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Which religion is right and which religion is wrong?

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:37 PM
Let me start out i was raised catholic,but also understand the christian religion as well.What i dont understand if there is possibly hundreds of different religions out there ,who either worship god or christ or and some not even the same type of god,as i was brought up believing in.And according to the bible there was many different gods back then,god singled himself out by stating he is god from the others.So if there is only one god according to many wouldnt that make one religion and that bible right and the others wrong?I hope people can understand this question.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:41 PM
If you're Catholic, I would certainly hope you understand Christianity...

Which one is right? If we knew, wouldn't everyone be following it? Which is wrong? Obviously nobody would be following it.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by alienstar

Maybe they're all wrong

This is one of the reasons why I am an atheist, the whole "my gods right and yours is wrong" thingy

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:45 PM
I agree with TWF if it were really that cut and dry there wouldn't be religious wars around the planet. Religion wouldn't be constantly debated here at ATS, and spirituality would be much more commonplace in the world.

The answer to your question will always be skewed by people who believe in a certain god or religion.... but in the end no one truly knows. I wish we did, it would make life much easier...... but we don't.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by alienstar
Religions are man made.The bible had many things that where in it that was left out by the power that be at the time.Do a search for the gospel of mary.That gospel was so weird to the powers that be that they didnt want anything to do with it.Christ didnt use the word christian not once.Do you have to go church....Christ said if they are three gathered in my name I will be there...or something to that effect.Im not a a hater of organized religion it has done some good things for some good people.I has turned many lifes around,but it has caused a lot of heart ache when its twisted.The KKK hates jews but they belive in Jesus who in human form was a...jew go figure.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by alienstar


i applaud your question and yet find it to be a bit sad...

sad in the sense that i find it to be very understandable in these last days. As everywhere you look it seems there many false answers, misinterpretations, and out right disinformation being handed out.

Of the myriad of "possibilities", the fact remains, there is only "one" reality.

I have studied the many various "religions", and the teachings of "some" cults, in light of what the Bible has to say, as well on their own standings.

Jehovas, mormons, masons, hindus, islam, satanist, new age, to name a few.

i was fortunate in that i was able to find some top notch reference materials such as "The Pagan Invasion" series by Jerhemia (sp?) Films, a documentary series, (older, but still found on the web, "superb"). Rebecca Brown /Yoder was written some most excellent "Spiritual Warfare" books.

if the link properly took, can provide some very exceptional Biblically backed insight to, well, "questionable" religions, (though i dont think its the pope, i feel it may be that office that privides the antichrists spiritual backing), (check "antichrist" at the top of the site, then "antichrist slideshow).

and too, what of all these claims "God" is a "meenie"!??,,i believe the website can provide the clue that many of those civilizations of old were, well, not very nice people and would probably rip your face off before you could utter "what the sam-freaking #@!! is ""ThaT""...

There does come a point that you just need to believe that God "is" for you, and accept that to be true.
However, there isss enough evidence to be found, the Bible account makes sense, proves itself, to be real.

ps., you will always have questions, and, eventually they do get answered.

pss., do "repent and be baptized", it "is" written, and not written just to waste ink.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by dirtusbagious

You consider the Pagan Invasion series to be reputable reference material? That's really sort of like turning to Maoist propaganda to learn about religion.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:37 AM
There are Two in one house, one will be taken and the other left...

There is no right religion. Most churches are have a growing number of selfrightous fools. There is no religion that will save anyone. Those that depend upon their religion for salvation have sad times ahead.

It's your inner connection to the true source and center, our father, the creator of all things, and this is free. All you have to do is ask within yourself now and listen.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:43 AM
I believe the forms of Paganism is the oldest and seemed to be very similar to all cultures on Earth.

Later All cultures on Earth developed there own separate religions. But there is no clear way to determine which is right or witch is wrong. But just the separation involved it's easy to see why we have so much conflict on Earth. So I think all religions are false, it they were true then the entire world would embrace it, this would show me the divinity in it.

The Lutherans say they are right, the Catholics/Christians, Muslims, Jehovah's Witness all claim the true path to God, among many other faiths.

I'm agnostic and believe in the Golden rule and karma in what comes around goes around if I were to pick a religion I would pick some sort of paganism where all things in nature are in some sort of balance, or perhaps like a native American belief.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:46 AM
Why oh why does everyone thing there's a "right" religion? Spiritual understanding is a pergressive state of higher gains.

All the religions that have come before hand are as steps along a path. If you go backward you'll never get to the place the path leads to, you'll only get hungup on a particular step.

