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Dance Music: talented vocals, quality why isn't it on the air?

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posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by italkyoulisten

I respect that, as a "MUSICIAN", because I understaqnd the skill required to play anything complex on any instrument, let alone a keyboard.
Still don't care about electronica, and especially dance music, which is what this thread was about in the first place, i think...........

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by italkyoulisten

All right. Agree to disagree. I can respect your skill as a musician if you play. You at least know where I'm coming from.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by morthn1waytoskinacat

air, an electronica duo, plays spectacular live shows.

or sound tribe sector nine? they're an electronca jam band and are also excellent live.

i think you are just stereotyping electronica. you can stereotype every genre of music. but the good ones are the ones that don't fit the stereotype (save a few) and stand out.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by morthn1waytoskinacat

Well, we certainly agree that we disagree regarding your post in nearly it's entirety. I actually know several, actually quite a few, artists in Dance music, and I wish you could see how hard they work in all aspects of their career, and once you saw how incredibly talented they are as vocalists, as performers (dancers), and showmanship (to say nothing of all the work writing, practicing, trying stuff out, and recording in studio, then re-mixing and then comes the marketing aspects of it, people like you amaze me. Always quick to point the finger at someone else and say they don't have any idea what they are talking about, and then put down other people's art just because you happen to like other styles.

People, this thread really isn't about, at least not intended to be about, if you a poster on ATS, LIKE dance music or not. It's about why it isn't on the air despite decent ratings in cities where it does get played on mix shows, and huge crowds at high energy dance clubs...if you like the Eagles or Van Halen...more power to you...I fail to see what this has to do with the aforementioned speculation regarding a possible conspiracy...have some of you even read all the posts????

I mean you can post another 60 or even 100 posts and go back and forth like a bunch of democrats and republicans all day and all night and 8 ways to Sunday about how you love it or think it sucks, but what does it have to do with the conspiracy (and if you still don't know what that is, then go back and read the posts because frankly I'm kind of' tired of re-typing it...)

And PS the "yo" thing is kind of catchy...I see Randy Jackson use it all of the time on American Idol on national television (I think they said it got like 40 million viewers last week or something...but I’m sure you can fill us all in how that show sucks too) and so, I wonder if it makes him like what you tried to say it made me...Pleeeeaaaaaze! spare me the personal attacks...if you don't like dance music, nobody is forcing you to listen to it, and for sure nobody is forcing you to post a reply to this just to reaffirm your own beliefs and stereotypes.

But whatever, it just proves Dance music is art to get so many people talking about it. Your not going to say it's not art are you just because a computer is involved? If so there goes 99% off all recorded music.

You come off as smug (not an old fart as you said, but ok) and entirely way to sure of yourself and arrogant in your false assumptions.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by skyshow]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by morthn1waytoskinacat
reply to post by italkyoulisten

All right. Agree to disagree. I can respect your skill as a musician if you play. You at least know where I'm coming from.

Yeah, I can understand your frustration. A friend of mine used to always hate on phish because they are a jam band and whenever I asked him why, he'd always be like "cause jamming's so easy dude". And I tried so hard to explain to him that just because they are a jam band doesn't mean all they do is jam; they write songs and stuff, but they just add a jam portion to the song and harmonize really really well together. What I am saying is that all kinds of music takes skill, just different kinds. It's really hard to get the effects to all sound right. To tweak a phaser so that a note would oscillate at the right rate and such can really annoying.

And yeah, I do play. Most electronica artists play. I can't really think of any that don't. Been on the piano/keyboard since I was 7 or 8, I can't remember. I've been playing guitar for a while now too.. except I'm not that great on the guitar.. yet.

what do you play/what's your favorite genre of music?

my favorite band ever is not electronica.


have you heard of them?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by skyshow

hey skyshow you should give my music a listen and let me know what you think!

i'm still in the process of tweaking everything so that it ends up sounding right.

I am going to rework the last couple songs though.

Oh and my answer to the original question is this:

it is because all mainstream music is prolefeed. mass produced entertainment to numb the minds of the masses from the ways of critical thinking.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by skyshow

Read your post. The answer is still no conspiracy. And I don't have to point finfgers.
Had you read MY posts in there entirety, you would see that I am in the business of recording, studio, playing, etc., not sitting on my ass in some dj booth lamenting the fact that my favorite music isn't appreciated by my boss, as much as me and all my trendy metrosexual friends appreciate it.
When I was first starting out I thought it was conspiracy that radio didn't play my chosen genre (metal, at the time).
Turns out not everybody was as impressed as me and my friends were by the talent it took to play that stuff (showmanship, rehearsing for months, you know the stuff only dance music artists apparently do....).
Get over yourself and your genre. I said it before and I'll say it again, since we are re-typing ourselves, not everyone likes dance music, playing it on the radio won't change that, the music that does get played appeals to the lowest common denominator/consumer/commuter/zombie/drone/idiot.
Hence Nickelback. Millions of albums sold, yet I don't know anyone who likes them or thdoesn't think they are a joke.
I don't associate with people from trailer parks, is my closest guess.......

