posted on May, 7 2008 @ 02:41 PM
To the OP
I remember seeing 2 threads by two different people concerning what you called "provocateur agents". The OP of ONE of those two threads had a huge
fit and wanted his thread removed, even though at least two other individuals had corraborating coincidences. If that's the thread I saw your post
about "provocateur agents" on; then, since the site owners are caught between a rock and a hard place (The OP wanted his thread deleted and you
being upset that it was deleted) I hope you'll start a thread on the subject and forget this vendetta. Name your thread "provocateur agents"
Second, I know that every time we make ANY "input" on the web - it is trackable and traceable. Instant messaging, chatrooms, especially forum and
BBS and all the other type of interactive web sites are never 100% anonymous. Hackers with scanners can pick up information before it even reaches
its destination ... if they are THAT interested in you. So, to be 100% secure in your communications; never communicate online.
Third, proof - my internet alias is not my real name of course. Further, I never, ever put my real address or real phone number online. But, I
recieved credit cards pre-approved in my Internet alias at my home address, a veteran's bulletin in my alias but real address, and even a JURY
SUMMONS in my Internet alias but home address!
Fourth, shortly after 911 I had the FBI inside my computer for a couple of weeks. It didn't bother me except that on dialup it made my ultra-slow
connection even slower. Finally, I sent an email to all my family members telling them what a great job our government was doing "protecting" us
... and detailed the entire set of stats for the FBI watching me ... and guess what? They pulled the plug and quit wasting their time on me after
So yes, your IP, especially if it's a static IP is hooked up to all your data in a huge government database ... collected at State level.