posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 07:05 PM
Hi Everyone,
I don't post here much but browse through from time to time. I can shed some light on Rosicrucianism in general and various existing Rosicrucian
To start, I quote the original Rosicrucian ideal , as stated in the Fama and Confession: "A brotherhood, working in secrecy, focused on a sincere
inner development of its members, thereby affecting the world at large, without any interest of financial gain".
Someone mentioned the Golden Dawn, yes its a Rosicrucian order but the links to it were not from the main group of the Order. Todays GD and the old
are linked through Israel Regardie who was part of both and the spirit/ideal is the same today. Chic and Sandra Cicero were students and friends of
the late Dr. Regardie.
The SRC is an excellent related body which is officially part of the first but is not strictly classic GD having added a bit (and done so well) to the
Rosicrucianism is an ideal and many groups ascribe to these ideals but the above are real Magical, Teaching Orders that have the highest standards and
really great people. If anyone is interested in Religions/Mysticism/Spirituality/God/The nature of the Universe/Comparative religion etc.. in short a
seeker; the above links will lead to open minded non dogmatic people of good character. I cannot vouche for other bodies.
Yes, I'm an insider and it's been so amazing.
Best Wishes in LVX,
PS I suppose I should mention Crowley or Frater P as he is known to us. Crowley has a less than stellar reputation and was actually expelled from the
Golden Dawn. He went on to join and eventually greatly influence the OTO. While much of his writing can be very inspiring and is full of gems that can
touch off insights in the
student, he can also toy with the reader badly and had some very poor personal characteristics. Read Crowley with a grain of salt.
[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Frater]
[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Frater]