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Republicans: How do you justify what Bush has done?

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posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:20 PM

The war was unjust because it was based on propaganda and highly questionable intel. This in itself it totally wrong. You actually know how it all went, with the known fraudster Chalabi feeding cooky information to the US. And the intelligence community was under pressure from the Bush asministration who wantd the war at all costs.

Get your facts straight. There were dozens of investigations in to that and all of them found there was no pressure.

I'm so sick of arguing with people in this debate, that have no idea how the decade previous led to the war. If you don't know anything about the Clinton administration and Iraq, UNSCOM and The Iraqi liberation act, than you're missing a lot of relevant information.

National security adviser Stephen J. Hadley, briefing reporters Thursday, countered "the notion that somehow this administration manipulated the intelligence." He said that "those people who have looked at that issue, some committees on the Hill in Congress, and also the Silberman-Robb Commission, have concluded it did not happen."

What the hell... Was Iraq planning an invasion of the US??? What kind of crap is that?

I'm talking about the reality now. It doesn't matter if we leave, the war will continue.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I posted my opinions as is standard on ATS and did so without personal attacks. That is easy for me as I am confident in my opinion, my stance, my knowledge and my experience.

I simply objected to the personal attack.

See? Simple again.

reply to post by dariousg

empty declarations of war mongering in place of any real answer

Those Liberal Buzzwords add little to a conversation except to point out a lack of ability to debate the issue on any intellectual level.

I am by no means a War monger. In fact, I have been there so I feel perfectly safe and experienced in voicing my opinion.

If my opinion upsets you, perhaps you should just not read it?

If you say you are going to answer then at least give some substance instead of garbage

One mans garbage is another mans treasure.

Do you really think that YOUR assessment of my opinion is relevant? Sorry to disappoint.

but you are NOT being a patriot.

Your opinion.

You have that right. Does not in anyway make you correct, just your opinion, like mine.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Dronetek

You are correct in that it gets real old real quick.

They can't argue facts or really even intellectual opinions, so they resort to Liberal buzz words and personal attacks.

But you know what?

If you go back in time a little, to just after 9/11 when everyone was all patriotic and in support, there were those of us that have been there and done that, that predicted this sort of "turn around".

The desire to be politically correct and fit in with the "in" crowd is tremendous to the uninitiated and inexperienced. They read and hear these buzz words and liberal talking points and just can't wait to get out there and start throwing them around.

It is typical and expected.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by wisefoolishness
Republicans: How do you justify what Bush has done?

I think they were silent for eight years in order to save all of their political criticism for Obama.

Some are acting like Obama is here to ruin America as if they didn't notice it already has been.

Ah...sweet denial.

- Lee

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by wisefoolishness
Can you?
How do you justify an unjust war?
How do you justify thousands and thousands of lives lost, American and foreign?
How do you justify what has been done to our economy?
How do you justify torture?


1. Yes
2. His daddy made him
3. His daddy's idea
4. He's on coke
5. By making up words on the spot to throw people off. And snorting coke.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by buddhasystem

I posted my opinions as is standard on ATS and did so without personal attacks. That is easy for me as I am confident in my opinion, my stance, my knowledge and my experience.

Your opinion had nothing to do with the OP. I hope you can see that.

empty declarations of war mongering in place of any real answer

Those Liberal Buzzwords add little to a conversation except to point out a lack of ability to debate the issue on any intellectual level.

So far, Sir, I fail to detect any intellectual level in your posts in this thread. You are saying (w/o addressing the OP) that war is OK and torture is OK. Where is that sublime intellectual component here?

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:37 PM

Well, I'm a Republican, and I don't think it's even fair to call these guys Republicans. They're just Hawk Democrats shilling for big business while wearing red ties and lying to the breadbasket folks to get elected.

Republicans (traditionally) were fiscal conservatives. This administration is the most fiscally irresponsible in a LONG time. They're spending our money hand over fist, while at the same time subsidizing multi-billion corporations in several ways (cash subsidies, tax breaks, no-bid contracts).

Republicans (traditionally) supported the idea of a strictly limited federal government, with an emphasis on state's rights. This administration has created more red tape and bureaucratic nonsense at the federal level than anyone. Just look at the DHS - it perfectly represents the exact opposite of what Republicans ought to be doing.

The president is not a Republican - he can call himself anything he wants, it doesn't make it true. He's just an affluent prick from the Northeast, an idiot with an Ivy League background and family connections to a whole bunch of dirty dealings.

There hasn't been a real Republican president in a very long time.

So you say - Republicans, how can you defend this guy? I say - where are the Republicans these days? They're few and far between. The folks calling themselves Republicans these days make me ashamed for my party and my country.

Republican didn't used to be synonymous with racism, big government, war, and waste. That's a new, and decidedly unhappy development.

We live in what is, essentially, a one-party system. The red/blue thing is a slight of hand trick to keep the American people divided. There's only one goddamn color that matters in this country, and that color is green.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:41 PM
My god enough about big bad bush. If you HONESTLY believe that its going to change and nothing dirty/bad will happen once he leaves office..then even a bat is not as blind as you. EVERY president wasted human life while in office. Every president did something stupid to lead to the deaths of soldiers. And the next idiot to take office will do the same thing.

