posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:50 AM
Was just wondering, how many of you would at least say its possible that that earth might indeed be hollow and that it might even be habited inside?
Maybe by some of the same beyings that tripulate the many UFOs(10%) people report seying all over the world on a daily basis? I mean the solid earth
theory is still that, a theory. No one really knows for sure whats deep inside. And from all i've gathered "they've" even gone as far as scaring
people of drilling to deep into it...,for instance back in the 80's some soviet geological team in Siberia set out to drill the deepest hole ever,
only reaching 14.4 km deep at wich point they stated they're drill had suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating they had reached a large empty
pocket or cavern,the temperature sensors were showing a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, following all this they lowered a
microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements they heard the sounds of thousands,
perhaps millions, of suffering souls screaming.
The screams weren't those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!"
(This sounds very "Churchy" to me)
Dr. Azzacove (the project's manager) was even quoted as saying they decided that the center of the earth was hollow.
So all that leaves me wondering, could this have possibly been orchestrated by the church to make all the non belivers think twice about religeon or
could that have actually been a warning by the Interterrestrials to keep our distance or alse?
Or maybe it was indeed hell and it has nothing to do with religeon or Interterrestrials , just a place we all go weather we´re good or bad in
[edit on 12-5-2008 by SL55T0T0]