posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by dcmb1490
It's a false colour (as all images from HiRISE), the IRB images are made with the infrared, red and blue channels instead of the red, green and blue
because the camera does not have two separate filters for green and blue, it has only a green+blue filter.
The "ice" you see on the crater rim is not ice, it's a type of rock very common on Mars (in the humble opinion of someone that has downloaded 1134
HiRISE images, me
This is that crater (if I am not mistaken) viewed at 50% zoom with IAS viewer (if you are interested in HiRISE images I strongly suggest you donwload
it, it's the best way of seeing those huge images).
This is a link to the 100% zoom image of that crater (that I don't know if its
really a crater).
Edit to add the same image as above but in its RGB version, with 50% zoom.
And a link to the
100% zoom image.
I also thought it could be interesting to see the greyscale image because it shows a bigger area (the colour sensors only show the central part of the
This is an image from that area at 25% zoom to show why I don't think that is a crater.
[edit on 1/5/2008 by ArMaP]