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
reply to post by morthn1waytoskinacat

And PS the "yo" thing is kind of catchy...I see Randy Jackson use it all of the time on American Idol on national television (I think they said it got like 40 million viewers last week or something...but I’m sure you can fill us all in how that show sucks too)

[edit on 17-5-2008 by skyshow]

Well, hell, where do I sign up. Can't wait to get me a members card in the"I'm the same as every other trendy fruitloop in the country" club......
I don't need to fill anyone with any taste in on how much that show sucks, they already know.......

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by morthn1waytoskinacat

Hey man, I'm not stuck on myself or the genre...I do things outside the loop as it were...I think it is a viable area to talk about and contemplate, because I have seen Arbitrons where it gets play and the quarterly hour share in some places is amazing...

I would ask you, what it is you are so pumped up about regarding the format, or why it is you are trashing it so hard for? Why?


Has to be the oddest post I have ever seen on here. "Up in my dj booth"...why, if I didn't thing better, I would think if you were right here in front of me you would throw a punch? It's ok man...relax. It's just Dance music!

PS: how do you ignore a 48 share?

I wonder if a little homophobia isn't part of the mix here? hmmmm? kinda makes ya' wonder.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 18-5-2008 by skyshow]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 05:20 AM
You shouldn't stereotype 'Electronica' with 'Dance Music'. Electronica is any type of music created and produced electronically, whether complicated or not, and Dance Music is a bit more specific, simpler and more pulse and repetition based.

Trust me, a lot of Electronica is SO much more complicated and time-consuming than most band music, so it shouldn't just be generalised as simple.

Anyway I don't think there's any conspiracy or anything in why Dance Music isn't on the air (i guess you mean in the U.S.), because it gets some airplay over here.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by malganis

Yes, I meant the US. The industry over here is run by payola dollars and political adds during an election year. The overwhelming amount of dollars that end up in the hands of the broadcasters over here comes from the support of hip-hop and country. Virtually nothing at all for dance. Look up the word conspiracy in the dictionary, then couple that with the fact that payola is supposed to be illegal, and then arrive at your own conclusions why dance music isn't on the radio.

Oh, and we didn't even go into homophobia that is rampant in broadcasting and how gay people love their dance music, and how this marketing segment is continuously ignored in radio format land, but that's another story! Finally, remember how the airwaves are supposed to belong to the people? Yeah, who do they really belong to?

Do we really need three country stations, four adult contemporary stations (mostly automated), four rock stations, three Christian stations, and three conservative talk stations all in one market? If the frequency are the people's and we turned it over to the multi-million dollar conglomerates to do our programming, and assuming you have listened to the radio lately, are you going to look at this screen and tell me in all honesty the so called "free" market economy is the best way to sort this all out? Come on. The other formats are not getting jack sheet, and in markets where you do get one it's on a week signal...payola is greasing the wheels and boy isn't it obvious! Consultants and broadcasters together have broke out the unions, turned radio and commercial music into a waste land, and until we people unite, and quit supporting the corporate take over of OUR frequencies it isn't going to change. I just feel bad for all the hard working folks who love dance music and how the industry has screwed them royally!

Technically it's probably not "payola" and that's why legally they get away with it through all the back doors and loop holes, but it certainly is in the spirit of the law, and I wish the courts would take a look at it again.

Finally, from a political standpoint, the sooner we can get the media back into the people's hands and away from the control of the corporate conglomerates the sooner we can begin to get our democratic process back in balance...people aren't getting the facts, just what they are told, and it's all bought and payed for!

I remember the days before de-regulation where all stations were small and idependently owned. They had real warm bodies sitting there in front of mike who earned wages that could support a family. Now you see a computer doing it. There used to be news rooms with a staff of several news professionals at every AM / FM combo and you know what? Their union wages supported a family as well. Every station had a secretary, a traffic person, and a team of sales people, all making a living...they had payroll and promotions staff as well. Then in comes deregulation and what was once like 15 individual businesses became compacted down to three or four. No more unions and gone with them were the nice pay checks you could live on. They layed off litterally tens of thousands of people all over the country as thousands of privately owned stations got gobbled up by just a handful of corporations. .... eh don't get me started on it all. Yikes I just did!

Look up the terms: media democracy, payola, the telecommunications act of 1996, the history of radio etc... to learn more.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by skyshow]

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