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Crazy Grid of Earthquakes!! What??!!

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posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:29 PM

Were about 3 hours away from our interview with Mr. Stan Deyo
with regards to the quakes and seismic activity going on. If you
want to ask a question.. you need to go to this link quickly:

Stan Deyo Interview.. EarthQuakes.. Ask your Questions here..

Keep in mind that this thread (the one your reading) is for the discussion..
The link I provided above is for the questions you'd like Dave and I to ask
of Mr. Stan Deyo.. so get the thinkin' caps on now and post those questions.

Johnny Anonymous
ATSMIX co-Host

[edit on 5/4/2008 by JohnnyAnonymous]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:42 PM
Just an idea but why have none of the quakes been shown on:

I check this everyday but tbh i'm starting to question it's validity especially when it shows earthquakes of magnitude 3 and up everywhere else.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

[edit on 4-5-2008 by Migwah]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Migwah
Just an idea but why have none of the quakes been shown on:

I check this everyday but tbh i'm starting to question it's validity especially when it shows earthquakes of magnitude 3 and up everywhere else.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

[edit on 4-5-2008 by Migwah]

You need to go here and ask that question directly to Mr. Deyo for our interview in a few hours..

Stan Deyo Interview.. EarthQuakes.. Ask your Questions here..

Johnny Anonymous

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 07:02 PM
Sorry no time! Got the missus over.

Is it available for download at a later date though?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Migwah

All ATS Mix shows are available for further download: ATS

I personally can't wait for this interview its going to be awesome

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 01:41 AM
Our earlier Interview with Stan Deyo was a success considering it was a very short notice request I made to Mr. Deyo.

We are hoping to have this up as a separate "ATSMIX Special Edition" show shortly (which means a day or two so be patient). Dave, Stan and myself thank everyone for those that came and posted their questions for the interview. For those of you that didn't get your question asked it was either because Stan had already answered it or we ran out of time with him. As it is.. we were only supposed to get 30 minutes and he graciously gave us an hour (on and off air).

The finished produced interview will be approximately 45 minutes long... When the show does go up, please be sure to stop by the "show thread" and post that you appreciate him (Stan Deyo) from leaving his work to have the interview with Dave and I...

Johnny Anonymous

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Wow... a grid pattern??? No way? These earthquakes are man-made??? Not possible.. or is it??? I would suggest reading this... it's a thread I started over a week ago about the earthquake in Indiana/Illinois. I had no idea at the time I started the thread.. but I stumbled on evidence that pins HAARP for the the earthquakes.. I also looked up the strongest earthquake in Reno... guess what??? Same thing.

Here is what HAARP looks like while it is on:
(from and yes it is covering all of Alaska)

Here are the graphs for the Indiana/Illinois quakes:
(click to see whole image)

(part 2.. click to see the whole thing)

Here is a Reno quake.
(click to enlarge)

Please read the whole thread.. every page is full of very very important info... (9/11, the 2004 tsunami, the Columbia disaster...)


[edit on 5-5-2008 by danman23]

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 05:04 PM
Wow thats sure interesting, I think we need just that little bit more evidence though. Only a little bit though
Eve once the answer of who theres the question of why that remains unanswered though =[

Great work Dan

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 05:49 PM
I have had a nagging in the back of my brain, trying to convince myself that the swarms i have felt (more than 5000 shakes in under 70 days), and still counting, that they are natural..... except that the scientists dont have a clue, and "all the news agencies are saying to prepare for a 6.0 or a 7.0.
I cant understand why so many of these quakes are less than 1 km below the ground (they show as 0.0 km), and if you went over the entire patterns from the 4.7 we had on the 25th, they are building in depth now, and we are still experiencing over 25 a day...
I live less than 2 miles from the epicenters of these, and it is EXTREMELY nerve-wracking, when most people cant feel a 1.5 unless they are on top of it, but when you live on the epicenters, every 1.0 and bigger, start with a "CLUNK", kinda like if yu had a metal pipe a few feet into the ground, and sticking out a few feet, then hit the base of exposed pipe, it resonates a very very distinct sound, that i have nevr heard before (ive felt earthquakes in NY and CA), but maybe its because now i am on top of the site..... very starnge, and all i want is "1 NIGHT OF SLEEP UNINTERUPTED"

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 06:09 PM
I have also been watching the Earthquakes closely. The Nevada area is a low-lying area unless I miss my guess. Something which was quite solid when the surrounding mountains pushed up. Perhaps something well anchored in the region? .. this is just speculation, mind you.

Swarm Earthquakes are generally magma movement. They are going on with great gusto in Baha, CA around Reno, NV, and up in Alaska esp. the Aleutians.

The Pole is moving; heading for Siberia, Russia ... I am glad they have lots of furry coats; -- as for us, things will warm further.

