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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Sorry something important came up today so I wasn't able to be on until late.

Quite a interesting story Emsed, I'll try and dig a bit to see if I can find any other sources. The report claims they were rebels and or terrorists, the report doesn't specify any other information about the identity of the individuals related to the incident. Quite a odd set of circumstances a lining with the story we've been told about Maban. The event is still fresh so I hope we can extract information before it becomes a lot more difficult.

A brief search reported this incident occurred on Feb. 12th, so this report does line up with the time line of events we've been told! The last time he was online was the 8th outside of Tenzin logging onto Maban's account to give us the news.

I've yet to hear back from Tenzin about questions some of us had about the woudl thing and the question about how he got Maban's password. I'll keep you guys updated as soon as I get a response.

- Omega

[edit on 23-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by spannera
Hi First of all im sorry about my poor posting skills as i am new to this. Oh well first of all what what oconnection said in a previous post about the eye of ra got me thinking and it leads to all sort of weird connections lol.
(Just kidding). What did maban keep hinting about. He mentioned RA a lot and Thoth and said the answers lay in egyptian mythology. Least that was my take.

According to Maban the Eye of Ra is also known as the Lumen Ab Verum:

"It is a device known as the Lumen Ab Verum, it holds all the teachings and information we know, it has been dated using radioactive decay, as being around 3 million years old."

I reported this on page 63 after getting permission. If one was to want to find more information about this device I suspect you'd have more luck searching for the Eye of Ra because they are both to reported to be one and the same. My search for anything about the Lumen Ab Verum tenders no results. Since there is an abundance of information about Ancient Egypt I'd bet that you'll get a lot better results if one wanted to search for more information.

I personally am very interested in any information regarding this device, if anyone has any new information I'd be delighted to see it.

[edit on 23-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by oconnection
According to Maban the Eye of Ra is also known as the Lumen Ab Verum:

"It is a device known as the Lumen Ab Verum, it holds all the teachings and information we know, it has been dated using radioactive decay, as being around 3 million years old."

Alright, I'm calling this out.

Here is what I was told:

The artifact itself is approximately five billion years old in our carbon dating estimates, and it's surface is nearly impenetrable.

This is a contradiction to what you received. Perhaps he would try to say "we were in error and later revised our estimates." Nonetheless it has been a little bothersome piece of information I've been carrying around that lacks scientific credibility.

The problem there is you cannot carbon date anything that old. The number of halvings would leave no material, far less than a tiny fraction of an atom (absurdity), or you can run time backwards and consider you would need to start with more atoms than there are in the planet to even have one left by now much less have a device that can be carried around-- in a tractor trailer, ship or other mode of transport. (Just try multiplying 2 by itself thousands of times and the problem should be obvious).

One also must know the amounts of the materials it started with, but I'm sure that could be explained by it carrying that information within. I would've also though it would have some way of conveying its age in the form of a code (there are many clocks in the universe). Perhaps it stayed in a gravity well for billions of years relative to our time but only aged thousands? I guess that would need relativistic corrections.

So, maybe that leaves something some vessel like a tardis along with inertial dampening but I thought they didn't have such things at their disposal. They got it from Tibet to Antarctica if I recall correctly.

If anyone knows what isotope would decay slowly enough and produce a measurable radiation signature sufficient to date anything I'd love to hear it. I'd like to hear anything to reconcile things. He never claimed any exotic technology was involved in any measurements and so the bells went off.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Well that's what I was told, I'm not in the field of science unless IT counts.

Yea I was specifically told that they took a small sliver dated it using radio carbon dating, so we seem to have conflicting stories. Was anyone else told about dating methods and how old this device is claimed to be?

Which method of dating objects can age a object the furthest back?

Million, billion, not too far off.

With that said I feel guilty arguing over details. When Maban left he wanted to leave people in charge so his message could carry on. It's ok to be skeptical but there has been way too much speculation lately (I'm just as guilty) since Maban departed and no focus on his original message.

The message was of hope, that we can amount to so much more, of unity. Perhaps we need to refocus our efforts and stay focused on that?

- Omega

[edit on 23-2-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by tangoGorilla
That is my point “Cadbury”, his prediction, its not a prediction does it require the illuminati to know what every financial analyst has known in the last year.

You haven't got a point because I didn't say it was a prediction and because I've already told you none of what I've said proves he's “Illuminati,” only that it "affords him at least some credence."

A prediction is a statement or claim that a particular event will occur in the future in more certain terms than a forecast. The etymology of this word is Latin (from præ- "before" plus dicere "to say").

