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I don't mind a NWO!!

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posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 07:24 PM
The world is upside down,the human race needs to start again.

one god,one government,one economy

hail the NWO!

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:27 PM
i can see what your saying, we definitely need a new start...the only way the NWO would be a good thing is if they enacted new technologies and cultural systems where we were not harming one another or the planet and also if the monetary system is completely abolished. if they were nice enough to let us use free energy, free fuel, and food, then we would not have to work, making like incredible, so yea, if that happens then i totally agree. but guess what, im sure the NWO is going to make life an even worse hell than the one we currently live your insane.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:16 PM
You know I’m also in favor a little bit of having a one government and everything.
It would stop wars, everyone would be able to travel freely around the globe, and finally visit places. There wouldn’t be so much hatred, and suffering. We would have an improved economy.

I don’t know that’s IMHO.

As long as the bad ones don’t get so entangled into it and try to control it then I don’t see a problem with a unity of earth.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:22 PM
Well the old one is not working to well, so maybe a new one will be better, but I feel like the us should close the borders, no one leaves or comes in. I say we try this for a while. no flights in or out!

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:29 PM
I also probably understand why people thought that it might be needed, but the result (as history shows constantly) can be worse then reasons for its creation. When people cannot vote with their feet and leave the system if it becomes too corrupt (and absolute power corrupts absolutely ,as someone very wise noted) and unjust - it does not have any chance to regulate itself. And a complex cumbersome bureaucratic system without negative feedback of any kind - scares me a lot. Even more then nukes spread threat, which is probably the reason it is implemented now.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:14 PM
If the law of attraction is right then the final outcome of this global domination would be negative in polarity and inefficient. It would fail because it's all based on lies and deception. Government, like anything else, can't be forced at the tip of a gun. I can lay out 1000 reasons to have a global "organizing" force to uplift humanity, but it should never be coerced or forced. It should be established the same way America is generally thought to have been founded, by the people who are to be governed.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by mikerochip666
The world is upside down,the human race needs to start again.

one god,one government,one economy

hail the NWO!

I'm not going to listen to someone named Mikerochip666

One government would be awesome but it sucks if they install a chip, then I'll be beheaded instead.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:29 AM
I agree with the one government thing! However if there is only one, they will want to put all their views across including what they want to do with the world. It could end in disaster!

The chip thing is just another conspiracy about global enslavement

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:50 AM
"The world is upside down," (You start out good and I agree up to this point) the human race needs to start again.

one god,one government,one economy

hail the NWO!

"ONE GOD" We already have that and I don't want ANY government telling me they've chosen another one for me!!!!!!

"ONE GOVERNMENT" Problem is, the one the NWO has in mind for us is a communist type of oligarchy. I enjoy my freedoms (such as this website) too much to submit to such a thing.

"ONE ECONOMY" One economy with the ultra rich in charge. No thanks!

Why would anyone just kick back and allow people like David Rockefeller take over the world and destroy the USA (as if he's not already doing it). The blood of hundreds of thousands has been spillled to create and sustain this once great nation. It needs to be saved, not surrendered!

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