posted on May, 2 2008 @ 06:13 AM
I have a Chomskian message to all those biased people out there, who think that Iran is currently the source of all chaos and misery in Iraq. This
post is mainly about the bias in reporting and thinking in western world.
As Iranian military support to Iraqi resistance groups is now a hot issue, I'd like to remind you about few things - this is basically what Noam
Chomsky tends to say in almost every speech and paper he puts out, and those familiar with his teachings will not find anything new from this post.
Anyway, why can US give support to various 'freedom fighter' groups around the world, whose sole purpose is to break down the existing government
and establish a new one? Why cannot Iran do the same? Moreover, they have every reason to do so, because Iraq is it's neighbouring country and United
States - if Iraq is ever stabilized - could use it as a stepping stone in attack against Iran and other surrounding countries?
So the question is, why in media and general thinking it is allowed for United States to support various violent groups, but no other country is
allowed to do same?
I don't accept the Iranian support to violent groups, but neither I do accept similar actions by US. So, if the United States can do it, so should be
Iran free to do it.
Fair game above all.