reply to post by skyshow
I'm not angry, yo! (irritating vernacular, by the way. Use proper English when you write, anything else makes you appear...pedestrian.)
I simply point out the facts. And I don't care what hertz that crap is written in. Most car horns and telephones wring or buzz at 440 hertz. It's
called an "a" note. Why do they do that?
Because it is a very common sound, thus not as annoying as say a "b" flat. No conspiracy. Most moderm music is written to a standard tuning called
a440. That's what it means, "a" note, 440 hertz.
You can attach whatever esoteric meaning you want to 432 hertz, (om, and all that) but I would almost guarantee that if someone played you both
pitches the difference to the average ear (yours), would be bloody near indistinguishable, and unless you have perfect pitch(seriously doubt it, by
the way), average (or below average most likely), means you.
Perhaps a little music theory study, and hell, some music history, before you comment on stuff you obviously have less than a rudimentary knowledge
You can call me a luddite, or an old fart, I don't really care. Bottom line:
Dance music is relentlessly untalented garbage.
It is the fast food of the music world and everyone (including the purveyors of said nonsense) know it, except the mindless zombies who don't want
anything challenging in their music, just a good beat and
forgettable lyrics set to a hypnotic melody pattern that by definition never changes, just repeats the same stupidity over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, ad nauseaum, that they can gyrate like an idiot to on the dance floor.
Hardly. I could give a rats ass. There is plenty of great music out there written and performed by musicians, not some dipsh7t in a basement suckering
braindamaged,depressed,kids that can't decide what sex they are,into buying their twaddle. In ten years people will say "Remember that crap we
listened too?" Just like they do about disco now. Only difference
is that disco was played by real musicians, not some retard with two turntables and a microphone, (and i say that knowing I'm doing an immense
disservice to metally handicapped people everywhere).........
[edit on 17-5-2008 by morthn1waytoskinacat]