posted on May, 7 2008 @ 10:40 AM
in order to prepare for all out cyber warfare by using it to conduct mock online battles with realistic info-warriors.
Why not just call it what it is : Propaganda and Lies.
Oh well, when the administration starts injecting their lies onto the internet, and scanning our responses... we'll just screw with them back.
Start reporting everything you see being loaded into politicial houses... find out where the sons, daughters, and parents of the politicians you
don't like live, and start talking about how you saw them bringing explosives into the house (propane), along with allot of electronic equipment.
Just say it arbitrarily on the internet... not as an accusation, but more as a passing thought.
It will be fun to see how many times politicians get pissed off cause their families are being harassed by the government.
It will be even more fun to know that they're getting the wrong guys, because they were spying on us!
Won't take long before the politicians find out that all the searches came from the internet branch of the military... and the whole project will get
shut down.
Come on! Let's make a game of this!
Go get an alias on a .alt newsgroup, and start talking about those explosives and electronics you saw being unloaded at your local politicians son's
Then videotape it, put it on youtube. That'll make em turn red.
The internet stays free!
The reason we use it is because it's not oppressed by the government.
We could always start a new network... and simply leave the US out of it. But lets give them a chance at least.
[edit on 7-5-2008 by johnsky]