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CE-5/UFO: Rounded-Triangle/Greys in Bozeman MT, 2006

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posted on May, 7 2008 @ 04:22 AM
As submitted to MUFON and NUFORC.

I was camping, with sleeping bag only, behind a burm in a grass-less construction lot. It was about a quarter mile square. Mall to the south, treeline to the north, townhouses to the east and the highway to the west. Airport WNW. I was told later that there is a military base of some kind near this location.

12:30 AM
While camping out in an empty dirt lot behind the box stores, I noticed what thought was a plane or planet (too low to be a star), blue-white. It began blinking/flashing noticed several other blinking/flashing objects low in the night sky as well. There is an airport in Bozeman so figured it was a few airplanes, but kept looking anyway. This went on for some time, I'm guessing 15 minutes.

12:45 AM
Suddenly one of these "planes" began to move through sky at will, whimsically even--gaining losing elevation, making impossibly sharp turns. The flashing became frenetic. Then other two flashing objects began doing same. They behaved like this for about 30 minutes. They disappeared searched sky but they were nowhere to be found

2:15 AM
After an hour searching sky my heart slowed down and I decided to turn over go to sleep. 3 "meteors" streaked from sky to ground behind some new townhouses, one-at-a-time in short intervals. "Okay," I said to myself, I'm awake again. I kept watching the townhouses. In a few minutes I noticed movement around the townhouses and 20 feet above townhouses, two unrecognizable shapes (because they were dark against a night blue sky) moving silently in a circular fashion. Gradually they began to emit light began to see them clearly. My neck hair was standing on end.

2:25 AM
They were two, sometimes three playfully eminating, green, misty, dancing globes above aforementioned townhouses almost cracked a smile watched dancing lights for an hour. In retrospect, think this was a diversion some kind.

That was it for that night. The next night I camped in the same place (crazy right?). I was a little scared but at this point I wanted to know what was going on. Once again I watched the lights dance above the townhouses. They did this for quite some time.

2:45 AM
Suddenly a room in townhouse was brightly illuminated for a fraction a second, as if someone had a flash, then another, in sequence--as if someone was going room-to-room. But quicker than a human could run to each room. I wondered if there was anyone living there and hoped they were alright. There were cars parked out front, but no sign of human activity. I wondered if this was some kind of signal. I was afraid.

3:00 AM
It took me a while to calm down but, I turned over once again and tried to sleep. I looked out toward the treeline. Trees relax me. A red light amidst the trees turned on at ground level. I figured it was the brake lights of a car. The light slowly and silently rose 15 feet into the air paused and began moving toward the highway, dispelling that thought. "Okay, it's a helicopter far away, it's just further away than I think it is" I told myself. I kept listening for rotor wash. I heard none and under close observation I could tell it was in the stand of trees. By the time it reached the edge of the stand of trees. I was on my feet, putting my shoes on, I was really scared and wasn't sticking around for this.

3:10 AM
It hovered there momentarily. Then a white light seemed to turn on, but I realized that this object had simply begun to rotate. It kept rotating slowly and began a slow pass of the field along the highway edge--gliding like a puck on ice. I knew it was a triangle because I could see it's bottom now. It had 3 lights, 2 white-ish and one red. Before I could collect my things it was directly over my head not more than 20 feet in the air. Slowly spinning and swinging it's course around me then off in the direction of the town houses.

3:13 AM
That's when I ran. I ran as hard as I could in the opposite direction and hitch hiked out of there.

[edit on 7-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 04:36 AM
Around 2:45 AM on the second night I began to receive vivid "flashes" of an alien's face which I've come to recognize as a "Grey." Soon after these flashes, I remember definite and prolonged contact with it. I could see it's face clearly; indifferent, large black eyes. I remember feeling paralyzed or "held." It was trying to use power of suggestion on me, giving me anything I wanted: anything I thought of was presented to me as a gift. It's hard to explain but I felt like it was a trick or ploy--so I refused adamantly and repeatedly, I believe that's why I was left alone (to my knowledge). It felt scripted to me; as if it were executing predetermined instructions, so I think it might've been a "worker."

I'm not sure exactly how long this telepathic projection lasted but I was in direct contact with this being for at least five minutes. I think it may have been trying to establish a link with me for 20 minutes or so.

Now, I've heard the argument that this is just my subconscious arguing with my conscious mind or some fragment of my (supposedly) shattered personality. I am quite sane and the feeling I got from this being, I could never reproduce.

