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An End to all 9/11 conspiracies!!

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posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

The government is not entitled to the Constitutional rights that Americans think they still enjoy. In point of fact, we have been under martial law for a very long time, but that is for another thread.

The point is, that they have already raised enough suspicion, that a new investigation is warranted, to determine the level of guilt and/or complicity.

Check this out.

So in your hypothetical example, if an accused rapist or murderer exercises their constitutional right to not testify, this means that they are guilty?

The government is not just some person accused of commiting a crime. Instead, what we have here, is more like a homicide investigator who got to go in and investigate the rape and murder of his own mistress. Would you allow him to be in charge of the investigation?

Better yet, let's say he completed the investigation, but never bothered to turn in all of the evidence. Even some of the most basic evidence that is never left out of any investigation. But because the patsy wound up with a court appointed attorney that happens to be on the take, no one bothers to question the gaping holes in the prosecutor's story. The poor patsy is then hastily executed.

Then the truth comes out that this victim happened to be the cop's mistress. And not only that, he had a big insurance policy on her that he took out only a week before she was killed.

Tell me, do you think that maybe the cop should be investigated by someone other than himself and his own people in a notoriously corrupt department? Or do you think we should just stick with his story?

[edit on 5/9/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:03 PM
Well put Jackinthebox, it is obvious that they either had direct involvement, or know who did it. Both scenarios equal guilt.
Although, what if they are leaving so many holes in the story that people will eventually try to rise up and then they will have an excuse to exert full power?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by vehemes terra eternus

Although, what if they are leaving so many holes in the story that people will eventually try to rise up and then they will have an excuse to exert full power?

Logical, but I think the truth is really that we are too far gone for that. There will be no uprising. Martial law is already here, and has been for a very long time. Even if it wasn't "official" it doesn't really matter. When the police can find any number of reasons to arrest anyone at any given time, the rule of law becomes a moot point.

EDIT to add:

This may be of interest to you...

If 9/11 was a domestically complicit conspiracy, how did “they” mess it up so bad?

[edit on 5/9/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:12 PM
I came across a thread from the end of last year that might be of some interest here...

According to former CIA officer John Kiriakou, al-Qaeda logistics chief Abu Zubaydah claimed that the attack of 9/11 was only meant to be a "wake up call." Zubaydah aparrently also said that they did not believe there would be such a loss of life, and that they did not intend to provoke the subsequent response by the United States.

John Kiriakou stated specifically, "They didn't think the buildings would collapse...That's what he told me."

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox

In point of fact, we have been under martial law for a very long time, but that is for another thread.

Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way.

You have just id'd yourself to me as an extremist Libertarian. And you know what I already think about them.

Have a good day.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way.

It's not an opinion.

You have just id'd yourself to me as an extremist Libertarian. And you know what I already think about them.

No I really wouldn't know. But point of fact, I have political views that have yet to be labeled, as they don't tow any party line.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:21 PM
GIVE AN INTELL REPLY (((((((((IF YOU CAN)))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TO MY LAST POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-5-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:10 PM
u cannot prove that Bin Laden did it either


Originally posted by Quarantine
Tell me the truth about what happened September, 11th 2001. The only truth you can give me is the fact that Osama Bin Laden masterminded a terrorosit attack on America and succeeded. It may sound far out, but investigators have yet to prove otherwise.

If 9/11 was "an inside job", prove it.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:12 AM
Well, this thread wasn't posted to raise chaos but more so posted to inform myself of what the majority of Americans and ATS'ers believe. Not really an END (END), but an end. I'm sick of the conspiracies.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Karras
I find it hard to believe the controlled demolition theory because anyone in any country, not just in the U.S., can review the evidence for themselves.

Shouldn't we see an outcry of Russian, Chinese, European, African and Latin-American scientists pointing out all the flaws in the official story? So far, I know Fidel Castro of Cuba and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela have said that there probably should be a new investigation - probably because of political motivation.

Yes, same reason that the Apollo moon landings probably happened. In either of these, you can say other countries had things to hide as well, and that is why they aren't talking, but really, how would it disclose thier secrets if they disclosed another country's?

I also find it funny that somehow they have managed to hide it so well as to make most people who think it was an inside job get labeled "crazy". For example, the fake army used to fool the Germans in World War II and the operations in Cambodia during the Vietnam War are well recognized as truth, and yet almost everyone believes the government now. And anyways, people are actually LOOKING for conspiracies now, unlike before. How does anyone, even the government, keep that big a secret without it leaking? Unless it has already, but in this case, I doubt it.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 03:37 AM
I agree, why should we try to reason with you when you've already emplied that the only truth we can give you is the osama bs the government has pushed into the gullable american mind. let me just say this though, i have a friend who was in the same dim light you are right now, but let me tell you. Go to "Google" and type in Loose Change 2nd Edition, watch taht video and if you dont see the government and the truth for what it is, then i fear for you my friend. ...

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Quarantine

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