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GOOD Cop / BAD Cop Personal Stories - SOUND OFF

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posted on May, 17 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

So, cop's are not supposed to be ' friendly ' to ' violators..correct? What is a violator? Is it someone who has been convicted of an offense or just someone who attracts the attention of a cop? like most thug cop's, you are assuming that cop's only target the guilty, or those who are doing something illegal. That is a fallacy. Cop's may not need to be ' friendly ' but they ARE supposed to be respectful and act within the law, and most do not. They are our SERVANTS, for God's sake..what servant is allowed to act like a monster and treat us like scum? We pay their salaries and are their bosses, literally. They should be polite, reserved and never act out emotionally or against policy, but of course they do in epidemic numbers.

No other ' profession ' would allow or accept anything less than full professional conduct...imagine a doctor or lawyer that said " Hey, I feel like ignoring the rules and doing what I want today". Thats what cop's do all day long, so they are NOT professionals. Never trust a cop and never give up or give in...just say NO to the cop's and make them do it the right way.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Do you think it may be possible for you to contribute to the thread instead of just bashing a profession?

The thread title, in case you missed it, is "GOOD Cop / BAD Cop Personal Stories - SOUND OFF"

I would have thought when you lost the debate so soundly over your vehement hatred, and unsubstantiated claims of the police, you would have at least understood your errors.

If you look closely, what is being sought in this thread, is not hatred, not ridiculous and proven unsubstantiated claims or nonsense; just good cop/bad cop stories. Preferably true.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

I never lost any debate...personal matters caused me to drop out, and at the point I did there was nothing there from you but silliness...calling a Harvard law professor an ' ambulance chaser' proves what I have been saying all along: If cop's were real professionals they would not mind close scrutiny and civilian oversight, and they would not ask us to give up our rights all day long....patriots don't do that.

If you will just press the ignore button you will no longer be exposed to my facts and you can wallow in your cop fantasies all day long.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by eyewitness86

I never lost any debate...personal matters caused me to drop out

Yeahhhhh ok..
Whatever makes you sleep at night...

However the point stands, this is a thread for stories, not hyperbole or personal agenda.

Could you PLEASE leave it for those with REAL stories?

Thank You


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:05 PM
This is my opinion

In my opinion all police everywhere are nothing but yellow bellied cowards who beat up the most vunerable in society.

10 well trained and fit police officers beating up 1 really skinny stupid looking guy who was trying to run = bad cops.

Good cops = ??????????? I can't think of a single good deed any cop has ever done at anytime in the history of mankind.

People can claim that there are a few bad apples which spoil the bunch but aren't the Police themselves supposed to turn in the bad apples out of the group? no they all hide behind the "blue wall of silence" and no they won't rat out any of their buddies.

But thats my opinion and don''t care if anyone agrees.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:17 PM

This thread is about PERSONAL STORIES which we plan on using down the way in an ATS MIX Show. It is not a DEBATE, nor is it a chance to post your personal philosophies, opinions or BS. Just because there may be some bad cop stories, it doesn't mean that all cops are bad. Just like it doesn't mean that all ATS Members are Butt Holes just because we have a few.

If you can't STAY ON TOPIC don't post. Otherwise, you will be Mod Squadded

[edit on 5/18/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Ok, Semper will not have to beg and Mr. Rabbit will not have to get mean, here is my personal BAD cop story, one among many:

My teenaged daughter was in high school a couple of years ago and with two other girls crossed the street in front of the school to go to the library before clkasses started and return a few books. A Sheriff's deputy assigned to the high school was standing in front of the building about 300 feet from the street. When the girls were beginning to cross the street, in a school zone, a Corvette speeding thru the area had to stop quickly to allow the girls to cross: by the time he got stopped he was already almost past them and so the girls walked behind the Vette and crossed. No one stopped or hesitated crossing and they were all at arms length.

