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Predicting a huge earthquake in June 2008

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:31 PM

First off, you're making the assumption that anyone on this planet can accurately or consistantly predict anything. There is no one who can predict things like this, so the act of posting something like this is flawed from the start. Also if you didnt notice he posted this months ago so for two months he gave his magazine exposure and probably got a few subscribers from this post. Nexus is an alternative news magazine, so he is not really sacrificing the integrity of his magazine because there are many predictions in the magazine and most if not all have never come to pass. In fact that is how he sells mags, a catchy headline, doesnt matter if it doesnt come true or not. How do you think The Star and Weekly World News sold magazines. They had a new end of the world prediction on every cover, not one came true and they still sold issues.

Stop assuming that there is anyone who can predict events such as these. No one can, some may stumble onto a correct guess but those things happen to everyone from time to time. Running out and claiming the sky is falling is not productive or helpful to anyone. He is using fear to sell magazines, but i guess if it were that obvious that he was doing that he wouldnt even have a publication.

Wow, with logic like your opening sentences, I really wonder what YOUR agenda is.

Once again, I will tell you clearly, that this was not a hoax. My friend exists, I exist, he had the vision, I put my best guess on when it would occur, and to top it off, I stated on this thread, that I started, that the prediction as posted has failed.

I totally reject the assertions that this was a hoax, and I totally reject that you sceptics even know what a hoax is anymore.

I totally reject that this was a shameless promotion for my magazine. Sure I publish an alternative news magazine, but honestly - do you really think anyone ran out and bought my magazine because of my OP? I guarantee 99% of you COULDN'T rush out and even FIND my puny magazine to buy anywhere near you. Promotion as a motive is evidence that you are desperate for reasons to whine on about how you hate predictions.

I do NOT use fear to sell the magazine, I don't even advertise the magazine outside of our website and a couple of contras with other specialist news publications. Do you ever see my logo flashing on ATS, or Rense, Prison Planet, TDG, Global Research or anywhere else? NO - because I am NOT into promotion. Mass promo is useless for me, as the magazine is so specialised. Our articles are 5000 words plus - the attention span needed to read this is not found by garish fear-based promotion. People who respond to fear-based marketing have SHORT attention spans - and these people would never buy Nexus anyway.

The bottom line is that I posted a prediction which failed. GET OVER IT AND MOVE ALONG!

I realise that Nexus is near the top of the hate list for all skeptic groups around the world, but honestly, the level of skepticism here is pathetic. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

I honestly thought that the classic skeptic tactics of rushing into other people's functions and events, screaming abuse about how stupid people are for believing in whatever - were over. But I see here at ATS some of them maintain the rage, and once again, make skeptics everywhere look stupid.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
I don't even advertise the magazine outside of our website and a couple of contras with other specialist news publications. Do you ever see my logo flashing on ATS, or Rense, Prison Planet, TDG, Global Research or anywhere else? NO - because I am NOT into promotion.

Your magazine is your screen name: promotion. Every post you make is some promotion. You mention your magazine The below previous post from this thread: promotion.

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
2. I have an article we are preparing for publication in our June-July issue. It is by a researcher who predicts earth changes via the angular relationships of the planets to the Sun (no, I am not talking about astrology - just statistical correlations of note).
This researcher is adamant that June 8-16 is going to see either a huge number of earthquakes, or several large ones. His track record is also more than impressive - and thus I also take him seriously.

and another:

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
Nexus is one of the only magazines to have published any articles on the relationship between human sensitivities and earthquakes/volcanos - and we have had ongoing feedback from people around the world on it since then.


Originally posted by nexusmagazine
b- we have published in this latest issue of Nexus, an article by Ken Dickman, who has an impressive track record predicting the DATES of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but absolutely little clue or accuracy as to the locations. His dates of concern are June 1-13, 2008. His calculations are based solely on angular relationships between the planets and the sun.

annnnd again:

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
PS: Oh yeah, I forgot that I am here to shamelessly tell everyone how wonderful my magazine is, so here it is.
I am the proud owner and publisher and editor of Nexus Magazine. It has been going for over 20 years, is published in many countries and languages, and guess what? - most of the intelligent people on ATS read it regularly.


Originally posted by nexusmagazine
Whatever. It was Nexus that first did the article on her some years ago, and it revealed that there are many other people out there who are sensitive to many precursor signals regarding earthquakes, volcanos and other tectonic/magnetic field fluctuations.

