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Originally posted by Conspiriology You give dave too much credit or he is ALWAYS too lazy in that I would suggest he not offer the two cents worth of his contradictory opinions.
That entire argument from start to finish is BUNK.
From the begining where you assume you know so much more to the "disclaimer" evolutionists insist on giving to explain why we can't connect the dots. Millions of years sharks have looked like what ?
Millions of years aligators have looked liked what
Millions of years Tortoises have looked like what
Billions of years cock roaches have looked like what?
It isn't our fault the fossil record didn't come through with the right kind of transitionals and it isn't our fault that it takes so damn many millions of years to prove it.
It is speculation and the whole thing then is BUNK because it cannot be substantiated beyond your subjectivism.
You call the Bible a Fairy Tale??
Nope and if you asked me, I would say you have none.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Oh I see,, you are mocking me as if I am the one not understanding. Ridicule and subtle childish comments from Darwinists are exactly what was found to be the defense tactic of the same philosophy of Darwinian evolutionists masquerading as a science and found to be the very tactic used all the way to the top of NASE.
You say I think the science community is too stupid to get their heads around evolution? No,, I said the Science community has their heads somewhere else is what I am saying. They have their heads south then make a sharp twelve oclock North and you'll be there too. Its the dark tunnel just behind the "cul de sac" pronounced "called a sack" and you can't miss it. btw watch out for the "exhaust fumes".
Not just any scientist but what I want to know is why they still have it in text books and teach it NOT as a hoax but as a real life form having lived.
That may be true but if you think I would have to resort to spying on innocent people whose job it is to challenge theory as is the case for scientists and how piltdown man was found to be hoax, you got the wrong guy and a flimsy premise to justify your argument much less to break the law and violate people's civil rights or ruin careers.
You might think they are all Scientists but they act like primadonnas and are prostituting themselves just to stay in business anymore.
No,, they won't step foot in a real debate and if arguing was the only thing they did I wouldnt have a problem with it but that IS NOT how they behave. They proven once AGAIN they are nothing but a clique of mobsters, a little punk like band of crooks who must lie, cheat and steal and Ill say once again, The US Senate agrees with me and they should be watched like a hawk because obviously they have no respect for the rule of law so fudging data to fit their silly asinine theory is NOT only NOT out of the question. they seem to get busted like that every four or five years.
Well this intelligent person does and sees it and removing Neo Atheist Pseudo intellects who are more concerned with advancing their religion of Atheism than they are interested in REAL Science.
Originally posted by Conspiriology
Millions of years Tortoises have looked like what
Billions of years cock roaches have looked like what?
Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
Which is more likely, that these creature were created over a long period of time, or that god is some sort of MAD artist.
As for sharks, which kind. Do you mean Great White, Hammerhead, or one of the many others that seem to be mutating away from each other.
Oh yeah, the alligators. I am pretty sure that they are no longer 65 feet long, as they once were.
Cockroaches have been around for billions of years? What?
As this site shows micro evolution happens at a good pace, add more time and changes to the environment and you get new species.
Yes I can`t see it nor can almost everyone whom has seriously studied the subject or has merely graduated high school.
Nice. I disagree with you therefore I have no class.
Yes and something like this is what we should expect from theists...
That was you on page 3.
What kind of back woods remote aria are you from that still uses text book with Piltdown man
Yeah so they can collect that fat 60 gs a year?
Proof please.
Originally posted by Sonya610
Grant it I will not claim to have read much of your posts (the reason being obvious), but this caught my eye.
Turtles, sharks, etc...have been around MILLIONS of years but roaches BILLIONS? Actually roaches in their current form have not, but that is besides the point.
I am just wondering how you could state that roaches are much older than turtles/sharks/etc...? Or was that a typo??? A rather odd typo if that is your claim.
Originally posted by dave420
Clutching for straws much?
This is becoming a joke.
You're already lost to the rest of humanity. You have been so poisoned by your personal need to believe that you've shunned the one completely objective aspect of humanity - science.
The real kicker is you want to hate it, and yet you can't seem to tell us why
. All you can do is mis-read quotes and try to stretch logic (which I'm sure makes perfect sense to you) to fill in the gaps. The massive, massive gaps.
Oh well. Looks like God really did a number on you.
Originally posted by Conspiriology
Well a long time isn't very specific, not that it matters in this case and I don't know about God being a mad artist but I would have to say,,
Your first choice,
That they were "created"
mutating are they? mutations invariably don't survive well but if you say they seem to be, then conventional wisdom would suggest you have seen or have evidence of some slight changes in any of them?
No more far fetched as Dawkins saying had we been there 300 million years ago,
we would have see a fish coming on to land in the form of an amphibian. The fact is. No one WAS there .
when you can show me some evidence of a new species under those parameters, then by all means, I'd love to falsify it if possible.
Can you show me one proven example of macro evolution?
"No you can't see it, nor can anyone else, ipso-facto
Nice. I disagree with you therefore I have no class.
No, please re-read what you asked me than you can try another strawman again if you must.
So you think that lying to people about science and nature is classy?
Nope and if you asked me, I would say you have none.
What kind of back woods remote aria are you from that still uses text book with Piltdown man
I'm sorry, I am having some trouble with the way you said that. Can you be more specific.
Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
So it’s your belief that “god” does in fact randomly step in and adds more critters to the planet?
Yes every time some thing is bourn it is a slight variation of its parents, you are a mutant. Your moms genes and your dads genes with a twist of your own. If not then all brothers or sisters would look exactly alike but they don’t.
