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An Innocent Victim of No-knock Warrants and the War on Drugs

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posted on May, 11 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

The word these law makers are focusing on is "unreasonable" They want the authority to interpert what is reasonable.Anyone trying to inforce a search without a warrant should be shot for treason.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 05:01 PM
All searches are unreasonable..

The reason cops stop to search your car is because your wifes dress was dragging on the ground.

Why tf do they have to search your trunk if your wifes dress is hanging out of the car??

A Lot of things police do are un reasonable..

Anyway we didnt say anything so we get what we ignore... Then when all the good people are dead maybe the sheep will learn a lesson................................................ or not.

And yes I completely mistook your posts man.. sorry..

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Thanks for sharing the truth, like the other true patriots, who have responded to this sad story.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 05:19 PM
It is going to come down to the cop's being afraid to do any more of these assualts when enough people open up and blast them yo hell. If the cops' want execute a warrant, they should knock and give enough time for an occupany to dress and answer the door...neever should they storm in like home invasion robbers. Most of the time the cops do NOT announce themselves hoping for a firefight and a chance to shoot us.

I thinkl that there should be a very good reason to do a no knock..never for drugs and such...and always filmed and videoed by the cop's and an indenpdent crew as well. Evrn wopnder why cop's hate for cameras top go along with them?, It ia because they do not want the public seeing them operating as usual, with bullying and foul mouths and lies and intimidation as their tools. Cop's hate scrutiny and oversight and love to work alone in the dark, like all cockroaches. Shining the light of truth and law on most cops' cause them to scurry arounmd and hide their ugly heads unti, the oight has gone. Tehy operate in a world where they insist that all is well while we see the world crashing down around us all.

Cop's are someday soon wioll have to face a choice: Silver or lead, tryth or consequences, the cabal intsrestsn versus the Peoples interests. Taske a choice: M,ost all cop's will keep the easy paycheck and stomp on the remnants of the flag as they march to battle with us over our freedoms. I for one will NOT get onm a FEMAS bus or train and trustnthat the government can be way. We are facing world wide calamities that will be explaind away as natural shifts in the earths natural rythym`but will be a portent of mand made made events that will stagger the minds.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Oh hell no,
I was just going to mind my own business and ignore how ignorant almost everyone of you are about the Constitution and the law but you had to go and question my patriotism.
There is no Constitutional right to a "knock knock whose there" warrant.
It is a protection the court "put in" at their discretion to protect your 4th amendment rights. How do you think these people get their warrants?
They need 1) pc 2) made under oath or through affadavit and 3) by a neutral magistrate. they also need to be executed between 6am and 10pm (generally) if you get a no knock, then the person is deemed dangerous.
Can't afford an attorney??? Bullsheet. try the 5th amendment on that one. Why do you think they need to mirandize you? You have two rights under that warning 1) silence and 2) an attorney to be present when you are interrogated. Can't afford one? one will be appointed.
The cops certainly could have screwed the pooch on this but that is why we have these protections. They aren't flawless shields.
But feel free to take advantage of your 1st amendment right but on ATS the goal is to deny ignorance. This post is just spewing it left and right.
....he even gets an attorney when he gets his primary hearing "free" under the 6th amendment. That attorney can attack the validity of the warrant and any other "wrong" doing the cops might have done.
So what Country does this better!? Who is the patriot now!

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 05:58 PM
I'm not going into the "no-knock warrant" issue.

I'm not well versed enough in the details.

It's always a travesty of justice when and innocent person dies when the police screw up and when this happens, there must be accountability.

What I wish to convey here is how stupid it is to deploy a non-functioning firearm under any circumstances where one's life in danger.

I'm not saying things would have been better if he'd drawn a functioning firearm, but certainly a non-functioning one is asking for a lot of trouble under any circumstances, especially when there are real firearms involved.

If the police were operating under the law and had every reason to believe that the suspect was brandishing a real firearm, there are precious few options at that point.

What is obvious in these posts is that we have among us those who hate America and everything about it and every instance of injustice or police error is cause to incite revolution and this is what I object to.

I would also like to see a link to a news article about this situation and not a site which tells only one side of the story and which is soliciting funds.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 06:33 PM
Here's an article that provides a good deal more information on this story.

I think it provides enough information to suspect that there was probable cause to obtain a warrant, as there was the kind of activity around the house that could be linked to drug sales.

The "no-knock warrant" history is explained here as is the history of the SWAT concept.

