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TR-3B...just not adding up for me

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posted on May, 10 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Hi all this is my first thread on here, while not my first post. Something has been rattling around in my head past couple of weeks and it just doesn't add up. I have read an inordinate amount of "alleged" info on the TR-3B since I posted about seeing a black triangle in a thread about a month ago. While I cannot remember the posters name who gave me alot of info in that thread and piqued my curiosity, I just could not get things to line up. Here's my dilemma:
1) I do beleive the TR3 exists and has been in use for 10 years or better.
2)I believe that alot of the sightings of a black triangle around military installations can be attributed to it.

Heres where things don't add up for me...I am fairly learned in military startegies and tactics both conventional and non. While I AM BY FAR NO PHD OR EXPERT, I feel I have a pretty good grasp on the rationale and use of psy ops in military apps. The amount of sightings of triangles, along with videos, outside of the ones that are obviuos misidentifications, are just too many to justify them as being TR3 sightings. While I can believe that a couple "shows" ,if you will, of that unique technology over allied and enemy airspace would help in a clandestine sense, the overwhelming number of reports are coming from the U.S. and Allied countries. Aside from the mission planners being drunken frat boys wanting to scare the neighborhood, I cannot believe that the TR3 flies this often in open and monitored airspace. Even when the B2 and F117 were being tested and used clandestinley, the sightings of the craft in generally were confined to areas around thier BOO (bases of operations) at that time. I just cannot understand or even fathom that a HIGHLY advanced craft would subject itself, on so many occasions, to friendly countries that could possibly shoot it down. Also, what are the purposes of these visits? This is a military attack and recon vessel (purportedly),why is it hovering in populated areas waiting to be filmed on a regular basis? It just doesn't make any sense stratgetically or reasonably. But I will digress and leave the floor open to any thoughts....Am I saying that the other triangle sightings are aliens? I am saying is things just don't add up for me. I am nnot asking for a tactical analysis I am looking for ideas in perhaps other avenues of thought I may have overlooked. guys and gals.. let's here it.

Mod I apologize if this is in the wrong forum...this is where I was told about the TR3 , please move it if it is not in the appropriate forum and accept my apology

[edit on 10-5-2008 by djvexd]

[edit on 10-5-2008 by djvexd]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:54 PM
anyone?...did I offend someone?....80 people read this so far and none has a theory or contribution?

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:48 PM
I think its the Triangle UFO thats flying high in the sky over head
leaving a trail of ozone and nitrous acid in white puffy clouds.

The TR-3B may be like Hitlers flying disk planes, just a distraction.

The last over head flight I saw had sparks coming out the bottom.
It might have been as big as the Belgian triangle depicted in the TV show.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by djvexd

I agree that it does not seem plausible that the pilots of such a secret plane as the TR3-B would fly in urban areas so that everyone could see the plane. The issue has troubled me as well. My mind provided a solution to the issue that did not really satisfy me but I offer it here for what it is worth: The USAF flies top secret planes like this in full view of the general public because it knows it can get away with the plane not being recognised with certainty as such by 99% of people. Instead, most witnesses will think they saw an alien space ship and the media will report it as such, if pressed hard enough, which means they will debunk the story, with the result that very few will believe that the craft really WAS flying around the skies down town. If the USAF thinks it can get away with flying these craft occasionally in built-up, urban areas in full view of thousands of people without needing to come clean about it because the story never gets taken seriously by either the media or by investigating authorities like the police - then they will. A phone call at the right moment will be all that is necessary if some official is not 'on message' and wants to make awkward enquires.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by djvexd
anyone?...did I offend someone?....80 people read this so far and none has a theory or contribution?

Perhaps because out of those 80 people no one has a logical theory.

Perplexing isn't it.

Well done for identifying the paradox in the FT, (Flying Triangle), phenomena.

You could equally ask what technology enables an aircraft to "fly" very slowly down to the hover without any sound, but that gets away from your question doesn't it.

Well here is one for you, I have heard it said that these craft are for monitering the general populace via tv's and computer moniters.

Somehow their technology can interpret the radiation from these items and convert them into intelligible signals.

Furthermore they do not have to be concerned about people seeing them because well......they are ufo's right and not admissable as evidence.

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[edit on 10-5-2008 by sherpa]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by micpsi

That definatley makes sense however it seems a tad too risky for military doctorine. Although I could probably conceed that the military aren't the ones tasking the missions...interesting

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by djvexd

anyone?...did I offend someone?....80 people read this so far and none has a theory or contribution?

Yes you offended me!
.... kidding.

You're right about the supposed TR3.. It doesn't add up. Facts show that black triangles and boomerangs have been spotted for a long time. Certainly if the sightings had originated in 1990, I could see the rationale in explaining it away as US super black project.

Remember, it's one thing to say the US gov't is covering up information on the UFO phenomenon. Quite another to say they have a huge craft which reduces the effects of gravity by 89%! Intelligence data can be kept under wraps much easier than a 600 ft black triangle nuclear craft.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by sherpa

hmmm...ok lemme ask you this then...wouldn't there be easier methods of eavesdropping on the general populace enmasse than using something like this? I only say that because the NSA uses Echelon which is essentially the same thing. I dunno, not discounting ANY theories or ideas just trying to fit the lego pieces together
Also, during my research I read a "yarn" on Black Vault, I believe that was the site, that said that soldiers in the first Iraq war saw the TR-3 in theater using particle beam weapons to destroy Iraqi armor. The story said several soldiers say this but no first hand accounts were given. Any thoughts as to the validity of this story or has this been nailed already here?

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
Remember, it's one thing to say the US gov't is covering up information on the UFO phenomenon. Quite another to say they have a huge craft which reduces the effects of gravity by 89%!

Which are you saying is more plausible? Surely the latter, right?

Original poster: It may not add up in your mind, but you not being able to figure out current black project test flight reasoning is more likely than alien visitors flying craft that look a lot like our own top stuff. I'd say it's ours.

The discs? I have no idea.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by jamesder

I never professed to know intention just looking for insight because it defies traditional nonconventional force strategem as I understand it. As for alien craft I don't think that just trying to figure out what the hell they are attempting to accomplish by so many sightings. These sightings are not incidental they tend to be deliberate. Just doesn't make any sense militarily. And what do you mean by "discs"? Might have crossed posts..

[edit on 10-5-2008 by djvexd]

[edit on 10-5-2008 by djvexd]

[edit on 10-5-2008 by djvexd]

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 04:09 AM

wouldn't there be easier methods of eavesdropping on the general populace enmasse than using something like this?

Yes I believe there would be easier methods but that theory was told to me by someone who accredited this action to the smaller triangles and not something I buy into by the way.

I had not heard the Iraqi story so cannot comment on it.

This is a hoax letter that was sent to an investigator while dealing with a triangle sighting report I am posting it because who ever created this obviosly had created a concept of what the craft was and it's purpose so illustrates another persons theory.

The letter reads :

As a scheduled first hand warning, you are no longer permitted to continue investigations into the supposed triangular shaped object that was seen over Burmarsh, Kent.

The report of this unidentified craft by Sarah Hall on the 10th March 1997 (received by researchers at UFOMEK) was made at haste. She had actually seen a Rapid Response Military Aircraft, but as to new developments, I am not permitted to release details of its structure. The disc-like shape Sarah saw, attached to the rear of the aircraft, was a long distance radar. But yet again, due to new developments, I can only be vague about its description and function.

May I state, therefore, this is not official denial.

Your co-operation in this matter is vital for the security of military intelligence. You should now, therefore, proceed to leave this mistake to Sarah Hall to realise and to forget. Other reports have come through from Dymchurch, of a similar proposed UFO. These reports were acknowledged by us, and the relevant people were told the situation.

From our obvious co-operation, we would appreciate yours. This matter, as we both know, is causing emotional stress to certain individuals, and should only strengthen the need to pass this case by as solved.

Once again, this is a conditional warning.

Yours sincerely,
Wing Commander - Field Force Commander

Incidently Wing Commander Ward was eventually tracked down he is a serving officer in the RAF but is now a Squadron Leader who of course confirmed it as a forgery, interesting that someone went to so much trouble though because he was hard to track down.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by jamesder

Which are you saying is more plausible? Surely the latter, right?

"Remember, it's one thing to say the US gov't is covering up information on the UFO phenomenon. Quite another to say they have a huge craft which reduces the effects of gravity by 89%! Intelligence data can be kept under wraps much easier than a 600 ft black triangle nuclear craft."

What I'm saying is:

1) It's easier to keep a secret if the secret only involves words/thoughts/computer data.

2) It's very difficult to keep a physical craft (600 ft black triangle nuclear vehicle) a secret.

3) Reducing the effects of gravity (by 89%) is a pretty serious claim considering the brightest minds of today are still puzzled by the nature of gravity. It involves a totally different technology which isn't related to flight at all.

4) Considering that Triangles have been spotted in the 1960s and even before then, I find it hard to believe they are all US Gov't property. The slow moving ones might be.. but moving such a massive object very quickly (and without making a sound) is sci-fi.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Well the thing that struck me about those 2 triangles we saw over the lake here were those 2 military jets that thundered across the sky after them after they zipped out of sight a minute or so before. But at the time when we saw those UFOs hovering over the lake, naturally common sense says that they are some kind of advanced military aircraft so if you can imagine how surprised we were when those jets appeared and chased after them... it was like, Huh? What's going on here?? When we saw that we guessed that maybe those triangles were from a less than friendly country somewhere who were invading our airspace. Just giving you some idea what goes through peoples minds when they see something like this... This is not to say that we didn't joke that those triangles were UFOs but that's all we did.. joke about it because our rational minds were telling us those objects up there were man-made. And we're not talking about just dots up in the sky either. We got a real good look at the one that was hovering closer over the shoreline and this thing was HUMUNGOUS!