He made no statement or claim that any particular event would occur in the future, he just announced his departure and then left. He didn't even say to me that anything was going to happen, what I said to you was "that was the definite impression I got from him." And for the third time, I didn't say that any of the above proves that he's "Illuminati." That's several occasions now where you've tried to put words in my mouth.

Why a year? People already knew bets were being placed on the month it would hit a year ago in the summer of 2007.

I've asked you once already to source these claims but you completely ignored me so I'll ask you again; what is your source for these claims?

Anyway thanks for your time

No, thank you for yours.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Well that's what I was told, I'm not in the field of science unless IT counts.

Yea I was specifically told that they took a small sliver dated it using radio carbon dating, so we seem to have conflicting stories. Was anyone else told about dating methods and how old this device is claimed to be?

Which method of dating objects can age a object the furthest back?

Million, billion, not too far off.

With that said I feel guilty arguing over details. When Maban left he wanted to leave people in charge so his message could carry on. It's ok to be skeptical but there has been way too much speculation lately (I'm just as guilty) since Maban departed and no focus on his original message.

The message was of hope, that we can amount to so much more, of unity. Perhaps we need to refocus our efforts and stay focused on that?

I'm somewhat confused, not an unusual occurence but, did Maban say it was specifically an 'object'? Both timelines could, if we thought about it, be explained in relation to what I understood 'Lumen Ad Verum' to mean, but I don't identify it as an inanimate object, more as a 'concept' or body of knowledge. Hence my confusion.

In the context that I thought of it, it is very much a part of Maban's message so I am not quibbling over details, just asking for a few more of them if possible. That request extends to EnlightenUp as well please.

(On a side note, from EnlightenUp's description of the artifact I was reminded of yet another Dan Brown novel, Deception Point, )

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by oconnection and KilgoreTrout

You might have noticed that Maban's message is the one thing over which I am not quibbling. His message is the essence of what made me recognize his brilliance-- not the titles, the secrets, the tech, the exitement and adventure (a Jedi craves not these things), etc.

I am trying to point out that beyond the message, this is not what it seems to be. What is done is what many teachers have done (many have admitted as much) is to package the essence of your message in something that is palatable to the people you wish to reach ("A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down" to quote Mary Poppins
) whether it be their political views, religious views, interests, etc.

There is a writing my girlfriend located on the internet that is from the 1920's or 30's dictated by Bhuddist monk that speaks of "The Great Ones" who will make an appearance when humanity is ready. It really sounded point for point much like what he has described about The Enlightened Ones. Unfortunatly, I do not recall the names and cannot provide a link at this time. I will ask her to locate it again and I will post a link (I'll nag her until she does). If any knows what I'm talking about feel free to put it up.

Besides the use of "surface" in regards to the LAV there is this from the same message:

We needed to create a massive carbon dating device to examine the entire artifact rather than a sliver of it's material that could be placed onto a petri dish. It's technological capabilities are awesome, and at time slightly intimidating.

A strange thing to say about something not an object in my humble opinion.

I'm not too worried it we diverge a bit from the core message. Perhaps we're still squarely on the path anyway.

[edit on 2/23/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:42 PM
I was under the impression that radio-carbon dating only worked on 'living' things.

The ratio of carbon to carbon 14 is fixed when an organic creature is alive, but the process of decomposition causes that ratio to change because no more carbon 14 is being produced.

That was my understanding anyway, that carbon dating only works on things that were once alive.

Carbon Dating

[edit on 2/23/09 by emsed1]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by emsed1

You are correct. They take in a certain proportion of of carbon as carbon-14 during their lifetimes and cease to do so at their death at which point the amount of C-14 starts to drop due to radioactive decay rather than being replenished and excreted.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:02 PM
I can share some of the things Maban said during our chats that probably don't reveal much but could give insight.

One of the last exchanges I had with him was about writing a book or giving all his info to someone about writing a book. He seemed in favor of it but didn't have any interest in royalties, licenses or any of that stuff for using his 'ideas'.

I asked if I needed permission before talking to an author. He was utterly unconcerned, which convinced me of his genuine nature or at least that he wasn't trying to make a buck.

Sure, ball is in your court. You have all the information, wield it wisely. I will not be there every moment to give you the okay, so just trust yourself, and trust your instincts. - Maban

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Yes, that's pretty much what I got from him regarding sharing the contents of our U2Us. I don't know how you would contact him for royalty payments anyways, if his identity remained protected. And it's not like I got "please send checks to P.O. Box xxxx Seattle, WA xxxxx-xxxx".

Why shouldn't we reveal anything? What's there to not reveal? Private details about something is one thing but outside that what gives?

[edit on 2/23/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:32 PM
Maybe we should pick a time and everyone reveal everything they know.

