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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Found it, thanks for the info. Makes you wonder if Rothschilds or another paid for it. Judging by Maban's info, it matches up greatly with Remnant ideology; to control thought and faith and population in accordance with natural Illuminism.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by kshaund
I was taking the Shangri-La thing more literal - not the "go within" route because he said it 'exists'

Did I say it didn't exist?

No, you didn't say it didn't exist - I just wanted to reiterate I wasn't taking this question/answer from Maban to be esoteric and wanted to put it out there to anyone if they had come across any places on/in the planet that might really represent this in the very literal sense.

Since I asked him what he thought would be good questions to ask and that there is a Shangri-La was one of his answers, perhaps someone here here has come across some information of it somewhere along their way - I haven't. I'd never considered that it could be a real place on earth before he brought it up and it sounds intriguing to me.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
I found this interesting piece:

Alien Watchers

Does this seem similar to Mabans notes?



I wish Tenzin would show up and tell us if we are getting warmer here...

[edit on 3/6/09 by emsed1]

I'm not sure what 'notes' of Maban you're referring to? To me when he spoke of the Enlightened Ones, they are often confused over time depending on where and when history was written. Maban said (to me) that they are there when you die and determine whether to take you or not. This is different from what I've pieced together throughout the decades as our most likely beginnings:-

We have been manipulated for millenea by aliens as old as time itself it would seem, as they claim to exist for so long they don't even know their origins it so many universes back - and they rule this universe, literally, with a philosophy of "obey or buffet". Along the way of the dna manipulation, there appeared along our lineage the Aku who were described as an ancient race of Great Creators from having taken the 'light' path instead of the 'heavy' (physical) path who were literally light beings. Their appearances were described as bird-like and they (apparently) offered to us their dna which represented "passion", something most all other races do not have because they didn't chose the "light" path to enlightenment eons ago.

These passion genes are what (apparently) make us so different and unpredictable and spontaneous and perhaps something else sought in the numerous abductions trying to breed it out of us, which apparently will be difficult because the Aku's dna is etheric, not physical.

When I first came across this bottom line which more or less describes most religions and history when you dig deep enough (fifteen years ago now), it rang true even though the idea of an etheric dna strand was beyond my imagination. Mostly I reserved these little details as misinterpretations or allegorical and just kept on looking for the similar bottom lines.

I have seen the bird people, the Aku, Enlightened Ones and many other descriptions pop up which I believe do truly relate to the beings I've described as they contributed to our evolution way back when - and with that evolution I also believe is where our "souls" come in - that without the Aku's extension of their passion - and I believe this (finally getting to my point) relates to Maban's belief that when we die we are met by the Enlightened Ones who decide what happens to our soul/spirit.

I also believe often these beings are mixed up or confused with other events or histories and why there is always some confusion somewhere.

To me Maban's belief is not a contradiction, but a different perspective on our real Creators and where our souls come from, which is what I privately asked him about.

The Aku story here is a really short verson and I apologize if it seems way out there - anyone who's done a lot of research knows it take so much to get anywhere the time/space to do so is more often than not prohibitive, which is why I inserted (apparently) a few times to reiterate this is my belief based on my decades of research.

Maban also referred to Egyptian history - I mentioned privately to him that it was during Ra's (aka Marduk) reign that their history was changed, and he agreed but added he didn't know why - My understand of "why" is as a direct descendent of the (invading) aliens who rule over us (the hu-mans), it was because there is a war amongst "them" and at that time Ra wiped out references to the Original Mother Goddess, the Queen of the reptilian race and henceforth it became a patriarchal society as it remains to this day (except interestingly enough for Queen Elizabeth who is said to be at the lead of it all) - which I believe those photos in the references you provided clearly show are reptilian historically.

And why there is ongoing wars in Iraq/Iran - to keep it covered and unpleasant for hu-mans while they still battle it out to this day, four thousand years later from Ra's time before the Mother Goddess returns, which to me would relate to whatever the Nibiru/Planet X is on a routine patrol, so to speak.

Whatever the truth, I truly hope Maban has received everything he deserved and wish him well forever.


posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by kshaund

Very very interesting!

These themes of DNA manipulation, global deluge/destruction, technology, etc. seem to resonate over and over in many many cultures.

The hard part is deciding who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

I tend to believe Maban's group were the good guys since they always seem to be the underdog, on the run, defensive, etc.