Cry all you want about bush...he's not the only flame in the fire that is going to keep buring us!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by wisefoolishness

Well, regardless of what you claim, at least your kids won't have the likes of Uday and Qusay to worry about in the future.

For this you should be at least a little thankful to dubya.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Your opinion had nothing to do with the OP. I hope you can see that.

WHAT??? Did you even read the op? Here let me help...

Republicans: How do you justify what Bush has done?

I'm a Republican, I responded.

I fail to detect any intellectual level in your posts in this thread

I completely understand that.

that war is OK and torture is OK.

War is inevitable.. Torture is a part of war...

Again, I REALLY know this to be true.

My opinion as solicited by the OP

You are completely entitled to your opinion, as am I.. If my opinion upsets you, as I stated earlier, stop reading it. Your opinion does not upset me in anyway, I am glad you have it and are free to express it.
Apparently my opinion is upsetting to you for some reason. Just don't pay me any mind, but never doubt that I am also free to express my opinion.

See? Simple


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

Republicans: How do you justify what Bush has done?

I'm a Republican, I responded.

You posted a response decidedly devoid of any justification.
You could equally have said that this war was the will of Supreme Being Zmorrg, broadcasting to you from the center of a neutron star.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I am so sorry.

I have apparently wasted my time here as well as yours... I thought it would be fun to bandy around an intellectual topic for awhile; I was apparently amiss in my assumption as to those engaged in the topic.

You will forgive me I assume.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
I thought it would be fun to bandy around an intellectual topic for awhile

Well, things don't always work out even if we try

You will forgive me I assume.

Of course. Better luck next time.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by wisefoolishness

It's not just the Republican's
It the whole political stage of idiots that were voted into office by dumb down Americans who half of them shouldn't be allowed to vote. So when it comes right down to the real answer I'd have to say that America ( all the people ) is justified for how things are going. When 9/11 happened everyone wanted war, not just Bush. When it came time to vote again, America voted Bush for a second term. When people stay ignorant to the tax codes and don't want to adopt a fair tax then yes America is to blame. We got to blame someone so why not the President. I blame America for letting it's guard down and excepting the games the politicians in Washington play. When will the American people stand up and grow some balls? It's America to blame not just an administration.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
My god enough about big bad bush. If you HONESTLY believe that its going to change and nothing dirty/bad will happen once he leaves office..then even a bat is not as blind as you. EVERY president wasted human life while in office. Every president did something stupid to lead to the deaths of soldiers. And the next idiot to take office will do the same thing.

I agree with you, and yet... What happened was the most massive and longest invasion of a nation-state in American history (it's now longer than WWII), and the massive accumulation of debt is equally unprecedented. Now, things might get even worse, but no doubt dubya opened a new page in the book of idiocy.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

How can you expect semperfortis to give you a justification when the question is so vague. Here's the question as stated:

Republicans: How do you justify what Bush has done?

Justify what? Let me see, I justify him eating because it is breakfast time.
I justify him walking because exercise is good for the health. I justify him sleeping with Laura because he is married to her. He has done these things and many more that could be justify.

I am not Republican but can answer all the questions the OP asked.

How do you justify an unjust war?
How do you justify thousands and thousands of lives lost, American and foreign?
How do you justify what has been done to our economy?
How do you justify torture?

Unjust war- what is unjust to one person is just to another. Opinionated Question.

lives- tragic, war tends to create these tragedies. But even during Peacetime, thousands of lives are lost , American and Foreign

economy- What goes up must come down. No one can expect to have a perfect economy throughout eternity.

Torture- Let's say somebody was holding your love ones ransomed, threatening to kill them and the only way you could get them back alive is by doing what the kidnapper says. The kidnapper demands that you torture his arch enemy or your love ones die. What would you do? Would you torture this person you don't even know in order to save the lives of your love ones or do you let your love ones die? Sometimes unethical means are necessary to save the lives of other.

Now blaming Bush. I agree with that. But while we are playing the blaming game let's be fair and throw in the Democrats and Congress as a whole. Congress passes a bill and the President signs it. Republicans weren't the only ones saying yes to FISA, Patriot Act, or going to WAR. They were all involved. They are all to blame.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Justify what? Let me see, I justify him eating because it is breakfast time.
I justify him walking because exercise is good for the health. I justify him sleeping with Laura because he is married to her. He has done these things and many more that could be justify.

So far so good. You explained Bush's bodily functions based on what nature wants this person to do. Bravo.

Unjust war- what is unjust to one person is just to another. Opinionated Question.

Well sure, if you want to descend to this level of "logic", a carjacker who kills the driver in the process of stealing his/her car, is perfectly justified in somebody's eyes. Matter of opinion, right?

Now blaming Bush. I agree with that. But while we are playing the blaming game let's be fair and throw in the Democrats and Congress as a whole. Congress passes a bill and the President signs it. Republicans weren't the only ones saying yes to FISA, Patriot Act, or going to WAR. They were all involved. They are all to blame.

Yes and no. I agree the Dems sold out, but the chief masterminds of the Iraq invasion were Wolfowitz, Pearle and the rest of the gang. They were the self appointed geopolitics experts with a license to kill. And Bush presided over this mess.

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