The "item" which is "the pole" within the Earth is likely somewhat like a gyroscope, but of the size and configuration I have no clue. I suspect, however that as it moves it's "bulk" under the surface it is encountering points of resistance.

Magma is like underground grease. Perhaps all these swarm quakes we are seeing are the friction points of the magnetic gyroscope as it continues to tilt more toward Siberia and away from the US? ..

Anyone else with an idea? or two? or more? ? ?

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Serendipity7

Actually.. I am pretty sure that on NPR a scientist was saying that the earthquakes were not caused by lava flow.. that is what is so weird about the quakes in Reno.. I'm not 100% thats what was said.. it was just relayed to me. and I can't find any articles about it.. anyone else find anything?

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:21 PM
cmon people. it doesnt take a genius to see that hit number 8 is dead center of an old caldera. The hits around it are potshots to see where the chamber is.

It does not take a lot of brainpower to clue in here. We are taking hits from an enemy either foreign or domestic.

The Chem trails contain barium salts and similarr things. The claim is they are to stop the planet from heating up. The truth is anyone thats been to a western trick shooting show can tell you they can bounce a shot off several plates.

What do you get when they want something to show up on an xray or in the digestive tract? Barium.

They are after the caldera since it will not be such a disaster as yellowstone. It will however wipe out the bread basket for a couple years.

Better think hard here folks I'm done giving clues.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by damntheptb

Hello damntheptb(excellent name I might add),

You are an on the site reporter!!! I want to know everything you know about the quakes there recently. If you could possibly get a video or audio recording of the rumbling that would be awesome!! If you could post it here that would be great.

What do you think is causing the quakes?

Do you think they are tunneling?

I'm really anxious to hear everything!!

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Serendipity7

Could you explain your theory further? Do you have any links for us about the pole shift? Some weird stuff is going on that's for sure.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by danman23

Earlier in this thread someone posted a list of all recorded 6.0+ mag quakes. It's interesting because between 1960-2001 the average was 4.1 I think, and the average between 2002-2008 is 34.5!!!!

Do you know when they started using HAARP? The author of that post speculated that maybe they started using it for earthquakes in 2002. Makes sense to me.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Illahee

WHOOOOOAAAA Cowboy!!! You think they are attempting to cause a SuperVolcano???

Let me see some additional info on this theory, and since you are full of clues on this matter, it's time to spill all the beans right now!!!

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Wow that earthquake stat is chilling considering >>When Jesus Christ's disciples asked Him what would herald His coming to rule all nations, He answered by first relaying a series of developments that would lead up to the grand climax of the present age: religious deception, wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes (Matthew 24:3-8; Mark 13:3-8; Luke 21:7-11).

Jesus said that these were just the "beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:8, emphasis added throughout)—or, as the New International Version better renders this, the "beginning of birth pains." As birth pangs—or labor contractions—get stronger and closer together as delivery approaches, so these trends would appear with increasing intensity and frequency as the end of the age approached.

Literally more earthquakes of building intensity..

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Wow that earthquake stat is chilling considering >>When Jesus Christ's disciples asked Him what would herald His coming to rule all nations, He answered by first relaying a series of developments that would lead up to the grand climax of the present age: religious deception, wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes (Matthew 24:3-8; Mark 13:3-8; Luke 21:7-11).

Jesus said that these were just the "beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:8, emphasis added throughout)—or, as the New International Version better renders this, the "beginning of birth pains." As birth pangs—or labor contractions—get stronger and closer together as delivery approaches, so these trends would appear with increasing intensity and frequency as the end of the age approached.

Literally more earthquakes of building intensity..

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by BlackProjects

There certainly have been a lot of earthquakes in the last 5 or so years. A couple of really huge ones too. The Sumatra quake/Tsunami of 04' was one of the biggest ever recorded.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
reply to post by Illahee

WHOOOOOAAAA Cowboy!!! You think they are attempting to cause a SuperVolcano???

Let me see some additional info on this theory, and since you are full of clues on this matter, it's time to spill all the beans right now!!!

Yes they are attempting it. Notice the hits numbered 1,4,3 and 7 and the failure to complete the grid in the west direction. Now notice 10,14, 15,16,18 and 19 and the failure to complete the southeast direction. And 11,12,17 and 13, the direction of travel the caldera has already been over.

Now notice two deliberate attempts to cause the eruption. First the 8 hits inside and on the east of the caldera's cap. the position of highest probability for a surface vent. Now notice the 5 hits in a row attempting to cut down one side of the caldera to make a little rip. Now notice most of the odd hits are northeast of the caldera where the hottest part of the magma chamber is being sounded out in an attempt to locate it.

Is it starting to make sense now? Think about everything above and look at the grid each time.

Now think about this. If you wanted to nuke somebody but you didn't want to get caught.......... but the grids there now isn't it. And I spilled the beans now didn't I?

[edit on 5-5-2008 by Illahee]

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