CE-5/UFO: Rounded-Triangle/Greys in Bozeman MT, 2006
This particular information was omitted on NUFORC and MUFON.


[edit on 7-5-2008 by telepath]

[edit on 7-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Thank you for sharing.

Off course a pity you did not record it with a camera, but it is an impressive account of your memory.
I know that your mind plays tricks on you in these circumstances. Doing dreaming exercises you can have similar experiences. Things you remember as real of which you "know" they cannot be. Like meetings with other creatures. Still, your story brought back some of my old lucid memories of encounters with strange worlds. I have 3d maps of cities in my head I know can't exist, because the houses and coins (for instance)are different then anything I have ever seen. The natural thing is to disregard them as fantasies, but still, my body reacts on the memories with chills, and sometimes with melancholy.

How do you feel now?

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Telepath, is this your experience, or did you just find it on MUFON's site. If it's your experience, we would love to ask you some questions.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by telepath

I'm from Montana and never have heard of a military base near Bozeman. Even checked for military bases in Montana and it revealed that I was correct. Just the air force base in Great Falls.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Pjotr
Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for your response.

Off course a pity you did not record it with a camera, but it is an impressive account of your memory.

It is a pity I didn't have a camera to record it with, and yes, this experience is burned into my memory forever. One does not forget an experience like this. You seem skeptical to me. That's okay, I was too--until this happened to me.

I know that your mind plays tricks on you in these circumstances.

It is fallacious to assume you know what my mind does in a given circumstance. Speaking of circumstance "These circumstances?" You mean, like, seeing a UFO?

Doing dreaming exercises you can have similar experiences. Things you remember as real of which you "know" they cannot be. Like meetings with other creatures. Still, your story brought back some of my old lucid memories of encounters with strange worlds. I have 3d maps of cities in my head I know can't exist, because the houses and coins (for instance)are different then anything I have ever seen.

That's the thing, I don't "know" what can and cannot be--that's ignorant or arrogant. Well, you don't hold me in contempt at least. I am glad you're relating an experience of your own.

The natural thing is to disregard them as fantasies, but still, my body reacts on the memories with chills, and sometimes with melancholy.

How do you feel now?

No Sir! It's not "natural" to disregard your own experiences, it's indoctrination.
I know my post was very open but don't be presumptuous with me.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

This is my experience SC. I mentioned MUFON and NUFORC to let people know that it has been reported--so I wouldn't get redundant advice (to report it). I posted it here because I want feedback. Questions? Fire away! I'll gladly answer them.

By the way, I have plenty of my own questions!

[edit on 8-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by yourrolemodel

Hmm, just did some research and it is true... there are no active military bases near Bozeman (anymore). I think it may have been a misunderstanding. Gallatin Field airport was NW of my location at the time of the events. Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls--though MUCH further away was also NW of my location. I remember a local pointed to the NW and said there was a base "over there," which, at the time I took to mean as 'near the airport.'

I stand corrected.

[edit on 8-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Great Falls and the air force base are 185 miles away from Bozeman. why were you camping behind box stores when there are millions of acres of wilderness in Montana?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:08 AM
I realize that Great Falls is FAR away however, with no other cues or clues--a pointed finger in a given direction does NOT indicate distance. I hope you will agree.

Why was I camping behind box stores? That's kinda personal and not really pertinent but I'll share anyway:

I'm no survival expert. Wilderness camping takes money (without primitive skills) and time--I had neither. I was camping behind box stores because I was broke at the time, working 3 jobs nearby and saving up my money for an apartment before snowfall.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:51 PM
Telepath, I'm sorry if I was prying. I had/have doubts about the story because of the lack of a nearby military base (I agree a pointed finger doesn't indicate distance) and because you were homeless at the time. That might not be fair but its true. I'm not calling you a liar I'm just saying that I have doubts. As far as primitive skills go, I would suggest the Survival forum here on ATS. It's quite good.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:12 PM
telepath, I can't help but notice that you put "CE-5" in the title, which is a CSETI term.

Do you happen to be a CSETI member? Have you taken Steven Greer's "Ambassador to the Universe" training?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:05 PM
>telepath, I can't help but notice that you put "CE-5" in the title, which is a CSETI term.

>Do you happen to be a CSETI member? Have you taken Steven Greer's "Ambassador to
>the Universe" training?

A valid question.

No, I do not have CSETI training, but that does not preclude me using this commonly used (CSETI affiliation or not) extension to the Hynek classification system. I had direct telepathic communication with an ET therefore, I use the CE-5 designation:

>Close Encounters of the fifth kind (CE5, CEV): a direct contact or communication with
>alien being or race.