You even post excerpts from your magazine on the site:

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
Britain’s Secret War in Antarctica
by James Robert © 2005
(Source: Extracted from article in NEXUS Magazine, volume 12, number 5)

For a guy not into self promotion there sure are a lot of mentions of your publication in this thread and self posted by you on this site.

I know what you are up to, you are not a subtle as you think. Considering you were already banned once for promoting your magazine on this site.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:20 PM

For a guy not into self promotion there sure are a lot of mentions of your publication in this thread and self posted by you on this site.

I know what you are up to, you are not a subtle as you think. Considering you were already banned once for promoting your magazine on this site.

I am sorry that you see the references you made as 'self promotion' - I thought I was spreading useful information. After all, you didn't have to buy my magazine to obtain the references or the information I was referring to.

And once again, you fail to get your facts right I was never banned. I signed on originally as nexuseditor, and they removed my introductory post, as they deemed it too self promoting. I was a complete newbie, and had been asked by half a dozen ATS regulars to sign on and tell people who I was. Sure I did the wrong way by ATS rules, and I accept that.

But I was never banned, a factoid that you ARE aware of, but somehow don't feel the need to be completely honest about. Just like putting the boot in for the sake of it Mainer? Once again, Mainer is the one spreading lies and disinformation.

Get over the fact that I publish a magazine that you and your skeptic buddies love to hate. I don't mind some flack, but lay off the outright lies okay?


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine

And once again, you fail to get your facts right I was never banned.

I don't mind some flack, but lay off the outright lies okay?

Nexus Editor == Banned.

The only persons consistently lying in this thread is you.

- OP is a lie
- You having me on ignore is a lie
- Your previous account not being banned is a lie
- You not promoting the magazine is a lie

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Mainer

Originally posted by nexusmagazine

And once again, you fail to get your facts right I was never banned.

I don't mind some flack, but lay off the outright lies okay?

Nexus Editor == Banned.

The only persons consistently lying in this thread is you.

- OP is a lie
- You having me on ignore is a lie
- Your previous account not being banned is a lie
- You not promoting the magazine is a lie

- What proof do you have that my OP was a lie? NONE!
- I took you off the ignore list, because I called the prediction as originally posted, a failure - and because I needed to put others on it from other posts. Don't worry, you're going back on after this post.
- I had no idea that my previous account was banned. My email from ATS said my posts had been removed. When I rejoined ATS a couple of months ago I couldn't remember my login details and so I started a new account. Nobody has had a problem with my name - in fact I have been invited to go on some ATS radio thingy, and on some soapbox.
- It was never my intention to deliberately promote the magazine. I happen to be genuinely personally interested in all this stuff, and have been active in it for over 30 years. Sure I use the magazine as my id - get over it!

Now, for the love of god, can we close this thread?


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:44 PM
I for one am quite glad you post here. IN FACT you aught to ask the ATS mod team for your own spot. John lear and Jim marrs both have their own spots here.

You bring a very unique and wonderful thing to ATS. I only wish you had come here years ago.

Back on topic... I am still waiting to see that 9.5. I did not hear of one in june. I Did hear of a few major quakes in China but no 9.5... Although I wait to see.
As you can guess from my namesake I follow the Titor story. I don't take his word as gospel lest my world view be crippled... But I do pay very close attention. I fully expect something MAJOR along the lines of a massive quake disrupting the 08 Olyipics.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by titorite
I for one am quite glad you post here. IN FACT you aught to ask the ATS mod team for your own spot. John lear and Jim marrs both have their own spots here.

You bring a very unique and wonderful thing to ATS. I only wish you had come here years ago.

Back on topic... I am still waiting to see that 9.5. I did not hear of one in june. I Did hear of a few major quakes in China but no 9.5... Although I wait to see.
As you can guess from my namesake I follow the Titor story. I don't take his word as gospel lest my world view be crippled... But I do pay very close attention. I fully expect something MAJOR along the lines of a massive quake disrupting the 08 Olyipics.

Thanks titorite,

I confess to being a fan of Titor - I love his description of time-lines, in fact his description of them matches my own theories about time.

The guy that had the vision only knows that the quake is reported as 9.9 richter scale, is off the coast of China, causes tsunami/wall of water etc, and that it cancels the Olympic Games this year. The June dates came from my own best guestimate of when his vision would likely come to pass. I failed on that one - happily I might add.

A friend of mine has a theory that if enough people hear about a prediction beforehand, that their very consideration of it, how it affects them etc, causes them to navigate themselves into a different timeline, so that for them, the prediction appears to have failed. I suggested he read the Titor material about timelines, LOL!



posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:26 AM
Ah yes that must be it. A super secret government ninja predictor with an infallible record in the past:

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
He just gets the occasional vision - and they all come true.
the US State Dept sent a couple of guys to interview him months back.

stymied by your posting on ATS. That must also be why no predictions posted here ever come true!

