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Skepticism halts our spiritual progress :(

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:10 AM
I am sad to say that many of us halt our spiritual progress due to skepticism. My mom is an impressive medium that can channel messages from spiritual beings of love in seconds. Unfortunately people's skepticism is stronger than their will to progress. I personally posted 146 pages of channeled messages translated from Spanish to English a few days ago, and it was deleted from the forums. I cannot bare to see how moderators of these forums ban such important messages that can only change humanity for the better. If only people knew the truth. In our dreams, in spirit we all do. Unfortunately, physically we tend to forget the universal truth, which is to love each other. Guys these messages are true, they're channeled. I can give you my word under god, that I have telepathically asked questions to spirits of love while my mom was channeling, and they've been answered. I only wish for everyone to please put the skepticism and religions aside, and read the following messages. I've posted them on scribd for everyone to read. I guarantee you this is not spam, or fake messages by a mad man. These are messages of love that need to reach humanity. Please give yourself the chance to read. Please moderators, allow me to post the link, find it in your heart, it's within your reach to massively have a positive effect on humanity.

Peace, love & blessings!

[edit on 12-5-2008 by therevelation]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:14 AM
Skepticism halts religious propaganda, not spiritualism. If your mom is so "impressive" why hasn't she claimed the $1MIL JREF prize?

I don't know anything about your deleted messages but 146 pages sounds like spam to me.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:16 AM
They were 146 pages in an online pdf.

Once you read the messages, you'll understand.

The only reason why that price will probably never be won, is because people that have the spiritual progress to display what we call paranormal or psychic powers, know that material things or money does not mean a thing. We are only in planet Earth temporarily, life is eternal. We are here to do good deeds, be good people, pay for pending debts we might have acquired in previous lives or in our present life. Or people that come from other worlds, and have missions of helping humanity grow. There's much to learn brother.

Peace & Love!

[edit on 12-5-2008 by therevelation]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:18 AM
Oh, and the messages have nothing to do with religion.

There is no space for religions when you know the universal truth, which is to LOVE each other..!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:19 AM
Then win the money and donate to your favorite charity.

Asking someone to "put aside" skepticism is unhealthy.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:21 AM
My brother, maybe you misinterpreted my words. When I say put skepticism aside, I don't mean believe everything you hear, I mean, be open enough to read the messages and make your own conclusions. Don't shut them down, before even giving them a chance.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:24 AM
I'm not going to read 146 pages of ramblings from your mom who claims to have supernatural powers. And I don't think I'm alone. Sorry, brother.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:27 AM
I'm sorry you feel that way,

Obviously, the messages are not for everyone.

Not everyone has the same spiritual or physical progress for that matter.

My invitation is still open for the moderators to allow me to post the link. Thanks!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:27 AM
Simply by telling others "this is the truth" does not make them realize it, stating "it's true, it's channeled" doesn't make it more true or impressive. In that way scepticism is fuel for spiritual progression, you don't stop until you've reached some level where mental powers begin to manifest, enough for even the most sceptic to take notice. Also there have been lots of people proclaiming the same message throughout the ages, it may be new and important to you but not to others.

If the same message was given to you by a homeless, would you make a PDF and thread about that?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by JmanFIVEk

No one is going to win that money because it is a fraud.

And healthy skepticism should be no problem where paranormal abilities is concerned. The problem is actually cynicism (pseudo-skepticism).

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by therevelation

146 pages is a lot of messages, enough for a book. I sort of agree with not wanting to read through all of it at one time in a pdf file.

You might have started a thread with the first message, and wait for responses, then add a new message every day allowing for questions and comments.

How does it happen that every time your Mom channels, the message is recorded? What is her proceedure? She has a set time for messages? They never happen at random?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by therevelation

If your mom is a real bona fide channeller, then she should be able to demonstrate her accuracy. Once she's done that, in a clinical setting, then skeptics will listen. People are usually skeptical about things that have not been shown to be true, and that's not a bad thing.

If everyone believed everything someone claims is true, then we'd be drowning in bogus claims and half-baked insanity.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:10 AM
i think the reason we cannot spiritual progress is because all of the hoaxers and fakers who claim they are the best medium, and all those tarot ladies who only want money.

and the billion dollar tv industry [-propaganda-] with medium tv shows and all the "mediums" who appear on talk shows.

if you want to spiritual progress you just need to wait for your physical death.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by CzErased

Nope, you don't have to wait till your death for that. It's beside the point of living. You can start now already.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by therevelation
I am sad to say that many of us halt our spiritual progress due to skepticism. My mom is an impressive medium that can channel messages from spiritual beings of love in seconds. Unfortunately people's skepticism is stronger than their will to progress. I personally posted 146 pages of channeled messages translated from Spanish to English a few days ago, and it was deleted from the forums. I cannot bare to see how moderators of these forums ban such important messages that can only change humanity for the better. If only people knew the truth. In our dreams, in spirit we all do. Unfortunately, physically we tend to forget the universal truth, which is to love each other. Guys these messages are true, they're channeled. I can give you my word under god, that I have telepathically asked questions to spirits of love while my mom was channeling, and they've been answered. I only wish for everyone to please put the skepticism and religions aside, and read the following messages. I've posted them on scribd for everyone to read. I guarantee you this is not spam, or fake messages by a mad man. These are messages of love that need to reach humanity. Please give yourself the chance to read. Please moderators, allow me to post the link, find it in your heart, it's within your reach to massively have a positive effect on humanity.

