts of it. Huguenots in the middle ages were renowned for their feats of physics defying, the local arch-bishop in charge of their persecution/massacre as protestants had to report back to the Pope that he could not kill these people who were invulnerable to bullets and fire. Also look up some of A. Crowley's stuff. Is it any different for the alchemists who turned lead into gold? What about the innumerable mystics and sages that flew, made things appear etc. A large part of most occult tradition is base on the stuff too. It would seem strange that so many people were duped, many of them being highly intelligent people. Victor Hugo sincerely believed that Comte Saint Germain was immortal etc...

Obviously though, you don't have to believe any of this but I do mainly because I've seen it work!! Kind of changes ones opinion on many things!

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:52 PM
I'll tell ya what, a simpleYahoo search brought up a whole bunch of links to the subject including:

Sigil Magic

An Introduction to Sigils in Magic

The Sigil Garden

The web is seriously full of info on the subject other than the links provided by the OP.
It seems that I have been using sigil magic for years and never really knew it. It does kind-of explain (to me) why my life has proceeded the way it has with awesome highs and devastating lows intermixed with a steady medium I enjoy from day-to-day.

Good thread! Read up more folks.


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

Precisely Cuhail! Grant Morrison relates how the comics he works on have a sigil like effect! One must be very careful in what we ask therefore!

There definitely is a lot of stuff out there on sigils, each to his own. I like your attitude!

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:01 PM
So can you put a time on the sigil such as:

I will a tennis ball to appear in my garden by sunset tonight?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by thesaint

No, as far as I know you can't. These things seem to take their own time. G. Morrison says either 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. It does seem to take a few weeks on average. The fact that the wording of your sigil is designed to communicate with the unconscious means that certain linguistic tools don't work: negations aren't registered so "I will not get" becomes "I will get". Can be tricky. In the same way, asking for a specific number or figure also doesn't work and I take it the same applies for an imposed time reference.

Not too sure about that one but that's all I know.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by thesaint
So can you put a time on the sigil such as:

I will a tennis ball to appear in my garden by sunset tonight?

My guess would be, with experience, yes.

I found this part of The Sigil Garden site that shows hundreds of (presumably) useful sigils.

What, by the way, is the significance (sic?) of the sigil in your signature?


[edit on 5/13/2008 by Cuhail]

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