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Rosicrucians, what are they?

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posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 10:56 AM
I've heard Rosicrucians being discussed along with other secret groups. An Internet search makes it look like a religion.

I'm hoping some of the more learned folks here will help me determine the if the Rosicrucians are part of the power structure of the world.

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 11:01 AM
from what I have heard of them, they are a religion, supposedly a very old one, dating back to ancient times in egypt. They also dabble in mysticism...but that's all I know.

here's a link that suggests the conspiracy thing:

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 11:02 AM
Thanks, world watcher, for that link!

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 11:05 AM
They also were the basis for the Masons I believe.
Some info on them here:
The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 11:10 AM
I almost got involved with them when I was fifteen..(looooong time ago) anyway, The book that was giving to me by a friend of my Dads, actually got me interested in the metaphysical realm (one of the stories the book had, started out with a man in his living room staring at a fireplace, and then finding himself "in another reality"
So I got interested in Astral Projection, meditation , etc.
Sorry I really gave no info on the Rosicrucians, just their effect on me at the time.

But I offer their home page

[Edited on 27-2-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 04:22 PM
I have a suspicion they are the invisible side of the Freemasons. In fact I think they possibly came up with the name Freemasons. I have looked into thier sites some also and see nothing but a holy religion at first glance.

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 06:37 PM
Here's another site that conncects them with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn:

Their official site does seem like just a religion, but since Rosicrucianism has several branches, maybe the Free Mason branch is the secret one.

Ummm, look at their symbols, all those circles and triangles.

"Francis Bacon played a vital role in restoring the practice of Freemasonry as an expression of Universal Wisdom and Law. Masonry presented an alternative to authoritarian religion based on ritual, the application of philanthropy, and modern scientific thought. Bacon and his initiates used emblems, symbols, unique words and poetry to inspire an enlightened approach to religion based on ancient teachings. These images point out some of the rituals and themes found in the Shakespeare plays.

symbols displace with this quote

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 06:50 PM
they kill people if you choose to leave theyre group...
thats how my great grandmother died....

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster000
they kill people if you choose to leave theyre group...
thats how my great grandmother died....
How awful...sound like more than a religion to me!

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:15 PM
its a black religion or something

my grandfather told me....they worship bad things

but in theyre eyes its a good thing

well i never really knew her oh well

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:17 PM
No, it is not black religion.

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Kronos
No, it is not black religion.

No, it appears to be much, much more!!!
From the above link:

"Tradition of Mystery Schools

The Lectorium Rosicrucianum is a modern organization in the sense that its message is adapted to the strongly individualized consciousness of twentieth and twenty-first century humanity. However, it has deep roots in the past, for it is part of the long and ancient tradition of Mystery Schools, and is a development of earlier impulses of spiritual awakening such as those of the gnostics, Albigenses, Cathars and classical Rosicrucians of the 17th century."

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by CookieMonster000
they kill people if you choose to leave theyre group...
thats how my great grandmother died....

I also read that if you join, it is a nonrefundable life time membership. And that you should know for sure you want to join before you do.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 07:05 PM
Hi Everyone,

I don't post here much but browse through from time to time. I can shed some light on Rosicrucianism in general and various existing Rosicrucian orders.

To start, I quote the original Rosicrucian ideal , as stated in the Fama and Confession: "A brotherhood, working in secrecy, focused on a sincere inner development of its members, thereby affecting the world at large, without any interest of financial gain".

Someone mentioned the Golden Dawn, yes its a Rosicrucian order but the links to it were not from the main group of the Order. Todays GD and the old are linked through Israel Regardie who was part of both and the spirit/ideal is the same today. Chic and Sandra Cicero were students and friends of the late Dr. Regardie.

The SRC is an excellent related body which is officially part of the first but is not strictly classic GD having added a bit (and done so well) to the curriculum.

Rosicrucianism is an ideal and many groups ascribe to these ideals but the above are real Magical, Teaching Orders that have the highest standards and really great people. If anyone is interested in Religions/Mysticism/Spirituality/God/The nature of the Universe/Comparative religion etc.. in short a seeker; the above links will lead to open minded non dogmatic people of good character. I cannot vouche for other bodies.

Yes, I'm an insider and it's been so amazing.

Best Wishes in LVX,


PS I suppose I should mention Crowley or Frater P as he is known to us. Crowley has a less than stellar reputation and was actually expelled from the Golden Dawn. He went on to join and eventually greatly influence the OTO. While much of his writing can be very inspiring and is full of gems that can touch off insights in the
student, he can also toy with the reader badly and had some very poor personal characteristics. Read Crowley with a grain of salt.

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Frater]

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Frater]

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 07:21 PM
i will tell yu all something that very few people know
einstein was a rosicrucian
i have met with those who also say he discovered the theory of relativity while meditating

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 09:04 PM
They weren't originally a religious order... they were learned individuals who gathered together for the scholarly persuit of knowledge along the lines of religion and occultism, but the Rosicrucians itself wasn't a religion.

Eventually, however, it was currupted from within. The idiot Crowley started to convince the others that his way was better, and so we now have the Golden Dawn emerging from what was once a great learning center.

As far as the freemasons go, yes, you are right. The freemasons is an off-shoot of the Rosi's... so is the Knights Templar.

The Rosicrucians themselves can trace their beginnings to the Egyptian Gnostics, who got their start from the Essenes, who got their start from the Chaldeans (who started Sumeria).

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 06:06 AM
Robert Fludd was the Rosicrucian who created Freemasonry, but other than the symbols we use and the same enlightenment which we seek, oh and the temples, I believe the similarities end there.

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 08:15 AM
Does anyone know if there's a connection between Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland and the Rosicrucians?

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 12:13 PM
I was watching something and it briefly mentioned something about a Rosicrucian text that had to do with 'making yourself invisible.' For some reason my mind puts a woman next to the text, so I think a woman wrote it. I looked online but found nothing, Frater, or anyone else, can you confirm the existence of a text that has to do with rendering yourself invisible?

posted on Mar, 8 2004 @ 12:16 PM
There is a spell within the Lesser Keys of Solomon which instructs you how to make a talisman to render you invisible. Think it dealt with frog parts, too... can't be sure, haven't read that in, oh, 14 years or so.

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