It syncs well with the story of the Antareans being pursued here and hiding.

Damn. This all just blows my mind.

Maybe that was his intent all along. Not just to send a message but to promote action. Working together to find the truth, to avoid destruction, etc.

OK my mind is officially blown again.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:18 PM

The rest of humanity, believing these henchmen to be at the helm, to be ardently seeking to redress the calamities of the world, sit back in their arm chairs and from a comfortable sanitized distance, read about, or voyeuristically watch the wars here, the famines there, the imbroglios and debacles in one place, the civil unrest and human rights abuses in another, the plagues, disasters, crime and vice, the multi-faceted architecture of the machina infernalis, without ever coming to realize that the pieces of the colossal jigsaw will never come together until the picture on the lid of the box, so to speak, is revealed.


The evil that people think they are fighting is actually a facade, part of the elaborate panoply of deceptions carefully crafted to exhaust precious energies and engender malaise and disenchantment. Their strategy has been overwhelmingly successful. While the so-called “good man” fights the good fight, struggles and endures a lifetime of relative frustration and loss, the “evil” progress and gain more power. Their power grows in proportion with our erroneous countermeasures. When witnessing their ascent, most of us become convinced that all is dark, that there is no way out ahead.



posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:52 PM
I can see why Maban tried to keep the alien issues off the thread now, it does get you boys all in a lather of activity. But it keeps you off the streets I suppose

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 09:42 PM
After some more digging the author of this stuff may be cuckoo.

It turns out he is a big Alex Jones fan and he also is looking to sell a lot of DVDs.

He despises Freemasons, which as you can imagine does not sit well with me.

I don't claim that we know *everything* but one thing Masonry has taught me is that all humankind is equal and no person has the right to force his beliefs on another.

Plus helping people... but I digress.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Well to me its always a matter of what perspective you're going to look at things - I find its like an onion, there's always a new layer to look at 'life' from, sometimes good, sometimes not. The way I understand them is that they're self serving, and it just depends what they want as to whether or not we benefit.

There are so many fronts to cover and it only gets worse by the day it seems - Is all this a set up as a challenge for our soul growth?

Well, whatever it ultimately turns out to be, my biggest hope is that my next life is a holiday somewhere else without all the destruction and stress -

Does anyone have any idea what the three truths might relate to?

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
Does anyone have any idea what the three truths might relate to?

Maban said once in a U2U that the name under the asterisks (The ****** [Enlightened Ones]) is, as I gathered, either one of or is part of one of the three truths. Secondly, in regard to Hitler, it pertained to creating "superweapons". I wondered if that had anything to do with the "Aryan supermen" themselves as weapons but I don't recall getting an answer (fell down the "black hole").

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Originally posted by kshaund
Does anyone have any idea what the three truths might relate to?

Maban said once in a U2U that the name under the asterisks (The ****** [Enlightened Ones]) is, as I gathered, either one of or is part of one of the three truths. Secondly, in regard to Hitler, it pertained to creating "superweapons". I wondered if that had anything to do with the "Aryan supermen" themselves as weapons but I don't recall getting an answer (fell down the "black hole").

So the first truth related to the Enlightened Ones...
The second truth related to superweapons?...
Any ideas on the third?

And I recall he said they (Illuminons) were guardians of the truths, but what if there remains no one to reval them?

I'd love to learn more about the Enlightened Ones -

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by kshaund

One of the last conversations I had with Maban was about the three truths.

In fact, here is the last thing Maban ever said to me:

The Three Truths are about the true nature of our past, and our future. That I can say, and that is all I can say. - Maban

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by kshaund

Very very interesting!

These themes of DNA manipulation, global deluge/destruction, technology, etc. seem to resonate over and over in many many cultures.

The hard part is deciding who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

I tend to believe Maban's group were the good guys since they always seem to be the underdog, on the run, defensive, etc.

It syncs well with the story of the Antareans being pursued here and hiding.

Damn. This all just blows my mind.

Maybe that was his intent all along. Not just to send a message but to promote action. Working together to find the truth, to avoid destruction, etc.

OK my mind is officially blown again.