My daughter flipped the driver of the Vette off for glaring at them, he was angry he had to stop at all...and upon returning to the school the COP stopped all three girls at the door and asked my kid if she had flipped off the car..she said " So what if I did?". The cop said " That nwas an FBI agent!". My daughter stayed silent and the cop allowed them to go to class.

An hour later, my daughter was pulled from class and taken to the office where the cop and another deputy, who was INSIDE the building during the entire event and could not have seen anything, proceeded to harrass her and demand that she admit that she had ' stopped traffic ' and had committed ' disorderly conduct ' by flipping the car off. The other deputy also claimed that he had personally seen my kid stop in the street. My kid denied it all and they charged her with disorderly conduct and stopping traffic.

I hired an out of town lawyer and we went to court. The scummy lying cop was not even going to show for trial, and the judge was aggravated that we had to wait for an hour while he was summoned to appear. The prosecutor offered a deal and we refused. The cop got on the stand and told his lies. When my attoreny got ahold of him, their scam unraveled fast: The officer had top admit that he had lied many times: The Vette was NOT driven by an FBI agent...the other cop had NOT seen anything, but on the citation the deputy had written that the other one had seen it all. He was forced under oath to admit that was a lie...he called it a ' joke ' of sorts and the judge was getting hotter by the minute.

Then the officer said that he did not see all three girls..just my kid, and that he was 9o feet from the road. My attorney pointed out that we had measured the distance that morning and the cop was 300 feet away, not 90. Then the girls testified that they never stopped and that the car almost ran them over in the first place, while the cop swore that my kid had stopped traffic to flip off the car. The judge threw the ' disorderly conduct ' charge out immediately, as it was totally inappropriate: Ni intent to provoke a violent response means no charge.

The traffic stopping charge was then thrown out when the judge looked at my lawyer and said " Sir, do you have a motion to dismiss ?" and my lawyer said YES, and that was that. The cop was red faced and humiliated..the entire court sat there and watched his lies fall apart and he was shamed terribly...if he has any sense of shame, which I doubt. But the best part was next: My daughter had no idea what had ended suddenly and she said " What happened"...I toild her; " We won, the judge knows he is a liar".

She said, too loudly, " He is a DAMNED LIAR!!" and the prosecutor heard it and the court reporter and a few cops...and I grabbed my kid and headed to the door...right at the door the prosecutor asked the judge " Your Honor, can we hold her back? She called the officer a liar". The judge said " I am not holding anyone back, the officers testimony gives the defendant reason to believe that ". I was thrilled...the prosecutor ( and 99% of them are just shills for the cop's) was red faced and humiliated and the cop was hanging his ugly head as he slinked from the courtroom.

The look on that liars face was worth evey cent and now when I see that dog in public, no matter where we are, I flip hiom off and laugh...he does not dare hassle me as he knows that I will bring another whipping to him if he crosses me again. The cop's give me a wide berth and never hassle me: The best protection is for the filthy liars to know that they cannot hide under the same rock they crawl out from under every day and they will be held accountable.

One of the best parts is that my attorney refunded a major part of his fee back to us and told us that he was happy to get justice for us and that he had never seen a cop taken down as fast as that one went...he was happy to see justice done and I will of course use him again if needed. It is advisable to always have an attorney handy so that when the liars and filth gets out of line they can be swept up and deposited back where they belong, in the trash heap.

The sad part is that MOST cop's will lie, and the oath means ZERO to them...what a commentary on modern cop's...pathetic.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:29 AM
Great Thread Dave.
I wish i could relate a good cop story as well, but alas the only good one I have the pleasure of knowing is Semperfortis.

