posted on May, 13 2008 @ 02:01 AM
Yes, our government is responsible for crime, wether it be deliberate or through flagrant mismanagement. But when you have CIA admitting that they
were one of the largest coc aine importers to the US, I think it becomes a lot clearer which.
There are plenty of people who watch gangster flicks, play violent video games, etc., that never commit a crime. On the other hand, you have kids so
poor that they can't even afford a Playstation or television, that are out there shooting store clerks and selling crack.
Most of the people in prison today came from poverty.
I would break it down like this. Half of the people in prison today are there directly because of a lack of meaningful economic opportunity. Even if
they are there for murder, the murder was probably the killing of a "business" rival or robbery victim. These are the people who knew better, but
found they had little or no choice.
Take another twenty percent for ignorant people. Particulalry the young criminals this would be. The kids who grew up never knowing what a normal life
is supposed to be. The ones who's parents have already lost hope. The ones who actually see glory for themselves as thugs and gangbangers. The ones
who would rather throw signs and bang for their set, or be an entrepenurial murdering hustler, rather than live a normal life even if it were offered
to them. This category can only be done away with through long term social reconstruction. These people are most likely lost causes.
Take another ten percent for people who really thought they could get over and get away with it. White collar criminals, violent policitcal activists,
the sort who came from opportunity and decided to throw it away anyway.
Take another ten percent for those indirectly affected by economics. The person who winds up murdering their spouse, at the end of a relationship that
might otherwise have been fine if it had not been for the pressures of money. This category might also include the substance abuser, who is really not
much of a criminal at all otherwise.
And the last ten percent would go to the animals. The real sick #s who defy explanation, and should never see the light of day.