He did promote action. I told him I wanted to go into justice and get some work done against the top Mob bosses and all who are Remnant aligned. He said the only way we'd win is if we unite and start fighting back, because the Remnants will NEVER give up and keep striving for more power.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
I have seen the bird people, the Aku, Enlightened Ones and many other descriptions pop up which I believe do truly relate to the beings I've described as they contributed to our evolution way back when - and with that evolution I also believe is where our "souls" come in - that without the Aku's extension of their passion - and I believe this (finally getting to my point) relates to Maban's belief that when we die we are met by the Enlightened Ones who decide what happens to our soul/spirit.

Maban also referred to Egyptian history - I mentioned privately to him that it was during Ra's (aka Marduk) reign that their history was changed, and he agreed but added he didn't know why - My understand of "why" is as a direct descendent of the (invading) aliens who rule over us (the hu-mans), it was because there is a war amongst "them" and at that time Ra wiped out references to the Original Mother Goddess, the Queen of the reptilian race and henceforth it became a patriarchal society as it remains to this day (except interestingly enough for Queen Elizabeth who is said to be at the lead of it all) - which I believe those photos in the references you provided clearly show are reptilian historically.

And why there is ongoing wars in Iraq/Iran - to keep it covered and unpleasant for hu-mans while they still battle it out to this day, four thousand years later from Ra's time before the Mother Goddess returns, which to me would relate to whatever the Nibiru/Planet X is on a routine patrol, so to speak.

I heard of the bird people being the Enlightened Ones, but what of these Aku? I think Aku is Japanese for bad, right?

Are you saying humans came from another world and enslaved other humans of this planet in Egypt? Maban told me he knew of no Draconian aliens, but said the Reticulans/Grays can appear to be green. A possible explantion on a possible misunderstanding?

Did Maban say anything about Nibiru? I forgot to ask, and I haven't heard much on it.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
So the first truth related to the Enlightened Ones...
The second truth related to superweapons?...
Any ideas on the third?

And I recall he said they (Illuminons) were guardians of the truths, but what if there remains no one to reval them?

I'd love to learn more about the Enlightened Ones -

I didn't mean to imply that any particular truth had anything to do with a particular thing. He said that the Enlightened Ones true name had something to do with "one of the three truths". Secondly, the creation of superweapons just seemed to be a potential application of the knowledge en whole.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by emsed1

The Three Truths are about the true nature of our past, and our future. That I can say, and that is all I can say. - Maban

Strange, now what could most of us hear in that regard that could possibly be even remotely shocking. I'm quite sure with all the possibilities each of us can envision these days that some extraterrestrial origin or meddling almost seems like a given.

One interesting thing is that in Quabbalistic teachings, the minimum age used to be about 40 years since many could go insane at the notions of multiple parallel universes, extraterrestrials, etc. but now that requirement has been dropped since these concepts are far more interesting than than they are mentally destabilizing.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

If the above url works (I'm not totally adept here), I probably should have spelled it Akhu, the Egyptian way - it refers here to the Akhu as being the soul part.

The Aku story I heard was from a completely unrelated source - but it is interesting how it absolutely ties in with Egyptology. The one I heard had as its counterpart the Draku which is just as it sounds, the dark version and obviously the root word for things like draconian if you go back far enough.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp

Originally posted by kshaund
So the first truth related to the Enlightened Ones...
The second truth related to superweapons?...
Any ideas on the third?

And I recall he said they (Illuminons) were guardians of the truths, but what if there remains no one to reval them?

I'd love to learn more about the Enlightened Ones -

I didn't mean to imply that any particular truth had anything to do with a particular thing. He said that the Enlightened Ones true name had something to do with "one of the three truths". Secondly, the creation of superweapons just seemed to be a potential application of the knowledge en whole.

Thanks for clarifying - perhaps superweapons is somewhere within the recesses of that larger portion of unknown areas in our brain.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by oconnection

I still beleive that there is a shadow government that pulls the strings at the highest levels and that is the reason why there is no real change whether Dem or Rep.

They start out with their own ideas and end up like the rest. Puppets.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by oconnection

It certainly is something to think about, but it doesnt click with Maban's version.

Makes you wonder though.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by lazy1981
reply to post by oconnection

I still beleive that there is a shadow government that pulls the strings at
the highest levels and that is the reason why there is no real change
whether Dem or Rep.

They start out with their own ideas and end up like the rest. Puppets.

My question then would be,

- is the shadow government structured, as a secret organisation OR
a secret society, who's at the top of the piramid ?

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