posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:53 AM
I am purchasing my first handgun in a month, and was wondering what you guys would suggest? Iam getting a handgun for home protection, and for
recreation, and was thinking about the cost effective High Point C9 handgun with a laser and compensator. Does anybody on here have any suggestions
for me, or experiences with this type of handgun? I was also thinking of getting a .38 or a .45 revolver, no specific brand in mind, do you have any
suggestions or experiences with that type of gun also? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've done some research on the High Points and they
seem to have a bad rep. Why? Iam 205lbs. and about 5'11", with small hands, what would you suggest?
Iam also thinking of a .22 mag rifile, for my first rifile, any suggestions?
Please keep in mind I am on a tight budget, so cost is a big thing for me, but I won't mind spending a little extra for the right firearm.
I apollogize to the mods if this is on the wrong board, I thought this one would fit.
[edit on 1-5-2008 by schism85]