Peace, love & blessings!

[edit on 12-5-2008 by therevelation]

Surely skepticism affects only 'mental' growth - if any. Wouldn't 'spiritual growth' happen regardless to what the mind believes at any moment?

I am skeptical of nearly all mainstream ideologies and beliefs -ie that UFOs don't exist; that cures for cancer would be released to the public; that there is no technology coverup; that the government operates in the interest of the people; that 19 hijackers did 911 on their own etc etc.

I consider myself a true skeptic, and I think it has been wonderful for my spiritual growth. (Well that is what I have convinced myself of



posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:34 AM
What about skepticism towards consensus-reality-views and skepticism towards debunkers? Skepticism towards negativity?

Skepticism is great...depends on what you put it.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by therevelation

146 pages is a lot of messages, enough for a book. I sort of agree with not wanting to read through all of it at one time in a pdf file.

You might have started a thread with the first message, and wait for responses, then add a new message every day allowing for questions and comments.

How does it happen that every time your Mom channels, the message is recorded? What is her proceedure? She has a set time for messages? They never happen at random?

Let me explain the process a little. She was born with gifts, just like the rest of her family. We all have gifts to a certain extent, including myself. Although, they're not as developed.

Her impressive abilities began to manifest a few years ago, when the coup to take down Chavez, occurred in Venezuela on April 21st, 2002. She simply felt the need to write. After writing a few pages about the events and future of that country, she wrote the signature, "Simon Bolivar" at the bottom.

I was out of town that weekend, when I arrived back in Miami, she showed me the messages. I was obviously skeptical, my dad did not believe her. My sister thought she was crazy. So, she decided not to tell anybody.

We began to analyze the messages, and it clearly stated, whenever you wish to contact me, read "Mi Delirio Sobre El Chimborazo" One of Simon Bolivar's most acclaimed and powerful messages.

She sat in the computer, I sat on the bed, and she began to read it out loud, two paragraphs into the reading, she began to change the tone of voice and started saying messages, from Bolivar.

At the time, I just wrote everything I heard. I was a little concerned, since she expressed feelings of sadness and suffering on her body and voice, according to the tone of the message. However, I was not scared.

Having this in front of my eyes, I was still skeptical. So throughout the middle of the message, I closed my eyes and shouted in my head real loud "Simon Bolivar are you there" (In spanish) (Mentally)
To which my mom (Bolivar) replied, yes, I'm here.... Goosebumps ran across my body, and no doubt ever crossed my mind again about my mom's psychic abilities.

Following a few episodes of this, I had the idea of channeling messages from great people in planet earth, like einstein or plato, or aristotle for that matter. I mentioned it to my mom, and she ignored my request. She has the gifts, but she's not into the 1800-psychic thing. About a year of these thoughts, I finally had the impulse of asking my mom to try to communicate with Jesus. Obviously, he's the most influential person to have ever stepped on Earth. I MUST MENTION, neither my mom, myself, nor anyone in my direct family, are of the catholic religion, or any religion whatsoever. We were born knowing about metaphysics, new age, but no religion. It doesn't fit in the new age believe. BACK TO THE STORY, after mentioning this to my mom, she replied, "I'll try"
So that night, she stepped outside, to the backyard of our house, and came back and said, I felt him, I felt his energy, he was there. *I smiled in joy*

The next day, she just started writing. This happened for around 30 days, in a total of 13 communications, it started with her writing them on paper, then just typing them on the computer. As we read the messages along, we knew, we were onto something big. He states that these messages will reach humanity, and that our mission is to be there assisting those that need help in every corner of the world. So I decided to put up a website, obviously translate it into english, and give them to the world.

However, the task at hand is harder when you find so much opposition. But I won't give up. And I'll be here for those that want to listen. I don't preach, I'm not religious, and I don't want anybody's money. I want humanity to evolve in LOVE!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by therevelation

Thanks for the reply and the explanation. I do see that you have started a thread with the first message and I look forward to reading it.

Just one other question here, is your Mom still channeling messages on a regular basis?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by therevelation

However, the task at hand is harder when you find so much opposition. But I won't give up. And I'll be here for those that want to listen. I don't preach, I'm not religious, and I don't want anybody's money. I want humanity to evolve in LOVE!

Ever hear of the phrase "I want never gets"?

If you want to be spiritually developed, you're hindering yourself, the actual process takes something important called time.

While it's important not to give up, it is also important to take it all in your stride, to overcome it and become so accustomed to skepticism that you can overlook it like one would overlook a gnat.

A skeptic holds within him a malevolent energy, that of a spirit enraged by the fact that the individual has denied the existence of his own soul.

Skepticism does not halt the progress, it merely denies it ever existed in the first place.

Your Spirit is like your body, you cannot stop it from growing simply by denying it's existence.

Allow me to add details: The Body is a complex thing, it is as much an organism as your mind is - the skin breathes air, sheds dead cells, heals wounds, and any number of things, and once you scratch the surface you discover a constantly changing material that cannot be halted, and death serves only to return the body to the earth.

The spirit is similar, if you were to scratch the 'surface' you find that you control nothing, you are merely the part of it that is aware of it's existence.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:19 PM

I'm sorry guys, I did everything I could!

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