posted on May, 10 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Originally posted by readyforwhatever
good question wise, but as corny as it may sound the camera we were taping with unfortunately ran out of film. that and the fact that we werent
going to stick around with a monster moving in on us.
Then later:
Originally posted by SKunkAPe925
U all have criticized us because the video ends abruptly but it was partially due to the dying battery, but the real reason we stopped filming
was shear fear becausewe were fairly close to this large animal and we decided to run.
(Bold my emphasis...)
Sadly I can poke holes in your story without even trying. You can't even keep to your own story within three posts?!
You still haven't explained what happened to the sound?
I'll try again... There is certain information that's needed to give a story like this credibility:
1. Exact location. (For example 3 miles of route 66 or something like that...)
2. The camera that was used.
3. Date and time.
4. Though this is not required, it could help your case (or take away credibility): Information of the people involved in the sighting, for example
"I'm a 19 year old student studying tree science at the university of peanut butter." or something like that.
5. An "after" visit is always a brilliant idea. I.e. visit the area a day or so after the sighting and video tape the area again. Check for
footprints, hair samples or other physical evidence. Take a measuring tape or something of known length. Place it at the location the biped was filmed
and film the item/measuring tape from the exact location you filmed the "animal" from.
This is really basic information needed to give your story any credibility.
But that said I think we have more than enough information to make up our minds...