At any rate, my question posed to this board on our sighting was this... If those UFO triangles were black project aircraft, how is it that our own military was chasing after our own aircraft like that? The answer I got on that one was that it's all about gov't compartmentalization and the Navy or Airforce are not in the loop about those type aircraft and where they are flying at any given time regardless that they are supposedly built by are own gov't !!... so because of this, they sent out 2 military jets to check them out??

This just doesn't cut it with me for some reason. This answer to my question on why those jets were chasing those triangles seems a little too much of a stretch -- too contrived. It's pure conjecture and nothing more.

For example, obviously the Navy appeared in that location where those UFOs were because they either saw them on their radar or someone reported their sighting of them. But wouldn't you think that they would have tried to contact those aircraft pilots by radio to identify themselves?

Well there's no question that they attempted to do that and they obviously didn't get a response back which is why they were deployed to that location in the first place!

So, knowing this, one can say that either there were no pilot's flying those UFO triangles or those aircraft didn't even have a radio!!

[edit on 11-5-2008 by wang_ke_~]

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 01:35 PM
Why would the U.S. Military fly a top secret craft like the TR-3B over a populated area? The whole alien cover story "for denial" explanation makes little sense to me.

Regardless of whether or not people think they've seen a military or alien craft, they still SEE IT and often times describe the craft(s) in great detail. For example this is what was made from what Ricky Sorrells described seeing in mid-December 2007:

Lets say it was a top secret Joint Naval Station Fort Worth Carswell space platform craft of some kind (which I highly doubt)...why the hell would they fly it anywhere near a populated area when there are so many totally remote areas in the U.S. to test fly and house secret craft?

I just don't get it. The same goes for the CIA saying they used "UFOs" to keep the U-2 secret and the F-117 stealth secret. I believe that's disinformation within disinformation. I think it's all a smoke screen designed to keep us guessing so we don't know what's top secret military craft and what's really alien craft.

[edit on 11-5-2008 by ufo reality]

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

why the hell would they fly it anywhere near a populated area when there are so many totally remote areas in the U.S. to test fly and house secret craft?


Take the Belgium 1989-1990 flap for example. Why would the NSA or USAF fly a secret black budget vehicle over our allies and chance an international incident? Two F-16's were scrambled to chase after this mysterious triangle. Can you imagine what our European allies would think of us if they had fired missiles (or something had gone awry), only to find out later it was a secret US craft?? Consider this question in context with:

The U.S. Air Force informed the Belgian Air Force and Ministry of Defense that "no USAF stealth aircraft were operating" during the period in question.

The OP is right.. doesn't add up!

Black Triangle Links:
ATS: VTOL Black Triangle UCAV Concept
TinWiki: TR-3
What Are The Triangles? -R. Dolan

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 02:27 PM
Clearly what the FT's are considered to be is going to be down to personal opinion and that opinion is going to be heavily weighted by the belief or not in extraterrestrials.

Here are the questions to answer.

Do FT's exist----Yes, (based on sightings, photographic and radar evidence)

Is there any definitive evidence for the TR3B----No

Is there any definitive evidence for extraterrestrials----No

Do you believe in extraterrestrials----No

Then your answer is a terrestrial Black Project/Ops aircraft.

Do you believe in extraterrestrials----Yes

Then your answer is extraterrestrial craft.

To have any other answer you would need another source for these sightings so what else is there ?

Actually I believe it is not quite as clear cut as that because I believe there is another answer.

All of the above.

It is the only conclusion that supports the idiosynchrosies in the currrent data.

However I wait with baited breath for any new data to turn up.

edit sp

[edit on 11-5-2008 by sherpa]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Scramjet76

The Belgium story was interesting and re created on a TV series.
The craft seemed quite big. Bigger than any TR-3B could ever be.
The flight is described as coming over the eastern border.
It was flying low.
Had lighted areas on the bottom.

As it searched around for something it found the stranded craft in
a wooded area.

It wouldn't have been there at all if it didn't have to look for the
lost ship.

The UFO are operated by an international agreement, Truman
thought it was aliens but its not.

[edit on 5/12/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 5/12/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 5/12/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

The UFO are operated by an international agreement

So it was operated by an international agreement, yet (apparently) the MOD nor the Belgian Air Force were notified of this.. Care to explain?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Here is a quote by Nick Pope in relation to the Cosford Incident in 1993.

In Washington D.C. the British embassy inquired about whether the American government had any experimental triangular-shaped aircraft which might have strayed into British airspace on the night in question. The Americans denied it, but said they had been receiving reports of weird triangle-shaped aircraft too. They wondered whether the British had any experimental aircraft which answered the description!

This is one site that details the incident but google it there are others.

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[edit on 12-5-2008 by sherpa]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Why would they put lights blinking or not on the bottom of the craft if it were in deed Secret Aircraft. That would be the same as flying the F-117 or U2 with its landing light on @ Vref 1.3 speeds over Bagdad.

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