posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:21 PM
Hmm, I have no problem with this I would have done the exact same thing.
Now I'm not a racist person. You can all sit here and say what you want, but no one really knows me here, I'm very tolerant. I make a lot of
stereotypical remarks and jokes. I don't think I could live without them, this world would be far too boring of a place I'd have to shoot myself.
There is a difference between discrimination and prejudice. It's really a measure of which one you're willing to live with more, unfortunately in
this world you can't really have both.
You're always going to be prejudice towards someone, whether you discriminate or not is a totally different story. I would never discriminate because
quite frankly, I believe that no matter what your skin color, religion, sex, whatever difference it may be; we all bleed red and blood to me matters
more than appearance.
But yes jedi, you have my applause.
I'm gonna take a step over the whole "racism" factor because quite frankly if someone reads your comment and thinks "racist" they're really the
racist ones for thinking it. I can only hope that you used the other mans appearance as more fuel to throw onto your ex's fire and not to attack him
personally. It's only ammo to which you can continue to fight a battle is all.
All my friends do it, but they aren't racist because we're all friends with people of different races and we get along fine with others. It's just
something else we can use to put that "significant other" further into the ground.
"Thanks for leaving for me for another man" just doesn't have the same effect.
Now if Jedi is in fact racist, then that's a whole different story and quite frankly I wouldn't associate myself with him.
Now, you can all find plenty wrong with my ideas, but that's ok, it's just my ideas and by no means affects any of your lives and non of you know
who I am. Just as your opinions don't affect my life.
We're all a lotted our own opinions as long as it doesn't negatively affect the lives of others.
Shattered OUT...