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Bill O'Reilly Just announced he was "A little bit Reptilian"

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posted on May, 5 2008 @ 08:10 PM
On Fox news about 10 min ago, (8:55pm May 5,2008) Bill O'Reilly just said that he was a little bit reptilian. He was doing that reptile thing with his tongue and then he said he was a reptilian. I dont really buy into all that stuff, but I thought it was odd that he would say that. I recorded it on my TIVO but I'm not sure how to put it on the computer so if anyone else saw it and has it please post. I will try though and get back to you.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by tator3
On Fox news about 10 min ago, (8:55pm May 5,2008) Bill O'Reilly just said that he was a little bit reptilian. He was doing that reptile thing with his tongue and then he said he was a reptilian. I dont really buy into all that stuff, but I thought it was odd that he would say that...


I just watched the video. You are twisting what he said, and making a lie of omission by not telling us the context in which he said that.

O'Reilly had a body-language expert on his show to dissect his interview with Hillary Clinton. The expert, Tanya Reiman (sp?), said he was making tongue-protrusions when asking Clinton a question. O'Reilly asked her what it meant, then commented, (and I am quoting exactly) "it's a little reptilian." Reiman goes on to explain it means someone feels they are unnerved or out of their element.

He did not say "he was a bit reptilian," rather the unconscious body-language (something that ALL humans do) is a bit reptilian. And in the context of the conversation, it was not at all unusual, as you tried to spin it.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:29 AM
I haven't seen this vid but usually when O'reilly does a segment like that, it is a political hit-piece - ie insult usually a democrat or libertarian type in a sly way. So now calling someone reptilian has gone mainstream

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:05 AM
christ, wait until David Ickes gets a hold of that interview. Fox and ReptillianFriends, No Scale(spin) Factor, We Report You Reptile. Fair and Balanced, or fairly falisced.

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