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I Was Fired Today, For My Bumperstickers!!!

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:31 PM
While I'm certainly not a professional in the field, and void their ability to demonstrate your bumper stickers being in violation of previously agreed to [signed] terms of employment, I'd say you have quite the case here. Unfortunately, and without 3rd party assistance, it would seem the ball's on your shoulders, despite it being in your court as well.

The end result of such an "endeavor" would certainly seem in your favor, but, given that it's most likely a "small business" issue, it would seem you're in for a long haul of trials and tribulations.

I guess the overall question remains, Are you up to and prepared to see it through? Not that's it's Right, just my view of the road ahead if you choose to see it through.



[edit: speeling]

[edit on 12-5-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:33 PM
This is quite ridiculous. I can't see how this could slide. Hopefully the day care employees get what they deserve. I'm sure you can get a better job than one with those kinda people. I believe the words "gay" and "pedophile" are taken quite seriously and sensitively at a place such as a day care however. They should've at least given you the chance to cover the "problematic" bumper sticker. I don't consider myself Republican (too coservative for it) but i laughed at that one haha, and the Bush Cheney sticker. (I liked your coexist sticker by the way)

I asked my dad (an attorney) about your situation and he says qoute "That statement (the GOP bumper sticker) is not proctected as free speech."

edit: did the company's rules prohibit such conduct as far as you know?

[edit on 12-5-2008 by screamo]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:34 PM
Why not write to Larry Craigs office and tell them you got fired because you're a gay Republican and a pedophile? If he dosen't show you any sympathy write a similiar letter to the Pope and see how he would deal with this situation. Maybe you can be transferred to another daycare.

Don't let them shut you up or make you feel bad for your beliefs.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:36 PM
Thank you for all the replies, and different thoughts on this issue.

SystemiK, I was caught unawares, because I never gave it a thought. They are just bumperstickers! The GOP can only be seen by someone standing right up by the trunk, and honestly, I didnt see it coming.

Aaron J., I completely understand your pov. The owner of the daycare parked next to my vehicle Thursday when she hired me, so this is even more reason it surprised me.

Kosmic Jack, our state(KY) is an at will state, which I understand and have no problem with. The handbook does not address personal vehicles, or political affiliation. It is not a Christian daycare, and nothing was mentioned to me regarding if I could have bumperstickers on my vehicle. My civil rights are what I am concerned with in this situation.

Again, appreciate all the feedback. The owner never gave me an option to cover them up, or remove them, or warn me before I spent money out of pocket for a TB test, that bumperstickers could be a cause for dismissal. Had I known this was gonna happen, I never would have accepted the job, as the behavior of my former coworkers creeped me out.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:36 PM
You're lucky you don't live in Virginia. They could tell you you're fired because they simply don't like you and it would be A-OK under the law. Keep us posted on what happens.

Also, while I don't think it was a good idea to have a pedophile joke bumper sticker on your car while working at a day care center...I do believe in free speech and think it should be protected.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:41 PM
bumper stickers attract attention, and like it or not. People can get fired for their political leanings. I have learned this the hard way. I have found it is best to be strictly work at work.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Hi Hotbakedtater,

Unfortunately, I do not have any good news for you on this one.

Firstly, if you worked at a local bar / bistro, or a shopping mall (with large carpark), I don't think the stickers would cause any real offence.

And yes, you are correct in saying that stickers do not directly affect your work performance (or your ability to do the job in the first instance).

I'm not aware of the stance taken with US employment law, but in Europe, people are protected under Fair Employment legislation (or varations of). This states that a person cannot be expected to be dismissed because of their gender, religious beliefs, ethniticity, sexual orientation, political beliefs / values etc etc.

So if this also applies to the states, then you may have something.

My second point is this (its already been raised): the nature of your political beliefs in relation to your position is questionable - using the term paedophile whilst going to work for a day care centre is just begging for trouble.

I would question your judgement on that one. The day care will go all guns blazing on due dilligence, and acting in the best interests of all etc etc. They may even throw into the mix that you had an attitude - by joking about it and that such was not suitable to undertake the job!!

Civil liberties - there is a fine line here and to be honest, you may have crossed it just given the nature of your post and responsibility. (I.e. What would the parents think??). Asking you to take them off immediately and you responding in kind would have been the sensible thing here.

Anyway, sorry to hear about your job (and for blabbering on).


posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:44 PM
In Texas they can fire you for NO reason. The only reason they cannot fire is based on discrimination.

Honestly, if I was a jury member on this case ... I'd ALREADY have my mind made up in favor of the daycare center. Sorry.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Id there the possibility that the other employees elevated this to get rid of you. I would not put it past them if for some reason they felt you threaten their job in some way. That situation occurs quite frequently. Even 1/2 a day on the job could make someone see you a threat if they are not a high quality employee them self.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Although I understand your position, because honestly it's just a bumper sticker and in no way a resumé stating your work experience..

But within context you should easily understand your vehicle is an extension of you, much like someone who uses body-art/tattoos ... if you had that tattooed on your body .. I could see how many people would find it questionable that you work with children with the word pedophile on you or any extension of yourself.

Words are powerful reality creators and many people don't want pedophilia any part of their life, whether it is a joke, a problem, or a pleasure? ... Most people wouldn't even want to discuss fighting pedophilia .. it isn't a "pleasant" subject and is VERY taboo in our society and culture.

There is only so much "envelope pushing" you can do before you slip off of the razors edge and just appear confrontational.. Perhaps you could have handled the situation you detail in a different manner and thus would have been able to keep your job.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:48 PM
I wish I could be more sympathetic. I really do. But any reference to pedophile at a day care center would probably be bad for business. Really not approprate. I am sorry. Would have been nice if they gave you opportunity to cover it or rip it off though. Was kind of partial to a co-worker sticker years back. 'Nice people swall....'.