This is a sad story, but as near as I can tell, Ingle has yet to go to trial and at trial the jury will be able to evaluate the reasons Ingle had paraphernalia associated with drug sales in his home and whether or not those justify a guilty verdict and whether or not Ingle was exercising his right to defend himself and his property.

Regardless of the outcome of the trial, clearly a family has been damaged and Ingle will never be the same, given the extent of his injuries.

What we should be calling for in this case is that the system and policies and procedures be evaluated and changed, if necessary, to keep these kinds of things from happening again.

We should also look at the state of our nation in which we have drug dealers who are armed to the teeth and who flagrantly destroy our neighborhoods and the lives of those who live there and who give the courts a reason to allow such things as "no-knock warrants."

We should also consider who funds these drug dealers, who ruin lives everyday, either by the drugs they sell or the violence they commit or drive others to commit and consider that without a market for these drugs, none of these things would have happened in the first place.

In America, the people are the government and we are responsible the mess we are in and for the solutions that will fix the problem.

[edit on 2008/5/11 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 06:50 PM
nice job Grady
I could have suppressed my rant had you posted before me.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
What is obvious in these posts is that we have among us those who hate America and everything about it and every instance of injustice or police error is cause to incite revolution and this is what I object to.

No. What we have are people who LOVE America and don't want it turned into a fascist police-state. That's what I object to.

Just because we point out the failings of America doesn't mean we are anti-American.

That type of thinking causes people to brand others anti-semitic when they point out the wrongs of Israel.


Read my signature about absolutes and who uses them to their advantage.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Griff

Those who call for killing police and revolution, instead of working within the system are anti-American.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 07:00 PM
no problem with speaking up or even bashing the gov. policies, whatever
BUT, when you go beyond "opinion" and ignore facts or at the very least "mislead" people, like most of the posters on this thread, Well, that doesn't help any discourse does it?
Most of these posts were as accurate as Faux news.
Misleading the public is not "patrotic".

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 07:04 PM
If they had a warrant then there must have been a valid reason for them to enter his house... if I were the police, I would have done the same thing.

A warrant means they have the legal right to search your property.... if he had successfully shot and killed them, would he be any better off? He'd be dealing with SWAT soon afterwards, and if he gave himself up alive to them he'd be going to jail for the rest of his life.

Then again if they did away with the whole "war on drugs" the situation could have been avoided to begin with.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Revolution does not always mean through force. America was founded on revolution, so how can calling for revolution be anti-American? And when I say revolution, I mean the true meaning of the word.

an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.

That does not neccessarily mean through violence.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

What is obvious in these posts is that we have among us those who hate America and everything about it and every instance of injustice or police error is cause to incite revolution and this is what I object to.

I would also like to see a link to a news article about this situation and not a site which tells only one side of the story and which is soliciting funds.

What is equally obvious is when you gov-lovers show up on the same threads pulling this "you hate your gov and it's policies, so you hate america" nonsense. Wake the hell up man. You constantly spout this rubbish in an attempt to intimidate people into not speaking up against a country that is headed in a very alarming direction. Just because you choose to stay in your fairy-tale world of "there's nothing to see here, everything's going great, our leaders are all looking out for best interests" BS, don't expect everyone else to not question things like you. And that inane "you hate america" tripe has gotten far beyond played out. Thank goodness the vast majority of folks are waking up to this decades-old brainwashing.


posted on May, 11 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
We should also look at the state of our nation in which we have drug dealers who are armed to the teeth and who flagrantly destroy our neighborhoods and the lives of those who live there and who give the courts a reason to allow such things as "no-knock warrants."

We should also consider who funds these drug dealers, who ruin lives everyday, either by the drugs they sell or the violence they commit or drive others to commit and consider that without a market for these drugs, none of these things would have happened in the first place.

Violent drug dealers are a creation of the Drug War. The market demand has always and will always exist. Ending prohibition places the market back in the hands of legitimate retailers. Nobody ever got shot purchasing heroin at the neighborhood pharmacy.

Those who call for killing police and revolution, instead of working within the system are anti-American.

Those who call for the dispensing of justice upon murderous fascist storm troopers are quite possible the most American among us.