Nothing like the old Titor defense (Titordinger's Cat) to explain away why this prediction failed.

That fairly much wraps this hoax up in a nice tight little bow. That would make this thread one of the archhoaxes.

Apocalyptic prediction transmitted by a second party (rarely first hand)
Predictor is anonymous (for their own safety) but has a successful track record
OP is not going to say any more about it
OP says more about it
OP releases more stunning information (supervirus!)
OP backs away from the timeline (he invented that part)
Prediction fails
Titor defense

Oh well, at least this one had a clear motive. Still don't understand Titor's.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Can you provide any proof that anyone you know has accurately predicted any significant event? Because if you have been interested in this topic for 30 years i'm sure you have a nice record of accurate predictions.
I mean if your going to make extraordinary claims, I believe you need some extraordinary evidence.
Whats the next cant fail prediction?

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by iamcamouflage
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Can you provide any proof that anyone you know has accurately predicted any significant event? Because if you have been interested in this topic for 30 years i'm sure you have a nice record of accurate predictions.
I mean if your going to make extraordinary claims, I believe you need some extraordinary evidence.
Whats the next cant fail prediction?

Yes I know of people who have predicted signifiicant events.

The proof was that they wrote them down before the event, and showed them to other people.

I agree that extraordinary claims require evidence. I do not see however, that a prediction requires proof. I mean, how can a prediction HAVE proof? It is a prediction - a statement, based on whatever reason, that something is going to happen in the future.

I, and the majority of lurkers on this list, totally fail to understand the hostility demonstrated by people such as yourself and Mainer on this thread, towards the very concept that people should be allowed to make a prediction.

I mean, surely, if their prediction fails, it fails. You can go down the path taken by Mainer in his vain efforts to seek standing amongst the skeptics, and just claim that the whole post is a lie, as a method to denounce predictions - but that is just plain ridiculous.

As has been pointed out, posting a prediction that fails simply makes the predictor look stupid for any future attempts. Why is any prediction automatically a hoax? Why is there such hostility about someone posting a prediction at all? Are you people just bored out of your brains or what?

For the last time, I have already stated that the prediction as originally posted, has FAILED. Maybe now you and your buddy Mainer can take your gestapo thought police tactics to some other thread.


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine

Yes I know of people who have predicted significant events.

The proof was that they wrote them down before the event, and showed them to other people.

Sure you do. Post another one: I dare you. You wrote this one down and it failed.

Your guy had 100% accuracy in predictions that is the holy grail of predictions. He gets visited by government agents! How can a guy with that track record fail this time around? Because you made it public on ATS?

If this was his first prediction or his second I could see him missing. But if he really exists and is so damn good, how did he get this one wrong?

Much much more likely that there is no guy, then he suddenly fail at this specific prediction.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:58 AM

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 06:40 PM
Hi Nexusmagazine,

I am nervous about posting anything here because of the bullies who keep attacking you on this thread... I'll go ahead and post my question to you, hoping they'll leave this alone.

I'm wondering if your friend with the vision has contacted you recently? If so, has he mentioned how he's feeling about his premonition? You said for it to come true, it has to play out exactly as it was - he turns on the tv to check the weather and finds out about the massive earthquake. He must be very nervous to turn on his tv... if it were me, I'd be getting rid of it!

Sorry for the flack you've received... like Titorite, I'm glad that you post here. I checked out the John Titor link on ATS and found it to be thought-provoking reading. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by mountaindog
Hi Nexusmagazine,

I am nervous about posting anything here because of the bullies who keep attacking you on this thread... I'll go ahead and post my question to you, hoping they'll leave this alone.

I'm wondering if your friend with the vision has contacted you recently? If so, has he mentioned how he's feeling about his premonition? You said for it to come true, it has to play out exactly as it was - he turns on the tv to check the weather and finds out about the massive earthquake. He must be very nervous to turn on his tv... if it were me, I'd be getting rid of it!

Sorry for the flack you've received... like Titorite, I'm glad that you post here. I checked out the John Titor link on ATS and found it to be thought-provoking reading. Thanks!

I spoke to my friend a few weeks ago. His actual vision is yet to manifest, and he only has a couple of weeks left before the Games start. He is absolute that every vision he has had plays out like he sees it - so he (sadly) awaits the day he turns on the tv in the morning and sees the news interrupting his normal tv weather viewing.

