posted on May, 15 2008 @ 04:15 PM
If it is in the best interest of the fuel companies executives to keep making money where the average consumer cannot write it off, then it shall
At the same time does the average consumer know they ARE ALLOWED to write off their food and clothing costs in some states, if not all?
Denying Ingnorance...
Oh yeah, if I were to speculate... The gas Cap solution is one that will never be decided on. For all the good it would do for the average consumer,
those poor Executives who struggle all day to make the next round of golf, might have to make a paltry 200% profit. Damn us average americans for
suggesting such a thing.
I could make a decision that would solve this problem, and keep the executives making at least 300% profit on cost. It has something to do with
capping the oil futures market. But hey, I'm sure I'm just being used when I give answers like this away.
If this actually happens, we all know it originated here, despite whatever nifty memos say.