posted on May, 5 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Well I care. Tell you what's gonna happen when Obama gets the majority of the delagates just by the primaries- one of 3 things-
1) The Clintons have been in politics for so long they have crap on lots of people and it's obvious from the past that they're willing to use it to
cajole some super-delagates their way. And it's obvious that super-delagates are the ones that are going to decide who the nominee is as an outright
win is almost impossible.
2) Hillary knows that McCain is a one-term President at best and has been sliming Obama while virtually ignoring McCain so she may get a shot at the
VP spot with McCain and get the Presidency next election cycle. I actually think this unlikely as this would poison her to all the Dems and most of
the Indys.
3) Here's what I REALLY think. Hillary will slime Obama as hard as she possibly can and do her best to see that McCain wins, once again, knowing
he's a one-term President. Then she can start fresh and win the Presidency in the next election. If so, and also as in the #2 example above, she's
one of the biggest sell-out traitors in the history of the US. And again, if so, one of the biggest egotistical bitches or bastards in the history of
our country.
Damned scary that the most important election since before WWII has the public focused on lapel pins and the stupid 18 cent gas tax suspension and
BS like that. To hell with the important facts and concerns facing America, right? Let's all focus on the BS.
I do care but it seems to be an incredible and disheartening waste of time. I fear it's all out of our hands.
[edit on 5-5-2008 by kpoff]