As far as revolution, the founders hoped for one with the rise of every generation.
Seems we're a bit overdue.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 07:53 PM
Well there goes my theory that, "those with many ats points have street cred."
Are you calling me a gov. lover cause I point out the "facts" about the law? I certainly didn't hear Grady say anything that sounded as irrational as this other stuff. Look even one dude just said that a warrant gives the cops the right to search your house. He would be dead wrong if it was an arrest warrant. He would be right if there were two warrents, one arrest and one search. He might have even meant a SILA search but that doesn't allow a search of the entire house, just the area of control or "wingspan" maybe even the adjacent rooms but only to look for confederates.
But if this thread was meant to just be for those of you that embrace ignorance, then that is cool too. Just don't spout off about the law when you don't know what you are talking about. Or at least throw out the caveat that it is your opinion that this is how it works or is.
Hopefully some readers will weigh the arguments and not waste their time with hyperbole about who is or who isn't the patriot.
What are you doing Griff to bring about a positive change to our great Country?
(to be fair, you, Griff, haven't said anything specific about the law, I was addressing your circle of friends and followers on this thread.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
I'm not going into the "no-knock warrant" issue.
That's what we're supposed to do though. Talk about that subject.

I'm not well versed enough in the details.

It's always a travesty of justice when and innocent person dies when the police screw up and when this happens, there must be accountability.


I would also like to see a link to a news article about this situation and not a site which tells only one side of the story and which is soliciting funds.

If you review the links in the 1st & 2nd post of this forum thread (which is mainly about that same issue, into which you said, "I'm not going") you will notice 3 links to online-articles (including a link to the 1 you posted after you made your first comment about Tracy Ingle's story), which are specifically about Tracy Ingle & the cops, who shot him 5 times after trespassing on his property.

We're not anti-America. We're anti-government corruption. And no one is going to stop patriots from becoming violent or protesting against tyrants, who treat innocent people like slaves.

America is not free. "Don't feed the beast": don't support a criminal-government. Remove it, or it will remove more of us, who just want to live without terrorists, such as the people, who declare war against non-guilty parties.

We don't want to live in a police-state, like Canada & the United Kingdom of the Bauer-Rothschilds.

True patriots want the right to shoot trespassers (especially fiat-law enforcers, like fully-armed "creepy secret service" & greedy bastards, who work for the big bankers' (such as the deplorable "Internal Revenue Service"), who trespass on private-properties, on a daily basis.

America needs more people, who are willing to protect it & enforce the constitution, not the new: U.N. laws & 'supreme-court' laws. We, patriots don't want people with guns to trespass on our properties, like the "Child false-Protection Service" does.

We don't want our country to end up like many of the Bauer-Rothschilds' police-states (such as Canada):

Criminal-governments don't want their slaves to defend themselves with guns, and protect their privacy, when they haven't committed any extremely violent-crimes against innocent people.

True patriots aren't afraid to shoot police, who work for criminals. We're not raised to don't fear, those who want to enslave us. We're raised to fight back against people, who try to intimidate us.

Corrupted police & their crime-bosses want us to fear them. That's why they like to break into peoples' houses without knocking while wearing Darth Vader-like outfits, nowadays.

"Surprise slave! We're in your house, but we don't have a warrant! Yee-Haw!!... Hey Bill! UMmm... Go check inside this suspected-druggie's bathroom. And don't worry... (chuckles) you don't 'need to knock' to see if anyone's taking a shower in there or any sh-t like that."

Defending yourself with a handgun a crime say police

Just for those that don't want to believe Canada is a police state... Imagine defending yourself lawfully, and with arguably more restraint than the police... only to have your guns stolen, and then face charges?

Folks, you always have a right to use force to defend yourself or your property... the only issue at law is whether your force was reasonable.

Cops that think they alone have a right to use handguns for lawful defence are promoting a tyrannical [as opposed to constitutional] view of "law".

Perhaps miz piggy could save her "call us" speech for the hundreds of victims of violent crime that were disarmed by morons like her, who think their life is the only one worthy of immediate self protection.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by ChadAndrewATS]

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 08:17 PM
So now the standard used to determine the amount of force you can use to defend your property with deadly force is "reasonable"?
Could you image if police had that standard?
You too should spend a little more time on understanding how the laws in your Country work and a little less time being brainwashed by hillybilly Jihadist.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by ChadAndrewATS

You inspired me to post this link

It's good to see that so many of you have stud before Morfeus.
Now which pill will you take?

[edit on 11-5-2008 by ANTHONY33]

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 08:58 PM
Someone breaks into my house, they are going to get a face full, because this is what awaits. Don't care who you are.

When that is out, this is next.

Then of course when the buckshot is gone....

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