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What do you think about music?

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posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:02 PM
I've noticed that when I listen to certain songs I feel happier and when I listen to other songs I become caught up in my thoughts over the words being spoken in the song. I used to listen to music when I felt like it without realizing how it would affect me. I started listening to emo bands a year back... I was listening to My Chemical Romance... Fall Out Boy... and Panic at the Disco... and Blink 182... and I was starting to become really affected by the music that I listened to... I wasn't too affected by the music, it's just, that I just thought music was music and that it wouldn't affect my mood or my thoughts and I developed a habit which made me dependent on music. Later on, last year, I also thought Metal songs were cool, but, I began to listen to music too loudly, and, I started to dislike Metal songs after I started listening to Dragonforce. I now listen to music that won't affect my mood negatively and I know to not listen to a song if it will make me feel really negative... or... emotional. How much does music affect your mood? If you listened to a song that made you feel like you were worthless and you couldn't do anything would it affect your mind too, your thinking, and, your normal routine? Could the technology of music be made to make certain people feel certain ways? Could rap music be used to make a person want to commit suicide? What are your thoughts?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:08 PM
My mood affects the music I listen too. And I have a vast library of music.

However, when I listen to music based on my mood it can cause my mood to go in 1 of 2 directions....better or worse.

I have a dance background...many many many years of dance, since I was has a major impact on me, because when dancing you have to FEEL the music. It has to become part of you, your mind, your soul. Because of this, music can greatly impact me. As I said before. It can easily make me feel better or worse, because I can easily feel the music.....maybe this is why I listen to so much trance/techno...its quite powerful music - despite what the critics say

Not sure if any of that makes does to me. LOL

But yes, I believe that if one is in a particular mood and they listen to a certain song, it could lead them to horrible things.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:12 PM
Okay, but do you agree with me that there is a possibility that a song can cause someone to go insane and start killing people? Don't get me wrong, I know the joy of music, I play piano, and, I've been playing for years... and I have come to listen to music to calm me down whenever I need it... but... there are some songs that are about really grotesque things... and people are thinking that it's normal listen to rap songs and they are becoming affected by the songs they are listening to. They don't realize how music affects them. Do you think that the technology could be used against us?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:15 PM
The music I play, better affect your mood.....

I hope that my music wants to make you shake your ass and dance, get thirsty and drink.

If for some reason me and my crew can't instill this mood in you; we're out of a job.

If it ain't the Blues, It's just zippity do dah.

[edit on 4-5-2008 by whaaa]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Okay, but do you agree with me that there is a possibility that a song can cause someone to go insane and start killing people? Don't get me wrong, I know the joy of music, I play piano, and, I've been playing for years... and I have come to listen to music to calm me down whenever I need it... but... there are some songs that are about really grotesque things... and people are thinking that it's normal listen to rap songs and they are becoming affected by the songs they are listening to. They don't realize how music affects them. Do you think that the technology could be used against us?

Sure, I think it is possible. My neighbors who are thugs listen to thug music. Is one a result of the other? I absolutely believe it!

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:19 PM
well yes, why do you think i listen to Lamb of God, Hatebreed, Five finger death punch, Nodes of ranvier, when i go to gym its gets me built up since metal is based on anger and hate thus making you pissed and giving me that extra boost no supplement ever could. or look at love songs when your having sex most people tend to be put in the "mood" by marvin gaye, al green etc. It incorporates emotion. music is serverly powerful over us, look at that suicide case when that kid killed himself he had blink 182 'Adams song" on repeat. Another band blamed for suicide Staind wrote a song about it also.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:22 PM
Well outside of subliminal messages, no music isn't really an influence on action, unless your extremely easily influenced.

Lyrically, it should be about identifying with the story or the emotion. I don't think it should change your mood, it should be a catalyst for whatever place you're trying to get emotionally. When I want to party, I play metal. When I want to chill, I throw on some acid jazz. Everyone can put themselves in a mindset with certain music.

In the end though, music is the reason I believe there is a human spirit. There is no real reason we react the way we do to music, but it certainly does something. Everyone has a different flavor, and different music puts different people in different places.

Its a fantastic thing isn't it? I think people who aren't crazy about music are all the most boring human beings alive. I also think everyone should pick up an instrument and make some music themselves. You don't need to devote your life to being a starving artist like some of us (ahem) but it can do great things for you.

