posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:11 PM
The first time I saw police officers dressed in black, in full riot gear, (about 6 years ago) I immediately thought of Nazi Germany. They were all in
formation, standing in the same wide-leg stance, with huge boots, shields, face shields, helmets, etc. That's when I knew that our police forces were
trying to intimidate the citizens.
If you don't understand that police dressing this way is intimidating, I think you should check to make sure you're still alive and not in a coma.
Of course, it's intimidating. Of course, the cops want to intimidate you. These are not the cops we grew up with, they are much different now. They
needlessly kill children, babies and the physically and mentally handicapped, even little old ladis. All of these things are documented right here on
ATS, in fact. Their tactics used to be to try and get the arrestee to cooperate with the police, by using tact and psychological measures. But these
new guys remind me of Nazis, truly. And they have the same attitudes as the Nazis, with no compassion or respect for the poor, handicapped, children
or the elderly.
Even cops I've come across who are old-timers say this. It's a whole new era for police work.
DGTempe, thanks for posting this. Though I've known about this for some years now, this confirms it and I think it's important that folks know about
this for their own self-protection. Good find.