This story relates to a friend of my daughter's who is 17 and has a tendency to run away from home quite a bit.
When this first happened, of course the police doing the right thing, canvassed all the houses of her known friends.
My daughter had not heard from her, but we told them if we did hear anything, we would certainly call.
Well, 12 hours later, another two cops show up at the door, asking the same questions. I gave them the same answers.
Every 12 hours, every shift change, we would get a new set of cops at the door asking the same questions.
My daughter still had not heard from her friend, and had taken it upon herself to speak to others online to see if they had heard anything.
This went on for three days, and I was getting quite annoyed.
The final straw, was a knock on my door at 11:30 at night , I was already in bed, but my 13 year old son was up watching a movie.
He answered the door, two cops standing there,and they didn't ask to speak to me.
He said the one walked around the back of the house while the other proceeded to threaten him.
He was told that if he was hiding my daughter's friend in here, or if he knew where she was that he would be charged.They asked him all kinds of questions, but never once asked to talk to an adult. They scared the bejesus out of my son, and he didn't even do anything. We had been fully co-operative.

I asked him why he didn't come and wake me up, he said he was too scared to leave the door.
I immediately called our local police station and went up one side of them and down the other. I don't take crap off of anyone, cop or not.
Needless to say, they didn't return after that.
Don't mess with AccessDenied.

edit to add, the girl did return safely home after about 2 weeks.She had hitchhiked for a good 5 days to get to her boyfriends house in a city 12 hours from here. Even though we had suggested the police look there, they argued that they doubted she had left the city at all.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by AccessDenied]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 04:21 PM
I do have another one/two:

Stalkings Okay, But Confronting Them is Not

My girlfriend called me at work one day because some creepy guy confronted her as she tried to enter our apartment. He asked her all sorts of innappropriate questions, and just overall creeped her out.

She called me, and I called the cops and headed that way. The officer was pretty cool. He got in the guy's face, told him he didn't want to see him around here again, and really just laid into him.

Unfortunately this really affected my girlfriend for quite a while.

End of incident. Cop wasn't bad, did most of what he could.


The guy in question often comes into my girlfriend's place of work (which isn't necessarily surprising, it's a big store). It's pretty traumatic for her, though, and she said he stares at her a lot.

She walks into a gas station one day, and as she exits she hears yelling. He was whooping at her (or whatever you want to call it). Making innapropriate noises.

She calls me at work. I'm screaming mad at this point. I'm tired of dealing with it.

So I fly down to the gas station and look for him. His truck is there, but he is now gone. I call the police. I just wanted to make sure it was documented.

The officer gives me heat. "Why are you here?" "What were you planning on doing?"

Then says, "Well there's not really anything I can do".

Basically leaving me wanting to say, "Yeah, that's fine, I know you are useless. Can you at least write this incident down, &#$@?" I am too restrained to say that, though.

Luckily, the incidents have stopped, but to no thanks to the police officers of the town. I don't necessarily mind that they are useless, but they can at least not question me when I try to confront a stalker.


The only person that really helped us with this person was my landlord. She did better detective work than the police (but hey, she's a business woman and most police officers are, well, glorified meatheads).

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:21 PM


posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Once I had been charged with wreckless driving for doing 80 in a 55. I was arrested made bail and was awaiting my court date. One night/morning, I am out for a walk and a cop stops me. He asks me what was I doing out so late and I tell him that I am just out for a walk. At this point the cop began patting me down, no warning, no notice, he just begins patting my pockets and legs as he is standing right in front of me. I JUMP BACK! I say "Hey, hey ,hey, what are you doing? you have no right to search me. No probable cause." At this point I was bent over the back of his trunk and cuffed and as he is wraping me up he explains to me he has reasonable suspicion which gives him the right to search me. He asks me "do you see anyone else out here at this hour of the night? what are you doing out here?" I explain to him that I have seen 2 or 3 morning joggers and a few bicycles.( it was around 5 am) The cop responds snottly "Really!?"

The conversation ends here as he runs my ID. Turns out their is a warrant out for my arrest for failure to appear in court for wreckless driving. I am again arrested and forced to pay bail AGAIN. As it turns out the original arresting officer that incarcerated me for speeding filed the arrest in the wrong county and as a result I was never sent a court date. But rest assured after my second arrest I got a proper court date and my court appointed public defender promptly got me 3 years probation (which I completed) because I could not afford to retain him or any other attorney. If I DID have the money to pay him he would of tried to get me a better deal but because I did not he explained to me that this deal was the best he could do.