Next question?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:11 PM
Can you explain CSETI and CE-5?
I'm not familiar with it.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by yourrolemodel


CE = close encounter and types are 1,2,3,4,5

Bloecher subtypes

The UFO researcher Ted Bloecher proposed seven subtypes for the close encounters of the third kind in the Hynek's scale.

A: An entity is observed only inside the UFO
B: An entity is observed inside and outside the UFO
C: An entity is observed near to a UFO, but not going in or out.
D: An entity is observed. No UFOs are seen by the observer, but UFO activity has been reported in the area at about the same time
E: An entity is observed. But no UFOs are seen and no UFO activity has been reported in the area at that time
F: No entity or UFOs are observed, but the subject experiences some kind of "intelligent communication"
G: Abduction (same as close encounter of fourth kind)

[edit on 20-5-2008 by Tuebor]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:35 PM
A long while ago I witnessed rapidly flashing red and white lights on a craft which maneuvered in a manner similar to how you described (changing direction/altitude at incredible speed). I reported it to this site at the time of its occurence. One question I have for you is: did electronic devices or electricity cut out after the craft flew overhead? It did in my circumstance. Thanks for your extremely interesting account!

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Tuebor

Thanks Tuebor. I feel much less ignorant now. I probably could have figured that out myself. Its appreciated.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by yourrolemodel

YRM, that is a biased assumption that you are free to make. But there are a few things you should know.

"Homeless" is a misnomer in my case, I was merely houseless at the time. I draw that distinction, in fact, I wrote an article about it for the Bozeman Chronicle. At any rate, many people fall prey to a common stereotype:

Poor people who are addicted to drugs and/or have mental problems are often labeled "crazy" and dismissed. Rich people who do the same drugs in different forms are more likely to get labeled eccentric, which doesn't seem to hurt their credibility.

I do understand that you have doubts and I respect that, but I just hope it's for the right reasons. Ofcourse, you don't know me from Adam and there is no way you could know that I was stone-cold sober during my entire stay in Montana...... and there was no way I could've camped out while working three (3) jobs otherwise.

I'm a rare bird and I know that--it is not an affectation: how I choose to live is a result of knowing myself.

As for the military base issue:

It is my opinion that extraterrestrial UFO movement is unrestricted. Why would extraterrestrials (with technology so vastly superior to anything we have) limit their movements?

Furthermore, the increasingly prevalent idea that UFO sightings are only valid if they are within some arbitrary distance from a military base is disinformation. Disinformation espoused by jaded skeptics and incredulous critics of the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs. Disinformation designed to discredit a large portion of UFO reports from within the UFO community: specifically those claiming evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence.

This could be a whole thread by itself.

[edit on 20-5-2008 by telepath]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:22 PM

I do not recall using my flashlight after the triangle flew overhead--I was in a hurry to vacate the premises. I had no alarm clock because I would wake up one and a half hours before work automatically every morning--I had my "internal" clock.

The closest thing to an "electrical" effect that I observed was the single strobe effect in the rooms of the townhouse or the green glowing orbs above the townhouses.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by yourrolemodel
Can you explain CSETI and CE-5?
I'm not familiar with it.


I'll answer that as if it were an honest question.

Sorry. No I can't explain CSETI. I am not familiar with it beyond the fact that it exists. May I suggest Google?

CE-5 (Close Encounter Level Five):
My understanding of encounter levels beyond CE-3 is as unofficial extensions of the Hynek UFO classification system.


Dr. Hynek was skeptical of alien contact, abduction, etc., so his system only went to CE-3. I am not skeptical of alien contact however (as you already know from the first addendum to my original post... assuming you read it), so I am free to use this classification.

I think your question is a bit tongue-in-cheek. I quite frankly doubt your sincerity.

>Thanks Tuebor. I feel much less ignorant now. I probably could have figured that out myself. Its appreciated.

Now, I have some questions for you YRM, though I think I know the answers already...
1. If you could've figured that out on your own, why didn't you?
2. Are you trying to out me as a CSETI member?
3. Why are you trying to pigeonhole me?

I understand your skepticism but this is really tiresome. I'm no dummy, so don't treat me like one by asking veiled questions. Just say precisely what you mean to say.

I am not some kind of UFO "fan." I bring only my personal UFO experience to the forum (not membership to this or that organization). In answer to MrdDstrbr's post, NO I am not, nor have I ever been a CSETI member. Next question please.

[edit on 20-5-2008 by telepath]

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