ETA: I am not going to be one to get too snobbish about all this, but I want to defend all music here and say that the genre DEFINITELY does not need to be what drives the mood of the music. Listen to "Nerdy" by Poison the Well, its extremely violent SOUNDING, but its a love story about how he thinks his girl looks like an angel. Just like any type of music can be about any number of subjects, from love to hate to political standpoint.

[edit on 5/4/08 by SantaClaus]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:29 PM
there are many studies which state that certain frequencies effect your mind, body and spirit. i once had something called tuning therapy and it was amazing! it might sound a bit strange but basically the therapist uses these huge tuning forks, different notes for different parts of the body and touches you with them to let the particular vibration flow through you. trust me i thought it was a load of rubbish but i never felt so good after!!

there are studies that show that different chords or notes (frequencies and vibrations) can have a really big impact on your mental state

have a look at these sites

and check these vids

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:58 PM
If i can't sleep i put Enya on, her songs are beautiful and calming,
they relax my mind. If i'm getting ready to go to the bar
i might put on some Jimmi Hendryx or Led Zep .. When i'm driving
i love listening to Stone roses and Smiths,
i find them cool to drive to .. takes the edge off a little. .
I love Moonlight Sonata, it's a really
haunting song for me . .I'm really varied in my music and agree
that music affects us, but then again .. my friends who don't like
Smiths say Morrissey is depressing, he can be and sings about
dying and depression etc but i see beyond that, it doesn't make
me want to get out a razor blade, i hear the fantastic lyrics and
creativity, i love the song coc aine but i don't take or want to take
the stuff .. if you heard a song from a rocky movie on the radio
would you want to punch someone .. ok don't answer that .. lol
.. I also write, play guitar and sing and i find that most of the
time my music and lyrics come from nowhere .. it amazes me
when i come up with a song in minutes, they often make sense
at a later time .. music is a beautiful language. .


posted on May, 4 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I think that music more than lyrics can strongly affect you mood.

I prefer it when it's fast and exciting with enough melody, either dark or
bright, just not to the point to make it cheesy (i.e. Dragonforce and most
of power metal bands) or boring.

Probably the most affecting part of the music is the amount of BPM.

The lyrics on the other hand are more likely to move me if I'm already in
a mood in line with them (or my interpretation of them) and if it's
something that I agree with or that I can relate with.

Anyway I'll just "take" what I like and leave the rest.

I'd say that music "speaks to the heart" while lyrics to the mind, so if one
knows what he's doing it can be a weapon for sure.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 09:49 PM

I came along a program called idoser awhile ago, it is a binural beat stimulation program. The "doses" are surpose to effect your mood, give you energy, promote creativity, cause similar effects of taking certain drugs, ect.

I myself have only tried these two different times but have had positive results with the dose that surpose to give you energy. The dose was five minutes and I felt like I drunk an energy drink or something; I wasnt wired but I felt like doing something. Another dose I took was called Trip and it was surpose to make you see colors, and couple other things. I didnt do it laying down, in darkness, in a meditive type state (what it says to do while taking the doses), and I didnt get any results except just kinda feeling wierd and sounds were distorted somewhat.

Now with music I can personally say it effects your mood, the way you live your life, and other aspects. I use to be depressed and would listen to alot of Scandinavian "gothic metal". Bands like H.I.M., To/Die/For, Charon, and Poisonblack. They really effected me, I was deeply depressed. Never done any physical harm or anything like that but I did one time think about killing myself. That was when I decieded to move on to different style of music.

Recently I have been listening to alot of Tool, been watching there videos, looking up things about the band. I have found that it has really opened me up spiritually. I feel really good after listening to tool, the same feeling I would suspect someone having after centering there chakra though I have never done meditation. Tool's music is both very artistic and spiritual and to me opens my mind up to other things besides what the goverment, pop culture, journalism, television wants me to.

I also have times when im really angry and full of hate, that I find myself needing to listen to metal. It like releases my emotions and bring me back to my normal mello personality.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by ClinTrojan

hello, do you know something similar for lucid dreaming?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by hookedfish
reply to post by ClinTrojan

hello, do you know something similar for lucid dreaming?

As in the idoser??

