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An American Werewolf?

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posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:57 PM

An American Werewolf?

Linda Godfrey thought the first story she wrote on the subject would be her last. But almost immediately after the weekly newspaper in this small city published her article about local werewolf sightings in early 1992, Godfrey's phone started ringing.
"At first I didn't believe there was a man changing into a wolf on Bray Road," Godfrey said this week during an interview at her home, which is tucked along a rural stretch of old farmland eight miles outside Elkhorn. "Now I'm more open."

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:57 PM
Are Werewolfs real? Mabey there might b some living among us! U never no...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 08:09 PM
I have a theory, thats also sort of a chalenge, sopposedly their are, what were once described as witches, but could probably be better described as ninja types ussing wolf skins to scare the heck out of the living, or maybe even better, bearserkers who were known as skin walkers, I dont know how maney of you on this board believe in psychic fenomina, or that fetishes can influence it, by fetishes I mean objects ascribed a power by their owner that they didnt have under normal circumstances, I want to see if the werewolfves are actualy thiese skin walkers, as they are called, as of such they seem to have a natural affinity for strainge fetishes, I chalenge any of you to take a bunch of crawdad heads, a doll with a cross hidden in it, their are a bunch of thiese wierd dolls appearing in good wills and second hand stores if you dont want to go through the trouble of getting a cross of wood from a verry religious or troubled person, and hide it in a doll, I also sugjest burning lots of mullen and anise, and add in some low, quiet, and heavy base music, at your own volition of corse, and take a video camera, or just a cammera and a tape recorder, and stay out all night watching the objects from the safety of your car, and see if anything happens, I challenge you espesialy to try this durring a new or full moon, or on eather of the days right next to one, and if any-one tries this and anything happens, please tell me emediatly, and try to have some proof to show, I'd rather not go out their for nothing

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 07:28 AM
Sometimes subject like this make me wonder and try and find a logical answer.

What happens if it's just a man, for example, who's not 'quite there' in the head, and takes on ferral (sp?) like attributes, living in the wild. And, hopefully if some of you have heard in the past, of people who have overactive hormones/testosterone, who have the problem of being overly hairy and almost look werewolfish.

Although even I'm one to be open minded, so just take what I said with a pinch of salt. I mean, if there isn't an explanation, then that's my sceptical thoughts down the pan and it is, in fact, a bit of a paranormal thing


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