and called their name Adam
0000 years - 4004 BC - Eve Adam
0130 years - 3874 BC - Adam Adam
0105 years - 3769 BC - Seth Adam
0090 years - 3679 BC - Enos Adam
0070 years - 3609 BC - Cainan Adam
0065 years - 3544 BC - Mahalaleel Adam
0162 years - 3382 BC - Jared Adam
0065 years - 3317 BC - Enoch Adam
0187 years - 3130 BC - Methuselah Adam
0182 years - 2948 BC - Lamech Adam
0600 years - 2348 BC - Noah Adam
1656 years - 2348 BC - The Date ark Built at Stonehenge Shipyard
English Heritage timeline
Noah Adam built the ark at Stonehenge Shipyard in 2348 BC (see timeline). Salisbury Plain Coal Prospect ditches had been explored (excavated) and
cursed. Digging for shallow coal had ceased after
Cretaceous /
Carboniferous limestone differences were learned at Stonehenge Mining College athletic
field. LORD Fellow of Woodhenge cursed the land because his Prospect was barren of shallow coal. The Healing Stones (Bluestone) had failed and were
returned to South Wales Coalfield.
4 'Station Stones'; Shipwright's 4 main hull braces
4 'Postholes at A'; Shipwright's 4 dock door piers
56 'Aubrey Holes'; Shipwright's 56 support beams
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 01; Pitch angle (25 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 02; Pitch angle (30 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 03; Pitch angle (35 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 04; Pitch angle (40 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 05; Pitch angle (45 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 06; Pitch angle (50 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 07; Pitch angle (55 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 08; Pitch angle (60 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 09; Pitch angle (65 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 10; Pitch angle (70 deg) increase
Noah Adam SS 91 ark main hull brace (vertical)
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 11; Pitch angle (75 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 12; Pitch angle (80 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 13; Pitch angle (85 deg) increase
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 14; Pitch angle (90 deg) greatest
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 15; Pitch angle (85 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 16; Pitch angle (80 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 17; Pitch angle (75 deg) decrease
Noah Adam SS 92 ark main hull brace (vertical)
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 18; Pitch angle (70 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 19; Pitch angle (65 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 20; Pitch angle (60 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 21; Pitch angle (55 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 22; Pitch angle (50 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 23; Pitch angle (45 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 24; Pitch angle (40 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 25; Pitch angle (35 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 26; Pitch angle (30 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 27; Pitch angle (25 deg) decrease
Oak beam to [Aubrey] hole 28; Pitch angle (20 deg) least