Alright, so I'm officially freaked out... This has happened about 10 times now over the past several years... You might be thinking what? Why are you
freaked out and what has been happening!!!?
I'll tell you, this teddy bear is freaking me out!!!
Every once in a while, totally random, I will get close to this teddy bear and it will start playing a tune... Like I said it's happened about 10
times over the past couple years... My Grandmother has seen it happen a few times, she even commented once saying, boy that bear seems to like you...
The whole time I'm thinking, no this bear is possessed...
Anyway, I moved the bear from the living room to the hallway and it hasn't happened, until tonight! I was heading into the bathroom and as I went to
open the door, the bear started playing the tune again... It's a Christmas tune if anyone was wondering... Jingle Bells...
I immediately thought to myself, ok this is freakin me out... So I picked the bear up and took a good look at it... The ONLY place you can play the
sound is by squeezing the left hand...!!! WT*?
I checked out the eyes and the bells to make sure there wasn't any motion detectors in it, nope, nothing, then I messed with the left hand a few
times, you know, bumping into it, smacking it on the counter and what not to see if it was sensitive... Nope, you have to squeeze the button with your
thumb and index finger or it won't play...
Now do you see why I'm freaking out a bit? I'm wondering if I'm somehow causing this device to turn on or what's happening, can anyone throw me
some insight on what might be causing this bear to do this... I swear it's just a normal bear, it plays a tune when you press the button... Not
making this up...
[edit on 3-5-2008 by ElectricUncleSam]
[edit on 3-5-2008 by ElectricUncleSam]