As for Titor, well, I guess if you adopt the multiple time-line theory of reality/realities, then his case might well be a true story. Personally, I liked reading his posts, and thought they offered an interesting perspective - certainly in keeping with someone who believed what they were saying.

As for the 'bullies' - they are a vocal minority of ATS who seem to have a need to act as some form of thought police. Ignore em.



posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

I mean, how can a prediction HAVE proof?

Um... you make a prediction and it comes true. Thats how you prove it. Did any of these people document any of their predictions on a forum, so the date and time can be verified? Could you at least list some examples of these significant events?

The hostility comes from the FACT that no one on this earth has been shown to accurately or consistently predict anything. And you make extraordinary claims about a horrible event that is supposed to happen. Do you really not see the harm that you can do to people with false "predictions". There are people who believe this stuff and when you say something like:

A huge earthquake (over 9.5 Richter scale) is predicted for around mid-June this year (2008) - centred off the coast of China. It is predicted that a tsunami of 50m (I think) will race inland causing unimaginable damage. It will result in the Olympic Games being cancelled. The margin of error for the time is +/- 2 weeks, meaning it could be anytime in June.

And then it doesnt happen(because no one has been shown to be able to accurately or consistantly predict anything), you are doing people in this area and people who have family or friends in this area a great dis-service. You are playing off peoples fears and using it to sell magazines.
That is where the hostility comes from.

Again, if you have been involved in the prediction game for 30+ years and claim to know people who have predicted many significant events than you must have documented at least some of them. You must have made other posts on forums, where the prediction came true, right? You claim to make these predictions to help people, so dont you think you should show the track record on these predictions, so people can trust you. You are failing to understand the harm that can come from claiming the sky is falling and scaring people with false and misleading information.

You are using fear to sell your magazine and that is a really low thing to do to people.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by iamcamouflage

You know I do not even see him trying to sell his magizines here. So how is he "using fear" to sell his magazines.

The only pathetic thing I see here on this thread is you and your cronies constant vilification of an ATS member. Is he proud of his magazine? It sure seems like it. Lord knows I would be proud to be part of such a publication. Has he been trying to sell his magazine? NO. Do ATS members quote Nexus often YES. Do ATS members predict all sorts of things all the time? YES. DOES the FLIPPING WEATHER MAN MAKE PREDICTIONS THAT NEVER COME TRUE YES

So get off your high high and mighty horses and grow up! Jeeze...

If you don't like a topic or person your under no obligation to read words or respond.

You can not show me one NOT ONE instance where nexus says something along the lines where you can buy the magazine or how much it costs or anything akin to him trying to sell his magazine... GET OVER YOURSELVES!

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by titorite

I'm not going to re-quote the whole thing but Mariner has provided all the quotes from Nexus in this thread where he plugged his magazine. 2nd post on page 15. And lets not forget his user name is NexusMagazine. I think a google search will provide you with all the ordering information you need if you wish to subscribe to Nexus.

I assure you I am on no high horse but i'm going to call someone on their BS just as someone will call me on BS. But I assure you I have not made any false statements and have nothing to sell.

I have a question for you and anyone else: Is it ok to make a prediction that may end up hurting people if it turns out to be false? And dont give me that, "well if its true it will help" line because again, there is no one on this earth who has been shown to accurately or consistantly predict anything.

Is it honest for me to create a username called bio-mask and then use ATS for my flu-pandemic predictions/advertising and then nonchalantly mention that i sell masks that can protect you from the flu. I'm not saying its illegal but is it honest?

[edit on 21-7-2008 by iamcamouflage]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 06:00 PM
I would not spend too much time trying to argue the value of debunking BS predictions to a guy who still believes in the John Titor prediction in July 2008.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by iamcamouflage
The hostility comes from the FACT that no one on this earth has been shown to accurately or consistently predict anything.

Except super secret government ninja WWII guy. He never misses. Till this one that is.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Look at yourselves. Your lives are pitiful. Getting your jollies by belittling others, if yall knew what shame was you would be ashamed of yourselves. People make dozens of predictions here all day long but you two are singling this one particular fellow out... Is it because he works for Nexus? Is that it? Is that your sole reason for making him the focus of you energy stealing , derogatory , obsessive behaviors..???

He works for Nexus, GET OVER IT.! I'm sure you got some John Lear bashing to do... maybe your missing an appointment to prove atheism to a coven...

You two jokers are wastes of bandwidth

Your out.



[edit on 10/18/2007 by titorite]

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