posted on May, 25 2008 @ 01:09 AM
It is to bad that Lockheed and Boeing will try and steal contract from Northrop Grumman who win them fair and square, of course it you send in a
second rate bidding you will come out with second rate results..
Since Lockheed and Boeing can win the right way they will try to cheat the contracts away from Northrop Grumman. and of course Boeing knows all about
cheating, they cheated on the first tanker deal right Mike S and Darlene D, and they cheated on the launch contract, and then there good ol Harry S,
now Harry knew how to cheat, he cheated with the 2 legged kind, and of course congress will let these 2 loser companies steal those
contract away that Northrop Grumman won fair and square through the Bid and award process....