[edit on 5/12/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:50 PM
Why did you cover your license plate with post-it notes? Now I can't hunt you down and psycho stalk you.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:58 PM
I just wanted to clarify, I NEVER joked about pedophiles, one of the employees who was smoking in the parking lot had to lean onto my trunk to read that, and all I did was explain it to her, because she did not understand what it meant. I would never joke about that in a daycare! And I can admit I simply did not give it a thought because who would think a bumper sticker will cause you to be fired? As everything, I am learning a huge lesson from this.

Also want to add, I have a call into an attorney, I have by no means retained one or even know if I would consider it at this point. I think being the victim of such awful judgment due to my politics is a lot to swallow right now. I am an extreme liberal, but I respect everyone else's rights to have an opposing viewpoint. I guess I was shocked that same courtesy was never extended to me.

Haha about my post it notes, I knew better.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:00 PM
After looking at the actual pictures of the bumper-stickers, I have, perhaps.. what you could if you choose to accept as advice, if you wanted..

Instead of bolstering up a personality or opinions using shock-words or controversial materials, it's easier to take a public stance that is more acceptable that allows you to get your foot in the door to actually explain your point of view more clearly without first starting with shock and/or controversy. Build a foundation for conversation and work from their, the way you explained your bumper-stickers was not acceptable to them, because they already know that it's supposed to be a joke or something nonchalant because after-all it is a bumper-sticker... what they were asking is what it meant to you; what are your opinions and why you felt the need to display that, because after-all they are conversation pieces, if you don't have an intelligent conversation or background/reason to back up your symbols/tattoos then they appear meaningless and you just look like someone who is into confrontation, being different, or "unstable" or a liability. Someone who can intellectualize or provide a generally accepted reason/meaning for something that appears questionable usually fair much better because people are interested to hear more of how they think, if they themselves can relate, Shared experience and shared reality/consciousness is key.

another thing I would like to comment on is your ability to say you are a liberal... Stating for sure you are anything places an unnecessary amount of emphasis on your relation to those also in that group... which sometimes isn't the best idea.. maybe we should be distancing ourselves from such labels so that we can move forward and actually change our personal solidified views of reality and our surroundings.

[edit on 5/12/2008 by PuRe EnErGy]

[edit on 5/12/2008 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Under At-Will Employment statutes, a person can be fired for any reason or no reason.

Check with your local Employment office.

+32 more 
posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:03 PM
You were fired because you have a serious lack in judgment. The more you press the case the more it strengthens theirs. Anyone who thinks having a sticker that says "Gay Old Pedophiles" in the parking lot of a daycare center is any way appropriate could not be trusted to make *any* judgment calls!

It is not about the politics its about your judgment!

[edit on 12-5-2008 by Mainer]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:09 PM
Try and look at this on the bright side. Your new employer was obviously "at odds" with some of your beliefs (as well as some of the co-workers). I would dare say that you may have been very unhappy working in such an uptight environment and it may well have been a stroke of luck that kept you away. On the upside, you now have the chance to choose your next employer more carefully.

When I'm interviewing for a job, I prefer to think that I am interviewing the employer for the job and I am usually very picky about who I "hire". If a prospective employer seems likely to be uptight or nitpicky of personal issues they simply dont get the position. J

ust some food for thought, good luck out there!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Not really surprised.
About 6-7 yrs ago, my (then) wife and I were coming from a friend’s house late one Thanksgiving evening. The Tennessee Highway patrol was doing a local roadblock checking for drunk drivers (allegedly). We were stopped and were asked whose vehicle we were driving. She advised it was hers. The female officer then asked her to step out and was handed a citation saying that one of her bumper stickers violated the obscenity laws. Needless to say, we were both shocked. I stepped out of the vehicle to speak to the other officer to ask which sticker violated the said law. He shone his flashlight on one and asked me to read it. I did so silently. I advised the officer that I had read it and saw nothing obscene on it. He then ordered me to read it aloud. I did so. It had an alien on it and said, “Evolve D@mn it.” The officer ordered me to sit in the car while he wrote me a citation for using profanity in front of a police officer. I then advised him he could not do that because it would be entrapment.
Long story short, we went to court to argue that the sticker did not violate the code of obscenity for the state or local areas. I was ready to fight the officer and DA in court; but my wife then decided to pay the fine and courts cost and have her record expunged.
If your state is an “at will” employer state, or under a probationary period, then your case is weak. Fighting it as a freedom of speech issue MIGHT get you some legal action. But I doubt if any money or compensation would be forthcoming.
Saw that your location reads as Louisville, KY. I am sure that the location of the incident has some bearing as well.
Good Luck.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by keltdruid65]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:10 PM
HBT I know you thought it was a harmless prankish sticker. And I'm certain you are a very nice person. Just poor judgement which we have all been guilty of from time to time. Lessons learned.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:17 PM
While I agree with the "GOP" being a bit inappropriate, given the environment of employ, what about the vehicles parked in government lots sporting "Impeach Bush" and similar bumperstickers?

Fire them too?

IRS employees.
Included, as well?

Not to play the political card(s), but, in the end, I see it as little more than one and the same.

ZOMG once again garners public attention(s).   'magine that.

C'mon... it's a play on the Republican party and the perverted klingons from times past and present. Any fool with bifocals...


I could care less for either... ass or elephant, but this is a bit too far... yet this "type" of "prejudice" happens every day. I'm sure.

I have to wonder if "I'm driving a friend's car, mine's in the shop" would have made a difference with regards future paychecks.

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