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Techniques Organisations or Individuals May Use to Support Agendas on Message Boards

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posted on May, 7 2008 @ 05:10 PM
This is a group effort brain storming exercise geared toward awareness. I was inspired by the thread Are people paid to "steer public opinion on ATS"?

I have been using message boards for roughly ten years and I have encountered some techniques that I believe create chaos and or interupt a community. I will start the list with the examples I have encountered.

Sock puppets: This is where, if allowed, a person has multiple accounts. Generally they use these accounts to gang up on a person. Sometimes they use one account to say something and use the other account(S) for support.

Derailing/highjacking: Rendering a thread into a parade of useless information in conjunction with the topic. Flaming is extremely effective in topic derailment.

Outrageous Claims: Sometimes used in conjunction with sock puppets. It is where a poster creates a thread that is overly supportive of a subject. Mayhap, for the purposes of detracting from or discrediting a subject. This works well in political forums, but can be adaptable to other arenas.

Has anyone else encountered deceptive techniques in their message board experience? If so please list them.

Creative and constructive comments are welcome.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 05:28 PM
I actually found out certain ppl have the same mind. Yeah, that mind operates by different seperate bodies.

Some communication seems alien in nature because how would say person A know person B when only person C should have knew person B.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Mabus
I actually found out certain ppl have the same mind. Yeah, that mind operates by different seperate bodies.

Some communication seems alien in nature because how would say person A know person B when only person C should have knew person B.

Can you expand on this please?

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by eye open doors

Originally posted by Mabus
I actually found out certain ppl have the same mind. Yeah, that mind operates by different seperate bodies.

Some communication seems alien in nature because how would say person A know person B when only person C should have knew person B.

Can you expand on this please?

Well you should know the same person comes and goes in and out of revealing that one mind I'm talking about. Especially when it benefits itself. How? By disreguarding every living human body of its oneself when it can, whether you realize it or not, say to dodge out of arrests, being found guilty, etc. That one mind doesnt use telepathy between it's bodies because it doesnt have to, but it can use telepathy upon any not of it. It will even pretend to communicate telepathically with other human bodies of it just enough for you to catch it because that lie is just what it wants when it wants you to believe in its lies and deceptions.

They may or may not even post in this thread because they dont want to draw any attention to them who is one having many bodies. When they effect you telepathically it's noticed in dreams they only induce. No man can dream. It has always been them inducing dreams while you sleep. How many of human bodies does this one mind operate as? Many. How long have they been here on this planet? Obviously some time before the first book of the bible was written. What's their purpose in life? To adore who they will play childish with and be as a mong toward. They are as plagues. The bible reveals that one mind as a close one to us. Close can mean brethern and/or alien when not same as us. Though the one does blend in as if non-existant is the one mind.

So in a sense it is one under different screennames, but by different bodies from different computers just so they have cover you cant prove anything against. Dont let them make you paranoid or make you out as a version they say you are. Fabrications get rejected by me just like in a court of law where they are even amongst. They will gang up on you by many bodies sharing the same tone out of their mouths.

[edit on 7-5-2008 by Mabus]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:12 PM
Hi Eye,

I love your term "sock puppets" that's a classic, still chuckling! And very fitting as well.

I would imagine there's plenty of "sock puppet" parades on here, goes with the territory on message boards, online games, IM Messengers, etc. I was going to say that most of the "sock puppeteering" going on is probably the 25 and under crowd, but then I remembered my online game site where the "adults" engage in this as well...

The internet is much like the street lamp of life...that all the maladjusted moths flock to. I think it was Springer who was talking about the "internet ego" etc...very fitting...It's way easier for the "caca" stirrers to sit behind the monitor plotting their idiotic games then it is for them to do it in real life.

I myself find it hard to believe what a lot of people seem to believe here on ATS, that there is an actual organized "disinformation" campaign going on behind the scenes, but then again I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Mabus: That sounds like demonology. Interesting, but I am uncertain if it is related to this thread. The film Fallen does come to mind, as well as Supernatural by Graham Hancock.

Are you attempting to derail this thread?

[edit on 5/7/2008 by eye open doors]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by LateApexer313
I would imagine there's plenty of "sock puppet"

I have my suspicions of one poster already. Very unbecoming!

Originally posted by LateApexer313I myself find it hard to believe what a lot of people seem to believe here on ATS, that there is an actual organized "disinformation" campaign going on behind the scenes, but then again I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time.

I find conspiracy a useful creative mind exercise. I also believe it is best to steer away from indulging in fear.

Which reminds me

Feeding the ego: Can be used both ways. To interupt a message board, or to expose a troll.

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