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Respectful women that have done nudes:
Marilyn Monroe
Angelina Jolie
Janet Jackson
Janis Joplin
John Lennon & Yoko Ono (she's crazy though )
Marie Curie and Pierre Curie thus discovered first polonium (named for her native Poland) and then radium. On January 12, 1902, Marie Curie isolated pure radium, and her 1903 dissertation resulted in the first advanced scientific research degree to be awarded to a woman in France -- the first doctorate in science awarded to a woman in all of Europe.
In 1903, for their work, Marie Curie, her husband Pierre, and Henry Becquerel, were awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Originally posted by TKainZero
thanks for moving it neformoe.
Respectful women that have done nudes:
Marilyn Monroe
Angelina Jolie
Janet Jackson
Janis Joplin
John Lennon & Yoko Ono (she's crazy though )
I wouldn't want my daughter having ANY of those girls as role models
How bout women like:
Amelia Earhart
Molly Pitcher
Harriet Tubman
Marie Curie
Instead you want women who can only entertain, rather then think.
Why not a women like Marie Curie...
Violette Reine Elizabeth Bushell Szabo, G.C., M.B.E., CdG (June 26, 1921 – c.February 5, 1945) was a World War II Allied secret agent.
Margaret Bourke-White (June 14, 1904 – August 27, 1971) was an American photographer and photojournalist...
...Bourke-White was portrayed by Farrah Fawcett in the television movie, Double Exposure: The Story of Margaret Bourke-White and by Candice Bergen in the 1982 film Gandhi.
But, its better to run around being 'Like a Virgin'... rather then thinking...
Also, i am not saying every woman needs to be a noble prize winning scienticst, a woman can still show off her body and have a respectable carrer. Persinal, i think Profesional CheerLeaders are some of the most amazing women in our society.
Every single one of them has a job outside of cheerleading,
they are healthy woman, who are not just skin and bones,
and can actualy perform physical activity.
Many of them have degrees of Higher learning,
some with Masters Degrees,
and there are also several Doctors on NFL cheerleading teams...
31 NFL teams with Cheerleaders (GB doesnt have them), with about a dozen cheerleaders per team... so thats over 350 role models that i would take vs 350 celibisluts...
Did you, you know, agree with Dan Quayle's knee-jerk response to Murphy's pregnancy?
Originally posted by TKainZero
People don't think about Angilina Jolie as a UN Ambassador.
People think about her making out with her brother, snatching black children from Africa, and Her and Billy Bob Thorton.
Nice woman you linked too. Woman make the best spies... why... because Men are the ones with the information... Some of the most senitive info has been 'stolen' by woman spies.
Did you, you know, agree with Dan Quayle's knee-jerk response to Murphy's pregnancy?
I don't know what your talking about here.
SO, from your post i see that you are an Aussie. Do Aussie sports have CheerLeaders?
Mabye i am giving these celibi-sults too much flack... mabye Paris Hilton has a Degree in Buisness, and Miely Cryus is working ona cure for aids on her spare time... but i doubt it.
Why am i grouping Miely Cryus in with Hilton and Britnay
... heres why...
The First time i heard of Hilton was when her 'night-vision-sex tape came out', the first time i hear of Cyrus is when she is photo-graphed with a sheet draped over her, in a 'sex-ed' manner.
Also, NFL Cheerleaders are FAR MORE HEALTHY then these celibrisults.
A NFL cheering retuine has these women throwning each other in the air and catching them.
Who is the better role model, This or This
I don't know how people can argue that these Celbrisluts are good role models for the young Women of America.
I submit that the Average NFL cheerleader, is a FAR better role model then any of these celibrisluts...
Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
I've already decided it's because you are ignorant and a judgmental prude
Originally posted by TKainZero
Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
I've already decided it's because you are ignorant and a judgmental prude
Since you have lowered this debate to personal attacks, this will be my last post to you, as it seems reason is lost on you.
Mabye if i spent more time reading celibirity gossip magazines, i would apreciate the life of these celibrisults more... the way that you do.
Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
Originally posted by TKainZero
Mabye i am giving these celibi-sults too much flack... mabye Paris Hilton has a Degree in Buisness, and Miely Cryus is working ona cure for aids on her spare time... but i doubt it.
