posted on May, 3 2008 @ 06:11 AM
Originally posted by 5ealchris
I think the media is trying to portray her as the canidate to vote for.
And it looks like its working. She is gaining momentum over obama.
Maybe its caused by media portrayeal? Who knows.
I actully noticed this also.
It has everything to do with the media man!!!
They will make the American public vote for who ever they want in office...
Just look at how they push the issue with Obama's former pastor.... Obama doesn't have the same views as that guy... That guy is just riding off of
Obama's coat tails... And the media is sucking it up and programming us to believe it's bad Obama even knows him... Even I'm starting to think
it's a bad idea Obama was involved with him... But I know it's a programmed issue which shouldn't determine Obama's worth...
That's just one example...
Also, my grandmother watches a lot of news... I hate it personally... But seeing as I take care of her, I am around the news 24 hours a day it
seems... I've noticed the news is repeated here 2 or 3 times... Anyone knows that when you repeat something you are performing a type of hypnotism...
Look it up if you don't believe me... Repetition is a way to program... Also the way they inter twine the repeats it's as if you are watching a new
show... I catch myself complaining about the same issue I just saw an hour ago, then I snap out of it and get a little ticked off... I realize it's a
repeat of what I just watched... And the more I see of the news or hear it, over and over and over, slowly but surely, anyone who is unaware, could be
persuaded... It's basically whatever all the major news channels are saying... Whoever they feel is more important seems to gain in the polls... They
push push push and change views...
I can see how Obama can shake his head and be like, damn man what is wrong with people... I know your pain man, but most of the world is blind,
that's why nothing can change and probably won't... I predicted a long long long time ago, even wrote a post, I predicted Obama McCain with McCain
for the win... Recently I heard it appears voters will vote for McCain if things go sour on the Democratic side, which seems to be happening according
to the news.. interesting... If the news says the Democrats are wacky, then they must be... If they are wacky then who is the only other choice?
McCain... So who wins in the end? McCain... Then this will open up a new can of worms... I won't go into this much further...