When and where did Dawkins say that? Homo-sapiens have not been around that long.
True we didn’t see it, but for that matter we didn’t see the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs either, but both left there mark.
Sure just give me a hundred thousand years and nature will whip one up
Can you show me one proven example of macro evolution?
...we look at the evidence and see what we can construe, and that would be, that over time creator that looked nothing like us slowly looked more and more like us until we all of a sudden were here. Now tell me what could that mean, how should we interpret that?
So you think that lying to people about science and nature is classy?
Nope and if you asked me, I would say you have none.
You did say I have no class that is not a strawman, like evolution it is a fact.
As far as I’m aware text books from the ‘60s on eliminated Piltdown man, what school still teach that?
Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
Can you show me one proven example of macro evolution?
Originally posted by Conspiriology
Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
So it’s your belief that “god” does in fact randomly step in and adds more critters to the planet?
No that isn't what mutant means, you might try looking into variation where those variations have not mutated but are already inherent in the DNA to start with. This as you may be aware is how we have arrived at so many breeds of dogs in only approx 1500 years. None of which are mutants and ALL are what?
DOGS thats what.
When and where did Dawkins say that? Homo-sapiens have not been around that long.
Exactly, and that is why it raises your eyebrow and why I said far fetched. He does say it
however and I have left a little challenge on another thread where to this day no one has even attempted to correct it as it truly does exploit Dawkins as somewhat of a "dolt" when it comes to this same argument.
If you try to say we have an ancestor that is not that of a human ancestor than you have just contradicted what richard just said because we are not ancestors were "cousins" and need to show observable evidence of just what that ancestor is that he says we are a cousin to.
The ironic thing is all my cousins look like humans too, so what is meant by "cousins" is this word cousin to fall victim to the same obfuscation the word "species" has? Don't give me any of the "I just don't understand species" when the word has been troubling Science for a very long time.
So anyone that can make sense where Richard cannot please share with us why you are smarter than Richard without contradicting what he already said. The moment you do that IF you can do that we are no longer cousins so have fun spinning boys and Girls because I have a quote from this same man I am saving just for the right time.
Good luck with all that
Keep in mind, I have probably read more books about Darwinian Evolution than my interlocutors.
Yeah that IS nice when something leaves a mark but when it doesn't,
It just doesn't
The difference is, I won't attempt to call it fact when in fact both of our similar predicaments require something evolutionists do, while denying it and I readily admit it.
It's called having faith.
It seems once again, you have failed to offer the evidence. Apparently the image is ahh well it is missing as every missing link I have ever seen is still missing.
Well according to you, over time (extremely vague) the "over time creator" looked nothing like us Ok. then he changed and started looking like us? until all of a sudden we were here? were we not here while he was trying to look like us? HOw could we know he didn't look like us when were already here then when he looked more and more like us we appear? You are contradicting yourself.
As far as I’m aware text books from the ‘60s on eliminated Piltdown man, what school still teach that? .com/search%3Fsourceid%3Dnavclient%26ie%3DUTF-8%26rls%3DWZPA,WZPA:2008-19,WZPA:en%26q%3Dicons%2Bof%2Bevolution&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title&cad=one-book-wit h-thumbnail#PPR10,M1
Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
Then how do you explain the biodiversity of our planets past and present? Why is it that in the older strata of rocks we don’t find life that now exists? Yet as we get to more recent deposits we see changes to the biota to modern life?
Try crossbreeding a Great Dane and Chihuahua and get back to me. And dogs which are a sub species of wolves have been around for 15,000 + years.
When and where did Dawkins say that? Homo-sapiens have not been around that long.
And when is it that he said that?
Do you mean this?
If you try to say we have an ancestor that is not that of a human ancestor than you have just contradicted what richard just said because we are not ancestors were "cousins" and need to show observable evidence of just what that ancestor is that he says we are a cousin to.
The ironic thing is all my cousins look like humans too, so what is meant by "cousins" is this word cousin to fall victim to the same obfuscation the word "species" has? Don't give me any of the "I just don't understand species" when the word has been troubling Science for a very long time.
So anyone that can make sense where Richard cannot please share with us why you are smarter than Richard without contradicting what he already said. The moment you do that IF you can do that we are no longer cousins so have fun spinning boys and Girls because I have a quote from this same man I am saving just for the right time.
Try rereading the books and this time try putting a side your bias and objectively evaluate the evidence.
Are you stating that the entire fossil record isn’t marks left by life over time.
And an other difference is we have evidence on our side.
And that would be?
I meant “creatures”, the lesson learned pay attention when typing a replies at ridiculous hours.
Replace creator with creatures and my argument still stands. Sorry for the mistake, my bad.
That is not a school text book. Please produce a school text book that teaches Plitdown man as part of our ancestry as you claimed.
Originally posted by madnessinmysoul know, i've repeatedly posted evidence for macro evolution
i'm not quite sure if i've done it in this thread, so here it is again
Therefore, the evidence for common descent discussed here is independent of specific gradualistic explanatory mechanisms. ,None of the dozens of predictions directly address how macroevolution has occurred how fins were able to develop into limbs, how the leopard got its spots, or how the vertebrate eye evolved. None of the evidence recounted here assumes that natural selection is valid. None of the evidence assumes that natural selection is sufficient for generating adaptations or the differences between species and other taxa. Because of this evidentiary independence, the validity of the macroevolutionary conclusion does not depend on whether natural selection, or the inheritance of acquired characaters, or a force vitale, or something else is the true mechanism of adaptive evolutionary change. The scientific case for common descent stands, regardless