Arrested twice for the same charge over a clerical error, searched without consent or reason, lightly roughed up for questioning the cop that patted me down without even warning me that he was about to put his hands on me and 3 years probation was the best deal I could get.

All the good cops resigned long ago.

Now their is only law enforcement personal.

Still not as bad as the time I got charged with assault by threat on an officer because I refused to talk to an officer. The right to remain silent aint all its cracked up to be either.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

Valley Police Officer Roy Napora and Officer Tadd Vossberg Receive…

A 39-year-old man was arrested Sunday morning after a standoff with police in Waterloo that lasted several hours. Police from five jurisdictions aided in the hostage situation.

Police Chief Tim Donahue said Rodney Schindler went to his ex-mother-in-law’s apartment on Cedar Drive intending to harm his former wife, who was not at the apartment. She is out of state and has a protection order against him.

Schindler assaulted the mother and held her hostage in the apartment. The hostage was able to get a text message to her daughter who called police.

Witnesses and Officials say that police surrounded the apartment at 11:30 p.m. Saturday. The hostage was able to kick out the screen of the second story window where she was being held hostage and yelled for police. Valley Police Officer Roy Napora summoned an Omaha Police SUV to just below the window, and he climbed on top of the vehicle to pull her to safety. Officer Napora and another Valley Police Officer Tadd Vossberg held the victim down and shielded her as the police SUV sped away from the scene. Shots were reportedly fired by the suspect but neither officers nor the hostage were hit. The hostage was taken to the hospital and treated for a minor head injury and bumps and bruises sustained in the ordeal.

Schindler found a gun and ammunition that was used in the apartment. Also during the standoff, he reportedly tried to throw furniture down the stairs at officers.

Nebraska State Patrol hostage negotiators talked with Schindler and by 5 a.m. he surrendered without incident.Schindler was charged with false imprisonment, making terroristic threats, violation of a protection order and felony destruction of property.

The Waterloo Council awarded the officers Medals for their bravery in the hostage rescue. Valley Police Officer Roy Napora was awarded the Medal of Valor and Officer Tadd Vossberg was awarded the Medal of Merit.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:30 PM
Valley Police Officer Roy Napora and Officer Tadd Vossberg Receive Medals for bravery…

A 39-year-old man was arrested Sunday morning after a standoff with police in Waterloo that lasted several hours. Police from five jurisdictions aided in the hostage situation.

Police Chief Tim Donahue said Rodney Schindler went to his ex-mother-in-law’s apartment on Cedar Drive intending to harm his former wife, who was not at the apartment. She is out of state and has a protection order against him.

Schindler assaulted the mother and held her hostage in the apartment. The hostage was able to get a text message to her daughter who called police.

Witnesses and Officials say that police surrounded the apartment at 11:30 p.m. Saturday. The hostage was able to kick out the screen of the second story window where she was being held hostage and yelled for police. Valley Police Officer Roy Napora summoned an Omaha Police SUV to just below the window, and he climbed on top of the vehicle to pull her to safety. Officer Napora and another Valley Police Officer Tadd Vossberg held the victim down and shielded her as the police SUV sped away from the scene. Shots were reportedly fired by the suspect but neither officers nor the hostage were hit. The hostage was taken to the hospital and treated for a minor head injury and bumps and bruises sustained in the ordeal.

Schindler found a gun and ammunition that was used in the apartment. Also during the standoff, he reportedly tried to throw furniture down the stairs at officers.

Nebraska State Patrol hostage negotiators talked with Schindler and by 5 a.m. he surrendered without incident.Schindler was charged with false imprisonment, making terroristic threats, violation of a protection order and felony destruction of property.

The Waterloo Council awarded the officers Medals for their bravery in the hostage rescue. Valley Police Officer Roy Napora was awarded the Medal of Valor and Officer Tadd Vossberg was awarded the Medal of Merit.

reply to post by Dave Rabbit

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