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OH! You're one of those, Conspiracy Theorists.

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posted on May, 5 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Bunch

Great post.

Of course its obvious I would think so as I posted complimentary if not similar thoughts.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 10:42 PM
If being a conspiracy theorist means:

Not believing history as was written.

Accepting the existence of parallel historical processes that better explain history.

Not believing a word from NASA

Accepting that no good can come from an organization presided by nazis.

Believing in the existence of UFOs, Aliens and other realms.

Accepting that the thought of us being alone in the universe is imbecilic

Believing in the existence of a global elite who has a historical plan to establish a new world order.

Accepting the existence of a higher power who has control of everything and planned for all that is to come in ancient times

Accepting that nothing is what it seems, and that real power is absolute.

Then I am certainly a conspiracy theorist.

And proud of being one.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I am disgusted with the human race.

"Why the hell do you even care? Who gives a #?"

That is the response I got when I confronted my friend with the idea that 9/11 was an inside job. And the sad thing is, that is the mentality of the majority of this country.

"Who cares? I still get to watch American Idol, don't I?"

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Double Eights
I am disgusted with the human race.

"Why the hell do you even care? Who gives a #?"

That is the response I got when I confronted my friend with the idea that 9/11 was an inside job. And the sad thing is, that is the mentality of the majority of this country.

"Who cares? I still get to watch American Idol, don't I?"

But of course, that is what they want us to be like.The more numb and distracted your brain is from reality, the easier you are for them to deal with, and they can get away with murder, literally and figuratively speaking, without most of us even blinking an eye.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Not to be a troll or anything but, have any of you looked with objectivity at what your saying? Or even some of your theories?

That is a major thing I notice as a problem with a great many CTers they NEVER look even a shred of objectivity at the facts and information.
Always saying "This is what I thought was right." and ignoring any evidence to the contrary. Sometimes to almost insane levels and beyond.
Taking everything that says anything contrary to their stance and subjecting it to extreme scrutiny if not ignoring it outright.
And everything that fits in line is accepted unquestioningly regardless if it has a questionable source, the source having a severe lack of credibility, or even if what the source says is plausible.
Some peoples idea of an investigation is cracked at best.

Case in point Global Warming. A cause championed by Mr. Al "I created the internet" Gore. They didn't believe that obvious and blatant outright lie.
Yet they believe his claims on Global Warming despite some obvious short comings the theory has shown. But hell, still question Global Warming to someone that believes it and prepare for the riot act of why they are right.
Even if you find their information wanting.

I am not saying anyone here is right or wrong but merely pointing out something I have noticed.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by WraothAscendant

You have a very good point there. I consider myself open minded, a bit of a skeptic, but still open minded.
I don't accept all that is handed to me on a silver platter.
I research, many resources of the same topic, and cross reference, before accept something as factual or not.
I have learned much from being a member here.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

I applaud you on that then.
Many have not. And many claim to have done evidence where they have not.
Heck I just recently dealt with such a person on this forum like that, who then resorts to insults when his flimsy argument is smashed.
And despite that many continue to cast repeated insults that those that don't agree with them.

Basically Access, all I am saying is way too many wear the label CT like it is some sort of magic hat that makes everyone else stupider than they are.
And more than one of them have posted here.

Added: Half the time these are people joining other streams so they can feel more superior then the "mainstream" that contains more.

I respect anyone who rejects all streams. Not on the basis of what the larger one believes because in a sense you are still following what the mainstream believes in a weird way by always picking the opposite of what they pick as you are still allowing the "mainstream" to make your decisions since you will always pick the opposite of what they pick.

Sort of like the non-conformity movement when I was a teenager.
They conformed to that movement.
Rather than do whatever the heck they wanted they went for the opposite of whatever was "mainstream" leaving out stuff because it was "mainstream" and for that reason only.

Ugh a rant is what I made.

streams meaning: a collective set of whatever that most use as a basis to make a community.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by WraothAscendant]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by WraothAscendant

I completely understand your point of view, and I wholeheartedly agree.
Tis easy for some to read a slight bit of info, and claim to be an expert conspiracy theorist, when they really know jack squat, and that becomes obvious to those who actually have done the research.
When anyone starts the mud slinging though, it's SO obvious who has won the debate.
Of course, you encounter people like this in daily life as well.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:33 PM
Conspiracy theorists are generally people that are losers in life, afraid that they are being controlled by others, paranoid in their thinking and believe that they, and only they, have the "real truth".

They will persist in their beliefs, regardless of how many facts may be placed in front of them.

They can always find a conspiracy. That explains why THEY didn't make it in life; in their profession; and why others do so much better than they did.

It must be a conspiracy, against them and theirs. The fact that they are stupid, or lazy, or unable to function in society would never occur to them.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:57 PM
I have to say I read this post and I was laughing at some of the explanations of what a "conspiract theorist" is and how other people view them. I do not feel that a conspiracy theorist is necessarily someone who's stupid, ignorant, or even a "nutcase" as the Government would have everyone believe.

A conspiracy theorist is in fact someone who clearly sees the truth through the lies, evidence shuffling, and media owned propaganda that is shoved down everyone else's throat or spoon-fed depending on their own individual need to feel that they need to be lied to in order to swallow the lies.

Blackwater : Right-Wing Conservative America, Whether You Like It Or Not...

I've pointed out in this link just how corrupt the organization Blackwater and their cronies elsewhere are along with their masters on Capitol Hill.

Hothouse Flowers : I Can See Clearly Now :

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Please come back AD, I worry about you! See ya soon, and btw GREAT thread.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by OldMedic
Conspiracy theorists are generally people that are losers in life, afraid that they are being controlled by others, paranoid in their thinking and believe that they, and only they, have the "real truth".

They will persist in their beliefs, regardless of how many facts may be placed in front of them.

They can always find a conspiracy. That explains why THEY didn't make it in life; in their profession; and why others do so much better than they did.

It must be a conspiracy, against them and theirs. The fact that they are stupid, or lazy, or unable to function in society would never occur to them.

Considering that you posted this on a website for 'conspiracy theorists', one must ask, what you were googling when you happened upon our site, and why are you still here if you are not yourself, a theorist of conspiracies?

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