For the last 3 yrs. I have noticed a passion sweep over me to follow the movements of the heavens and Earth, understand everything part in the world
and the worlds part in everything. 1111 showed up to me through researching David Willcocks material. I think David has a great 6th sense when it
comes to listening to the inner voice (voice of the universe and beyond if you ask me...God or the higher self to all things). I think we all have
this capability and I find that religions seem to not want people to think such self empowering thoughts.
I think synchronicities occur to us all the time, but we only see it if we are ready to. I feel like repeating numbers are a tug at the inner core
self to pay attention, come in tune with yourself and what surrounds you and to understand your on a path of realizing, you are truly one with all
things because we are all made of the same energy, even the stars...its coming full circle with your place in the all, and the all in you. Yet, each
of us experiences these synchronicities in a way that helps us grow, adapt, change and prepare, to learn the order of all things....and to be a part
of that order more so for others then your own self.
I personally see our flesh bodies like a computer of sorts...reactors, receivers, ect...a number sequence can show itself as a part of your higher
self (god, angels, aliens...whatever your comfortable with calling Thee). In this process, if you are open minded to it, you may even receive what
some call 'downloads' of information that seems relevant to you, you might find sudden urges to search and study certain things, you might
experience intense dreams that seem to have meaning for you, you might understand the beauty in humble living all of the sudden.
Here are some different discussions about numbers and 1111, its interesting to see others feeling drawn to it also.
I also read a site one time that said 11 11 was the number to awaken angels in the flesh. Meaning that the angels were the reflection of God, 1-1 or
1=1...and to awaken a 1, then 11=11 would appear (or something like that).
I also think that if people feel the need to be aware and observe these kind of synchronicities, then its probably not their first rodeo here on
Earth. I think you are only awaken to this sense if your ready for it, with a humble heart. I could fill a book with my experiences and observations
of the past few years, its changed me to live more for others then myself and to be aware, that we all are a part of each other, apart of the Earth,
apart of the elements...all the way to the stars. Everything is a vibration of energy....the material world is a vessel for the life of this divine
energy, that is where 1111 has led me.
I follow no book, material or person...but I intake them all with a grain of salt and a quite mind. Just my personal thoughts, always. What resonates
with one person might not sit well with another (to me this is proof we are not all on the same vibration of thought or growth).
My best,