Maybe you should try staying on the roadmap of the argument instead of taking boring detours...Miley Cyrus is 15, name me any other 15-year old who is working on a cure for HIV/AIDS. Hint: if unable to do so, don't utter such stupidities.
Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
Originally posted by TKainZero
I don't know how people can argue that these Celbrisluts are good role models for the young Women of America.
Well, if I was doing that then your statement would have some validity in this discussion. But as I have done no such thing, it's a complete waste of time except to show that you refuse to understand what you are reading if it doesn't conform to your Mullah Omar-derived view of women, their abilities, their value and their place in society.
Now, where have I defended Paris Hilton? Where have I defended Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears?
The fixation with the cranially-vacant residents of Los Angeles is all yours. So much so that you are ascribing actions and motivations to me that you cannot, if you search through all my posts in this thread for quotes, support with evidence. I have "defended" Miley Cyrus against your attacks on her character, but that was simply because in, your own admitted, ignorance you chose to brand her a whore.
Which is just one of the pieces of evidence I have of your status as a jucgmental prude. But back to your self-admissions...
I will admit, that i do not watch much TV, and because of this, i have a limited exposeure to these celbrisults.
But never let it be said a lack of information has prevented you from forming an opinion and stating it loudly and repeatedly.
I had no idea who Meily Cryus was, and my first exposeure to her, is a photo that has her drapped with a sheet, and her hair all 'sex-ed up'.
And with no idea as to the origin or purpose of the photo in question. See, that's what we call a "knee-jerk response".
So no, Meily didn't break onto the scence like Paris Hilton did with her sex tape, and she hasn't rocked the teen-world with her singing either, Ala Spears
But that's no reason not to dump her in their company on your "celbrislut" register.
... instead we are only given a half naked picture of this girl, and that is her presentaion to the world,
Except that it isn't, is it. Her presentation to the world is her weekly television show. This is a single photo that will have a limited shelf-life as things like Cyclone Nargis and Sichuan earthquakes hit the headlines.
weather she likes it or not, this is what she is known for now
Only among a small number of the public who in no way affect her economic viability. All those pre-teen girls out there still think her name is Hannah Montana.
... Much like Jolie is known for Snatching black babies out of Africa, and making out with her brother.
Again only among a limited number of the public and then only the ignorant who know nothing of the story. Do you know how many kids Jolie has? Do you know where they're from? Madonna is the one facing adoption problems in Africa, not Jolie.
So i will agree, to keep an eye on this Meily Cryus, as you seem to be the very offenced that she has joined the ranks of the celibrisult,
Only in your mind, I don't see anyone else jumping in to agree with you and slap me down here. I don't see the US press pages filled with editorial after editorial about this. What's its longevity on cable been? I've already delineated my stance.
so ill keep an eye out for her.
Could stretch your concentration there, don't strain yourself, you don't want to hurt anything, I mean you keep coming back to this...
Mabye in a few years she will do a full-frontal nude, so you can consider her a good role model...
Which proves you are unable to concentrate long enough to both make it to the end of a post and actually understand the words on the screen.
to wit:
*** Also, i am glad you admited that the Average NFL Cheerleader is a better Role Model then your Average Celebrislut.
Read again, I'll even bold the important bits for you
Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV
Originally posted by TKainZero
I submit that the Average NFL cheerleader, is a FAR better role model then any of these celibrisluts...
I submit that the average NFL cheerleader is a barely more adequate role model than Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan
Now, let's go back and look at what you've been saying. You admit you knew nothing about Miley Cyrus, but you saw that photo and you decided she was a whore and a slut (your words).
I had no idea who Meily Cryus was, and my first exposeure to her, is a photo that has her drapped with a sheet, and her hair all 'sex-ed up'.
Here's a thought for you to ponder: What if that photo had actually been the image for a date-rape awareness campaign? What if that photo had been a still shot taken from a film about rape? What if that photo had been a still from a film about child prostitution?
Answer: wouldn't have mattered. The purpose of the photo didn't enter into your thought process, you saw the image and without any investigation branded the girl a whore.
That's what makes you ignorant and a judgmental prude.
Now, let's see you actually apply some of the reason you claim to have been using on me. Your constant attempts to drag Paris Hilton in here don't cut it and your determination to brand me her worshipper don't cut it either.