posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:57 PM
Originally posted by TXRabbit
Thank you for letting us know that you will no longer be posting messages on an internet messageboard
Do you even realize that it's comments like these that can cause people suffering from depression or anything like that to "snap" and "lose
Might seem like nothing more than a little sarcastic remark to you, but to people like this it can mean a lot more than that.
You said:
"Thank you for letting us know that you will no longer be posting messages on an internet messageboard"
Here's what that may look like to him:
"Whatever. This is an internet message board where you're nothing and useless, so who cares anyway? We don't know you."
It's obvious, at least to me it is, that after reading what he said, you posted that simply to strike a nerve in him. People wonder why people who
seem to be normal then suddenly lose it and go on killing sprees or something, do it. Part of it is because people treat them like crap for no reason
at all. Over time it builds up and they lose it. There was no reason for you to post what you did. None at all.
I know about it all too well because I've suffered from depression since I was 13 and I'm almost 29 now. Nowhere near as bad now as when I was
younger, but back then I was pretty messed up and did snap on a few people in high school. So I know what I'm talking about and know exactly what you
meant by your post and it wasn't needed.
[edit on 8-5-2008 by nightmare_david]