posted on May, 13 2008 @ 07:41 AM
If you look around you'll see others the same color and a friend said it looks like a lake. Now that I look at it more closely it does resemble a
lake. The lake is at the head of a valley and the valley trails east. A shadow is being cast on the lake by the rim of the head of the valley. The
sun is leading west in the last picture.
This lake is to the west of the original one. And there are others around the area. 39 35' 47.88"N, 73 55' 44.40"E
There's a set of them at 39 35' 31.77"N, 73 55' 30.23"E
Mark Roazhar is right on the lake part in my opinion.
[edit on 5/13/2008 by Solarskye]
[edit on 5/13/2008 by Solarskye]