Think of the truth of spiritual understandings to be a temple with many stairs. If you stop on a step and say "this is the temple" you'll never make it inside.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Incarnated

I think what you are saying is very smart, though I do not subscribe to the "Father" Part, I think what ever is past this life, what ever came up with the rules of the universe, how planets, stars, atoms, and life it self form based on if this or that happens. Is probably far beyond male and female,

I personally, think jesus's teachings were pretty spot on, Love thy Neighbor, Do unto others, But then again, very similar to Buddha too. I think they are the closest IMHO to how you are supposed to be in life. Because if its worship me or burn, well if thats really how it is then the thing that made that rule, is a selfish, egotistical thing, and I do not want anything to do with it/him/her/light whatever it may be.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated

Think of the truth of spiritual understandings to be a temple with many stairs. If you stop on a step and say "this is the temple" you'll never make it inside.

Did you think of that analogy yourself? I love it. Very cool I hope you do not mind me using that.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio

Originally posted by Incarnated

Think of the truth of spiritual understandings to be a temple with many stairs. If you stop on a step and say "this is the temple" you'll never make it inside.

Did you think of that analogy yourself? I love it. Very cool I hope you do not mind me using that.

As long as it is used correctly I don't mind. Yes I write all my own stuff.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:57 AM
honestly, who cares what religion is right or wrong. it's a futile question.

human kind still kills each other. human kind still destroys everything around it. human kind still keeps secrets, makes fortunes off lies and deceit, and immoral things for reputation and glory. until we unite under the banner of homo-sapien, it doesn't matter which religion is the 'true' religion.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:59 AM
Explain it to me in detail then so I dont mess it up.
My take on it is, If you think you know everything and stop learning and reaching new high goals, You may never learn the truth. .. ehh that didn't come out like it is in my head lol.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Crabmeat
honestly, who cares what religion is right or wrong. it's a futile question.

human kind still kills each other. human kind still destroys everything around it. human kind still keeps secrets, makes fortunes off lies and deceit, and immoral things for reputation and glory. until we unite under the banner of homo-sapien, it doesn't matter which religion is the 'true' religion.

The problem is that Christianity teaches that if we do unite, then we are doomed to the end times, because the leader that will unite us will be the anti-Christ.

I agree with you btw.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:04 AM
Let me preface this post by saying that I have little respect for organized religion. I often joke that my religion is the Church of the Lake (I love to sail catamarans and if there is a higher power, this is truly the place where I feel closest). I have never felt anything remotely close to that in a building full of people telling me how to believe, who to believe, and what to believe...

Anyhow, I wish to add something my brother once said that struck me as a gem of wisdom. He said to me:

"I have no idea if there is a god or not, but if there were a god, I believe that he/she/it/whatever would judge each individual based on how they behaved in accordance to what they believed at the time, and not by some arbritary set of rules."

i.e. it's not a factor of which religion you subscribe to, but rather a basis of how you live your life in accordance with what you truly believe to be right and wrong.

As a said before, I do not subscribe to organized religion and I believe it to be a tool of man created as a way to coerce and control, but that one thought is the sole idea which I still retain from my early days as a religious person.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
Explain it to me in detail then so I dont mess it up.
My take on it is, If you think you know everything and stop learning and reaching new high goals, You may never learn the truth. .. ehh that didn't come out like it is in my head lol.

That's a good view. The way I see it is this.

Mankind is blind to true next. They think this "life" is their life. They will to believe if they do good in this life then they can lay around in heaven the rest of existance. This life is just the first in many many steps. However it is this life that is like the internship. If you fail the inturnship you'll never even be hired. Saddly this is a commen misunderstanding along many degrees of understanding.

How many people in this life think this moment is the best or maybe have their "golden days" if it be highschool football or whatever.

Those Al bundies of the world that relish their "golden days" when they threw the winning touchdown, have stopped on the steps too.

As we look around we can clearly see a world that isn't "There" yet.

So why do so many fools jump head first into a sunday bath pool of religion that were not fit to fix the world?

We are not there yet. If someone wants so badly to believe they have arived, then that is their reward.

This world is at the very begining of the steps. What is way up there is worth the climb. Too many lazy people just want to be "there" so they say "we are here" but they are not. They are just lazy.

When the upmost of spiritual obtainment is upon the face of the earth then it will be clear to see throughout everyone.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I like to point out that christianity is the true faith. Think about it this way all other books , koran, or others have one writer, and one writer alone. the bible has more writer so it hard to make up a story. The bible is a history book it agree with history why would it lie about everthing else. The bible is the single more book printed and spreaded. God and Jesus are working and christianity is spreading. Dont you think if God was real that he would communicate to his chilren and spread his word everywhere. The old testiements prodicts the future to this day. No other book can say the same.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 06:18 PM
It is a question that has been in debate for MANY years, but it is also a question that will never be answered. Every type of religion is going to claim that their god is supreme and downplay all the other gods in the process. I too believe in the traditional Catholic/Christian God, but I am not a firm believer.

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