They make a dose that is surpose to induse lucid dreaming. I havnt tried it myself though. They also have astral projection dose and a '___' dose(chemical produced in brain that makes you dream.)

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:09 PM
I used to listen to emo bands like hawthorne heights, MCR, you know typical feel sorry for yourself I hate life music.

Then I discovered punk rock. I have never been the same. Punk is actually what got me into conspiracies. It's like ATS but in music. And I decided if I was going to listen to music it should be fun, stands for something, is not controlled by big record companies, and the people making the music are the same as you and me.

When I listened to emo I would always start thinking about everything bad in my life, and get really depressed. But punk always got me mad about everything wrong in the world. Or it would just be fun music.

Punk rock is different. The bands actually hang out with you. So you actually know that what their selling you isn't BS. I would rather be angry and having fun, than depressed or feeling sorry for myself.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:35 PM
When i was around twelve years old, a few different factors led to me developing depression. This wasn't just a glum feeling i occasionally had, it was full-blown, heavy, suicidal depression. Looking back now, i know that the music i was listening to had a major impact on the way i was feeling...

At that time, i was into a lot of bands such as Linkin Park and the like and i identified with the lyrics in their songs - and as most people would know their song lyrics weren't the "sunny day in the park" type...

Then a year or two later, my "coming into awareness" as a teenager, i started to make more conscious decisions about the music i listened to and started to discover more and more music...

The first of these bands included AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jet... i mean, i'd heard this music before, but until now i hadn't really listened... And when i got really into this music my whole attitude changed and looked at things more positively... To this day i still say that rock and roll saved my life loll Music is something magical to me

I can't think of how i eventually got out of that downward spiral of despair and depression by i KNOW that music played a huge part.. and when i chose music as a future career nothing had felt so right and perfect in my life

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 12:21 AM
Music is an amazing, fascinating thing. It's important because it DOES effect our emotions. Many of the emotions associated with music resonate because of the past associated with a specific genre, or a certain song. The music I grew up on (Petty, Marley, Buffet), will always evoke a certain feeling in me.

Music cannot be blamed for strange or psychotic behavior. It's an art; artists should never be held to limit their creativity. And as much as people are put off by violent hip-hop or savage metal, the creative integrity of the art relies on people stressing the boundaries.

Oh, and if any of you are interested in some great, raw hip-hop try Gravediggaz.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Music should be nothing more than a form of entertainment for all.
The problem comes when one gets consumed by it when they allow themselves to be influenced by what they think a particular song may be trying to tell them.

This is where the element of evil may come into play, although the same can be said about many other topics when not taken in moderation.

However, and I hope y'all don't call me "Tipper" for this but, this effect may be more pronounced when it comes to music because there is some belief that Satan was in charge of God's musical department before he fell out of favor.

Don't get me wrong, I love music and used to play professionally myself but I tend to prefer listening to music that does not include lyrics. Jazz, instrumentals or anything with a good melody and a good composition, everything working together like fine tuned machine.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 01:10 PM

I just thought music was music and that it wouldn't affect my mood or my thoughts

"Music was music"...?

How on Earth could it NOT affect your mood?

My friend, you need to read through a few threads about music, right here on ATS. The title of one of them is "Musical mysteries", the title of the other one I don't remember - even though I started it myself... (I knew I shouldn't have listened to heavy metal!

Seriously, I think you'll find them worth your while - very much so.

[edit on 7-5-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
How much does music affect your mood?

It depends on how much I allow it to affect my mood.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
If you listened to a song that made you feel like you were worthless and you couldn't do anything would it affect your mind too, your thinking, and, your normal routine?

Songs cannot make me do anything. I choose how I react to them.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Could the technology of music be made to make certain people feel certain ways?

There is brainwave intrainment. Howevever a person must be in an unconscious state, and they must be willing.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Could rap music be used to make a person want to commit suicide? What are your thoughts?

Perhaps if they are completely weak willed. I mean, they would have to be a total jelly fish.

Why is it that so many people want to give the power away?

[edit on 5/7/2008 by eye open doors]

[edit on 5/7/2008 by eye open doors]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Sure music effects everybody. Could it make you commit suicide? Not on it's own, but if you were already thinking suicide and you put on some depressing music, it might speed up the decision.

But in no way is music responsible for making people do bad things. It's just not that powerful.

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