posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:33 PM
Why America... ?
This subject I can tell you something about, From the beginning 1775 time frame. It was a popular topic of indepence from england. and the colonys
were all too independant and needed a common enemy. Hence King Georges ABOVETOPSECRET (Rothchild's - Jewish Mafia, we know as Mossad) sought to
control the whole Americas contenent which at that time was not fully explorered. It was decided that England would piss off the colony's and then
you literature to fan the flames. King George provided the funding for both sides of the revolution. he increasingly sent his troop into conflict with
less and less resources and hence they not only lost the war, they got their asses whacked real bad. King George was the laughing stock of all
European Royalty. And AMERICA, was born, and every thing we did in the first 100 years was just marvous, the next was rocked by the civil war, noting
Aberham Lincoln Printed his own money. and paid the price. Rothchild is our Money Man. has been from the beginning. we now know Rothchild by every
bank in America. Bank of America is basically, the Federal Reserve. And the Federal Reserve is a British. Bank of England. It was formed in 1913,
"The Creature from Jykle Island". Every Establishment of Government is almost identical to British systems. Courts.. everything. when Abe freed the
Slaves and in 1913 began the enslavement of everyone. in the New Deal, your a slave.
For those not in the know: Not a Single State Ratified The 16th Ammendment. That makes the Federal Reserve System a offical Mafia Protection Racket.
Pay your Taxes and we wont Hurt You. And in 1914 or so several cases reached the Supreme Court and the Court ruled it granted Congress No new taxing
authority. hence it did not make the local news papers so the people didn't know ... The Lower Courts will send you up the river... but the upper
courts ruled for the people....
If you didn't notice - once you know this, then other things come into view.
take a look at a picture "real near" of the US House of representatives.. Do you see the American Flag - ok, now look at those emblems that flank
the US FLAG. Those are Facses - Hitler Dictator - Mousellini Dictator - plus many more use the FASCES to represent the style of government. Those are
Fasces on both sides of the US FLAG... THat means we have a Dictator.
and it isn't the president... You see according to researcher Jordan Maxwell in 1868 a Corporation was formed. The United States of America
Corporation. He claims it was founded in England. And the Majority Shareholder is the Royals. every dollar you pay in Income Tax goes to the Bank of
England. not the US TREASURY.
Well just as soon as everyone wakes up and realizes your a slave - do you think we are going to stand for that - knowing damn good and well what we
stand for...? well huh.... The Camps Martial Law - Rights Reduction its all to control us when we Wake Up... remember this is a Dream. Life is very
comfortable over the last 200 years. But now is a different story. in 1999 we had a party of sorts -- Internet Stocks Soaring High... President Coming
every other month... It was all a setup to fund the last stages of this Agenda. "We make the technology that will make this new Great Society The NWO
"FASCIST Nazi's" are global. after WWII they went to North - South America - east to Russia. every contenant received Nazi's. I believe they did
not lose the war - they changed venues.
and WWII was fought only because Rothchild made a deal with the Queen to give the Jews a homeland. So the crown made it so in 1948, The beginning of
the end. Now we are in the END TIMES. but the events you think are fake - because all of the requirement in the bible have already been met, we are
waiting on the Temple Mount prophetcy. Rothchild over the years gained more favor and power over America - and in 1929 withdrew his investments in
America and caused the Depression of the 1930. The Federal Reserve and Rossevelt Enslaved the population