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posted on May, 7 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Original text from Libra Rising

"When I first heard back in 1987 about the earth being hollow, my life took on a new meaning and perspective. Up until then I had only a vague and superficial conception of my place in the universe based mostly on religious and scientific teachings, but now, thanks to esoteric teaching, I have much more depth.

We must look into all sources of knowledge, exoteric and esoteric, to see the complete picture for no one source has all the answers. There is a massive conspiracy to hide the true nature of our planet -that it is hollow and oblate. Access to the hollow interior is principally through the north polar opening. There is also a south polar opening. One can catch a glimpses of the earth's inner central core which lights and warms the interior and which is behind the aurora borealis (the result of escaped gases coming from the earth's interior).

Most of us grew up learning in science class that our planet is a round solid ball with a molten fiery core at its center from whence comes our volcanic activity. While this sounds reasonable at first, the flaws soon start to come out. First of all, a solid Earth, down to its core, has way too much weight and mass to spin so quietly and perfectly on its axis. Secondly, whomever would design, build, or create planets would see the wisdom of both minimizing weight and maximizing space; a solid planet can only be mostly inhabited on its outer surface, whereas a hollow one would have two livable surfaces.

Admiral Byrd made two historic but unannounced trips to the hollow interior. While the purpose of these trips was to gather sensitive data concerning the Earth's interior, leakage of the events served to strengthen the notion and reality that our planet is indeed hollow. Further news of this, was however, repressed. There are areas miles beneath the earth, interconnected by tunnels through which high speed shuttles navigate, using magnetics for propulsion. Some of these are government or scientific installations. Many know of Telos a mile or so beneath Mt.Shasta in California. Not many know that nearly every major city on the planet has its roots to an inner area beneath it.

Secret elevators or shafts in some buildings lead to these duplicate areas, to which only certain individuals are allowed or have access to. Most underground areas are built for protection by government in times of war or natural catastrophes, as well as for often forbidden projects or activities. The Moon is even more hollow than the Earth, due to its very thin shell (90 miles thick). Scientists noted that when a sizeable meteorite hit the moon, its shell would vibrate and ring like a bell. Similar effects could be produced by aiming a powerful sonic beam at the Moon from Earth."

OP: If anyone would like me to post a thread about the info I have on Area 51 involving hollow earth let me know, thanks

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 12:44 AM
No offense intended, but, unfortunately, this has been covered and discredited so many times that it no longer attracts much of an audience.

I don't mean to be offensive in the least, but perhaps you could/should search on the site before publishing. It is great that something in the world of foil hats has excited you. Unfortunately, it appears to be something that has been discredited since I first got excited by it all in Fate Magazine, back in the late 60s.

If I am wrong, and there is new evidence that we have, indeed, a hollow planet, I would, frankly, be most happy to apologize. I also would be back on the band wagon.

If you don't wish to share publicely, please feel free to u2u me.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by sigung86

I think you should start writing a letter of apology, because I just found this on Google Hollow Earth

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 10:02 AM
It appears that the information covering Area 51 and a traveler to Inner Earth has already been posted by SimonGray- Traveler to the Interior of Hollow Earth

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by sigung86
No offense intended, but, unfortunately, this has been covered and discredited so many times that it no longer attracts much of an audience.

I don't mean to be offensive in the least, but perhaps you could/should search on the site before publishing. It is great that something in the world of foil hats has excited you. Unfortunately, it appears to be something that has been discredited since I first got excited by it all in Fate Magazine, back in the late 60s.

If I am wrong, and there is new evidence that we have, indeed, a hollow planet, I would, frankly, be most happy to apologize. I also would be back on the band wagon.

If you don't wish to share publicely, please feel free to u2u me.

roflol, i bet this dood was proud of what he wrote, too bad it's nonsense! Please try to disprove hollow earth theory, there are a lot of hollow earth believers that would be interested. Better yet, try to PROVE the traditional earth theory.

Keep your little turds off of intelligent posts, lightweight.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 07:32 AM
I think someone was looking in the mirror... and thought he saw the earth.. instead of his head.. probably knocked on it with his knuckles , and got an echo... yeah.. hollow..

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 08:11 AM
I really believe that the hollow earth theory could be proven this year as many scientists have said that the arctic ice would completely melt by summer 2008.SO i am waiting for pics of the artic.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by eeebbb
roflol, i bet this dood was proud of what he wrote, too bad it's nonsense! Please try to disprove hollow earth theory, there are a lot of hollow earth believers that would be interested. Better yet, try to PROVE the traditional earth theory.

Keep your little turds off of intelligent posts, lightweight.

I was going to click the "alert" button and let a moderator scrub your scatological reference, despite its cuteness, from the post. But then I decided, what the's a reflection on you, "dood", so let's just leave it right there.

"Hollow earth believers" are one of the sub-genres of these discussions that reflect poorly on the entire field and cause persons that employ contemplation, reason, and logic, to silently shake their head in wonder. And it's arguments like the one offered above that make many wish an IP packet could carry a thump to the skull.

Instead of asking someone to "disprove" your pet theory.....offer some evidence that can be investigated, weighed, and judged. Frankly, when there is zero evidence for a theory, disproving it gets kinda' tough.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:26 AM
John Lear says he has heard all the planets are inhabited by humans. That's what NASA's secret astronaut corps deals with -- all the other planets.

Okay well then they're not visible on the outside, so they must be living on the inside where the environment is under better control by technology.

Also, it would not surprise me if the earth was built like a fruit with seeds at the core, soft flesh that can be removed easily and a sturdy "skin." Or maybe a planet is like a "womb with a view" essentially a sack.

What bothers me is now I can't believe anything my physics teacher says and I can't tell him he's teaching a bunch of bunk because NASA teaches a buncha bunk.

It's like going to church and listening to How many angels fit on the head of a pin? or What they do to people who end up in Hell ...... anymore.

No scientist is believable when you know, NASA just lies.

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