posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:32 PM
The man's an idiot. Tell Secret Service to watch out for his pushy mannerisms. As, conflict is not desired. The man has the sense of a queen of
spades, drawn in crayon on the 2 of hearts.
Seriously, he dances about the issues. And, has swung pro-war. Because that's what the Pentagon wants. An orderly withdraw cover-up.
Pleated fellows abound; listed AWOL/MIA and he, Obama, chose to ignore Diplomacy, yet again, with the Iranian Leader. By staging a war cry.
Now, we're set. But, they're not in the news anymore. Except when unauthorized pursuits are incurred against military interest. Then he shuts up
for a while. Only to start rambling again. And his stunts, where he just diverts with aversion.
I'm fully impressed with Ms. Hillary Clinton's restraint of a sturdy back-hand.
I wish him no harm, but let's face it. He is, to sum it up: