posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:07 AM
The Lakers just beat the SPurs in game 4 @ SAS...
Huge game, Lakers led almost from wire to wire, having the game get tied a few times.
The officiating was EPICLY bad, and from the opening quater, each and every call seemed to go the wroung way, without biasis for a team, just
consistaltly bad calls.
There were 2 AWFUL calls in the last 10 secs, that decided the outcome of the Game.
Lakers Ball, there like 28 secs left in the game, the lakers take the clock down, and miss a shot. The ball just BARLY hits the front of the rim,
during slow-mo replay, you can clearly see both the tajectory and the spin of the ball change.
This change in the spin of the ball made the player going for the rebound, mis-time his rebound, and the ball ended uup going off of a Spurs knee. But
the 24-sec clock guy didnt reset the clock, the lakers had 2 on the shot clock, and 5 on the game clock. If the refs had gotten the Call right, the
Spurs would have had to foul the lakers and send them to the line, in order to get the ball back.
SO the lakers inbound, and throw up a shot that misses, SAS gets the ball, calls timeout, and moves the ball to midocurt for the last play.
There is 2 secs on the clock, and the spurs inbound the ball to Brent Barry, who is about 5 feet above the line at the top of the key.
Barry catches and turn towards the basket, Derrek Fisher runs and jumps towards Barry to alter the shot, Barry pump fakes, takes a dribble to his
right, and while he is do that, fisher lands on top of him, feeling the contact, barry throws the ball toward the basket.
Just an awful no call. Even though there was FULL BODY contact, no call was made.
LA fans will say the call was a make up call for the miss on the other end.
SAS fans will say this is more of the NBA fixing games, and will blame it on Joey Crawford.
It definatly should have been afoul.
From SAS view, it should have been a3 shot fould, with a chance to win the game.
The right call, imho, should have been a 2-shot foul, as the foul occured as barry dribleded.
It should have been 2 shots for Barry at the free throw line, and the Lakers should have had the ball with 0.something left on the clock.
Instead, the SAS got hosed. And as a total LA fan, it was easily apparent that Fisher fouled Barry on that last shot...
That had to be one of the poorer officiating games i have seen.
From the opening tip, when they showed the pic of the three refs, that one, Wunderlick, just looked bad, ive never seen him before, im sure hes a fine
ref, but he looked shady... before the game even started, i thought the refs looked shady... and the way that game ended, it will be talked about for
a LONG time in San Antonio
The refs stunk up game 4, no other way to put it...
As a Laker Fan, i dont mind the outcome, as a NBA fan, this was a disgrace... such a poor perfourmance by the refs, this is also probaly going to be
the last game the spurs play in thier home court this year, if the lakers close the spurs out in game 5 like i have expected....