Not to turn it into a parlor game but it would be interesting to see if we all were told the same thing.

For the time being I am concerned about Maban's whereabouts, life status, and the possibility of bad guys coming over here to ATS, but I don't know the motivation.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury

Apparently not, unfortunately. I received a message from Maban's IM
account this morning from someone claiming to be Tenzin,

IMO it is clear, Maban made a little...
mistake when he organized is
Hollywood like, departure. Maban by mistake LOGGED as Tenzin,
( One of his screen names ) to U2U to Cadbury the ''Big News''

Looks like Maban wanted to leave his thread as a legend BY creating the
Scenario OF HIS DEAD, but he instead just proved is theory is IMO, ONLY a [HOAX]

Originally posted by oconnection
reply to post by Cadbury

what if Maban and Tenzin are one and the same?

They are and that proved that we were all Gullible Enough to get
mislead by a good FICTION, Master Storyteller AND NOTHING MORE.
shards doeas not existe. FINAL

Now it's time to get back to REALITY. To much energy was wasted and
only got us away from our goal, to find who are really the illuminati
and to investigate secret societies and real conspiracies behind the NWO.

that was JMTC

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by We the People

I'm not too concerned with who "The Illuminati" really are. I assure you this attitude is not one of complacency, it's one of awareness and hasn't got a bean to do with Maban's claims nor the claims of authors that wish me to kill myself slowly by self-induced trauma.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by We the People

Achilles, did you get banned again?

Why come into this thread? We aren't trying to find out who the Illuminati are, we are trying to find out if our friend is dead.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by We the People
IMO it is clear, Maban made a little...
mistake when he organized is
Hollywood like, departure. Maban by mistake LOGGED as Tenzin,
( One of his screen names ) to U2U to Cadbury the ''Big News''

You're confused. Whoever it was who sent me the message logged in with Maban's account, not Tenzin's (if they are indeed two separate people). I don't have a "Tenzin" on my IM list.

Looks like Maban wanted to leave his thread as a legend BY creating the
Scenario OF HIS DEAD, but he instead just proved is theory is IMO, ONLY a [HOAX]

Even if Tenzin is Maban, that (alleged) fact doesn't even come close to proving the rest of this thread is "only a hoax." It won't help alleviate suspicions, though. I'll give you that.

They are and that proved that we were all Gullible Enough to get
mislead by a good FICTION, Master Storyteller AND NOTHING MORE.
shards doeas not existe. FINAL

It still hasn't been proven that they are the same person, as far as I'm aware. At the moment it looks that way to me, but I've seen nothing proven. Do you know something I don't? And like I said, even if they are the same person that still doesn't prove the entire thread is a hoax.

Now it's time to get back to REALITY.

Define "REALITY!"

To much energy was wasted and
only got us away from our goal, to find who are really the illuminati
and to investigate secret societies and real conspiracies behind the NWO.

that was JMTC

Have you become snapped? This entire thread was an investigation into who the Illuminati really are, whether Maban turns out to be a fraudulent or not. Did you miss all the information posted about the historical Bavarian Illuminati by Fire_In_The_Minds_Of_Men? Did you miss everything else?

[edit on 23-2-2009 by Cadbury]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Hey I never posted that which you quoted Cadberry....your quoting the wrong person bud. =)

They are and that proved that we were all Gullible Enough to get
mislead by a good FICTION, Master Storyteller AND NOTHING MORE.
shards doeas not existe. FINAL

Yea I'd never say something like that, at least certainly not now.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Oh great I get busy elsewhere and Maban is gone? Well I have some catching up to do here but let me remind you that maban did promise to let you know before he leaves for good.

Now if he is gone from his staged name Maban, then what he set out to do is finished. But if he chooses to remain but under another name and drop the teacher role then whats the problem?

He did not take the messiah role to drag people into consciousness for Gods sake. respect that what needed to be said was and the connections he chose to make were of his own choosing.

Now I will go backwards in this thread to see if what I just said was foolish or has merit, but I for one trusted that he was being forthright and as honest as possible.

Cadbury, Hi!

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by emsed1

IMO beleive me, he his not dead

and what is that paranoia all about, i finally decided to register to this
forum instead of only reading posts daily, ( and so for the last 3 years )
can i had my 2cents

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
Hey I never posted that which you quoted Cadberry....your quoting the wrong person bud. =)

They are and that proved that we were all Gullible Enough to get
mislead by a good FICTION, Master Storyteller AND NOTHING MORE.
shards doeas not existe. FINAL

Yea I'd never say something like that, at least certainly not now.

Fixed! Sorry, coding error. I thought I was quoting him, not you.

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