posted on May, 16 2008 @ 01:05 PM
If he becomes President of the USA, I would worry for the rest of the world. My dad, who is an American is none too impressed with the man, and my dad
says he hasn't got the bottle like Hilary Clinton and would make America more of a laughing stock.
I think he would be a puppet, and if he is elected I think it would be because they know they can manipulate him, but not Hilary. Hilary is not a
push-over like Obama comes across to the public.
His blunderings on historical facts, which every president should know, and his sexist comments calling women, 'sweetie' is a bit sickening. What
does he think that all us women are children, or is he going to be like Bill Clinton when he gets into office.
Hilary wasn't unfaithful to her husband, and has shown herself to be a force to be reckoned with in the face of criticism.
Obama was quick to point out her blunder, but he has made several more and she even had the decency to apologize for her mistake. He keeps repeating
his mistakes. Lord forbid he makes any mistakes while he is in office. G-d help the USA.
I have nothing against the man, as an individual, but being a natural born citizen of the UK, who had the privilege to go to school in America and
being a daughter of an American Serviceman and his British Wife, I do take an interest in American and British politics, especially where leaders are
I had Gordon Brown weighed up right from the start, and the blunders that he has caused our country is going to happen to your country, as Obama and
Brown are cut from the same cloth. They have the same persona and come across too over confident, and full of bluster. They dither on issues that are
important to the people, and are more concerned with power than the people.
Gordon Brown has fulfilled every prophecy I had told my husband about him. It is a shame that I didn't post them here. There is just something in the
both of them that wreaks of wanting great political power, and yet manipulated easily by outside sources.
I will pray for the American People if Obama is the candidate for the democrats. If it were between Obama and McCain, I think McCain would be the
better of the two, as he is not weak like Obama. On the other hand, if it was Hilary and McCain, then Hilary is the stronger of the two, over all she
is more dynamic.
Obama would be wise to have Hilary as his vice-president, if he is the candidate. She can steer him in the right direction and keep him on track
having been a first lady, and help his wife to prepare for her role as first lady, as she will need it.
Like I said, I am not judging the man, I am judging the politician. I am from the outside looking in and I can see clearly what kind of president he
will make. He will probably need his wife like Bill needed Hilary.