posted on May, 3 2008 @ 09:10 PM
My problem is wondering what kind of person Obama really is to be such close friends with this man. Does he agree with him? Does he share those same
hateful views of America? Those are the questions that bother me about this man and Obama.
Do you agree with all of your friends opinions? Do you agree with all of your pastors opinions? Are you not on ATS (a community that is known for it
fringe attitudes)?
I may sound like I am defending Obama for this, but I think Colmes has a point in this segment.
In this situation, two things are ridiculous.
1. Rev. Wright. He is a living parody of himself. How in Gods green Earth does a man get rich scheming people and preaching filth?
2. The idea that politicians must agree with whoever they shake hands with. Being friends with someone with unpopular views is not like taking a
campaign donation (bribe) from this same person. Now, Obama can't extract any votes from Wright so I won't worry about him changing America to
something more suitable for Wright.